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Everything posted by tgw

  1. yes, that part of the story stands out. points to an inside job. I would report the case to the cybercriminality division of the police, along with the report from November. Either an inside job or criminal negligence. Also, the account should be easily traceable. I'd bet on inside job.
  2. well, that's no on both accounts, both properties are way higher than 10cm above sea level. anyone who watched "Magnum" (the original) would know that. maybe you aren't familiar with centimeters though - 10cm are a bit less than 4 inches. too bad you (allegedly) won't be seeing me calling out your BS.
  3. please make your evidence available for peer review: - list of transactions for coastal properties less than 20cm above sea level - name of buyers and sellers - a description of said persons' status within the group of "people that own/run the world" - copy of transaction records, along with beneficial owner documentation where necessary - copy of bank loans - copy of insurance policies.
  4. And there is your problem. On what basis do you deny it? Do you have proof that there is no change in the climate? I'm a climate change sceptic. But my scepticism towards man-induced climate change has been declining in the face of the increasing supporting data.
  5. wow. jump from thermodynamics to comparing super-complex meteorology to a known phenomenon that spans over centuries, trying to make a point (maybe? which point?) without any arguments. Manipulative populist drivel. maybe it's time to visit TOP CHAROEN.
  6. "evolution" does not mean the same thing as "apparition of life". Evolution has been observable and is a proven theory, but it doesn't explain everything. And just because science can't explain everything, it's not a reason to turn to sci-fi fantasy.
  7. so you want to make this point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_as_fact_and_theory#Evolution_as_theory_and_fact_in_the_literature I suspect the statements about evolution being a fact were/are made under duress in response to opponents wanting to first discredit the theory to then push their political agenda, manipulating the simple minds with propaganda and religious populism. I guess saying "theory is fact" is a misguided oversimplification to try to reach the "base" and convey the message that many facts support the theory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_as_fact_and_theory#Evolution_as_a_collection_of_theories_not_fact
  8. Science and scientific theories do get misused for political gain and power though.
  9. nothing wrong with big bikes, and nothing wrong with a relatively small minority of big bike riders - sadly. the majority of big bike riders I see drive too fast, too aggressive, have annoying mods on their exhausts that sound like the moto 500cc grand prix when going just 35 kph. last example was today when a group of three came up behind me in the city, drove way too close to me before squeezing me towards a car, forcing me to brake to let the d*ckheads pass. I can only hope nobody else will get hurt when they will likely meet their fate around some pole or against a truck.
  10. huh? theory is theory, that's it. for many things, there is just a theory as an explication, sometimes just a single theory, along with "that's the best we could do". I really don't see which hairs you are splitting here. Maybe read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory So no, a scientific fact is different from a scientific theory. The words are different and have a different meaning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact#In_science So "theory accepted as fact" is not a scientific wording. Maybe you mean a theory that is "widely assumed to be true" and therefore taught in schools. In contrast, things that have zero chances of being true tend to not get taught in science courses.
  11. The theories you mentioned were taught to me as theories. Maybe the problem stems from science sometimes being taught by morons and sometimes being taught to morons ? And when morons teach to morons, such things as flat earthers are born ?
  12. if you think Big Macs are bad in Thailand, I'm curious what you would say about the same in France.
  13. it's not the banker's fault, but unwillingness to provide a small service is reason enough to change banks, if there is a better alternative.
  14. A couple of months after they opened, I had a couple of pizzas there too and same as you, wasn't impressed. The crust was too dry, too wide - about 2 to 3 inches of large, slightly blackened dough bubbles - and not enough toppings. Might give them another try though, maybe they have improved greatly.
  15. lol - kind of defeats the intent of forum recommendations value is not about cheap. but I don't need to explain that to you. wanted: good pizza that makes one full with a honest price based on what the pizza actually costs to make, not based on the perception of how fat the customers' wallets are. of course, places that are specialized in making pizza to order will have a price advantage.
  16. what about value and size ?
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