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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. it was also reported that no one fell asleep during the session, went to the bathroom for a quick snort, played Chicken Run on their mobile, updated their Facebook page with their umpteenth selfie, ate som tam or durian, gratified themselves with a look at certain websites, did not call each other names or threaten to scratch eyes out. All in all very quiet, but no entertainment value...

    • Like 1
  2. I can imagine a particular group watching the parade from the sidelines and commenting:

    nudge, nudge: "him!", "yes, me too, and the one next to him", "That one, I'm seeing him tomorrow with an envelope", "what's your estimate?", "about 90% positive, give or take", "555, very funny!", "It's nice to see them all together, they should get out more often..."

  3. Thirteen children aged between one and 12 were among 35 Afghan Sikh immigrants found in a shipping container at Tilbury Docks, Essex Police have said.

    They are classified as "immigrants" from the start, not "asylum seekers", or "fugitives". An immigrant Is: a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence (Merriam-Webster). All right UK, time to squeeze just that tiny bit more, no sweat.

  4. Wow, what did Thaksin do wrong to receive all this negativity?

    Seems like a nice airport.
    Skytrain is pretty cool.
    The 30 baht per visit medical program seems to help many in need.
    Everyone benefited from the economic recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
    Reducing poverty from 21.3% to 11.3% is a good thing I think.
    Balancing the national budget and producing fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005 would be considered fiscally responsible.
    Foreign exchange reserves doubling seems like a success.
    Government Lottery for education would have not only reduced illegal gambling, but provided education for those in need.
    Privatizing MCOT and increasing freedom of speech seems like a move in the right direction.
    Student Loan Fund (SLF) helping low income students get an education with low interest rates was nice.
    Supporting Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project was a cool idea.
    Wholesale power pool competition in the energy markets lowering these costs would tend to benefit the people.
    Introducing Islamic law and making Pattani-Malay (Yawi) an official language in southern region seemed like a start to help reduce conflict there.
    Transformation of the government department, ministries, and provincial governors operating style of the traditional bureaucracy into a more results-oriented instrument would have been awesome.
    Crackdown on mafia crime was long overdue.
    Profit agreements with Cambodia on the huge oil potential in the gulf of Thailand could have made Thailand energy independent.

    you have a lot more posts than I do, so you should know that people here just hate him.

    Even if he is not the real problem.

    The real problem is the hate...

    No, the real problem is arrogance, impunity and face,...hate is just the end result.

    • Like 1
  5. Build a National Corruption Museum, with life-size wax effigies of famous corruptors in scenes where they were caught red-handed. A special section dedicated to the BiB, with quotes from famous politicians sanctioning corruption as being part of Thainess. Exhibitions of bribe coercing, taking and spending with a thorough explanation of effects on Thai people and culture. Roadshows to bring the museum to all parts of the country and, lastly, mandatory fieldtrips for school kids as part of their graduation.

    Dream on

  6. Not much different to the US government televising a young lady talking about Iraqis throwing babies out of their incubators in Kuwait.  That worked well enough to inflame the US citizens when they wanted a war with Iraq.  But the Bush government was never brought to heel over the fact that she was the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat and a liar.

    reminds me of movie "wag the dog" with Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman


    Shortly after Sweden was recognized as having the worst record in the European Union for employing foreign non-EU citizens, the country’s Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag announced plans to investigate the process of eliminating the word from all of its legislation.

    Well, Sweden:


    1. someone will have to have the "worst" record on a list of countries, no way around it

    2. will the EU sanction you for employing the least amount of non-EU citizens?

    3. how do you fight racism, when you can't even define the concept in a law?


    you once were Vikings, now you are Weaklings

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