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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. "Experts say there are armed elements on both sides of Thailands bitter political divide"

    Why are all the arrests, land confiscations, and corruption charges reds? Yes, they tagged the creator of the yellows for charges very similar to the Thaksin conviction (with a much longer prison sentence, and which curiously he will never serve), but... They even said the experts know, meaning everyone knows. I am all for curbing militant factions (yes, there are peaceful reds and militant yellows -- SHOCK). I am all for curbing corruption -- both sides. I am all for reducing misery -- both sides. Where are the PDRC arrests for stabbing a man when he was with his pregnant wife and 'violated' the cones the guards illegally put on the road? Where is the arrest of the perps from the man from Lumpini park who was kidnapped and tortured for a week, and then wrapped up and thrown in a klong to die? Where are the arrests for the bus that was burned in Dong Mueng and a boy burned to death inside? Where is the land reclamation from Suthep's son who has taken land on Ko Samui and encroached?

    WHERE ARE THESE ARRESTS? They are, and will be -- no where, EVER.

    What about what is NOT happening...anyone?

    But... but SUTHEP!

    Pathetic diversionary post, by the way, the "bus that was burned in Dong Mueng and a boy burned to death inside" is a complete fabrication; that no PDRC members involved in violence have been arrested is another.

    Why is it a diversionary post?

    The rhetorical questions that the poster asks are legitimate.

    A 'rhetorical question' is asked for effect only, not for answers. If you are not sure of the meaning of a word, don't use it. It makes you look silly.

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  2. 'Ebola' is just a storm in a teacup compared to 'Officials'!

    Thailand is at risk from Officials, an insidious, highly contagious and deadly disease. Early symptoms include spouting of nonsensical comments, denials, pomposity, kneejerk reactions and nose digging. Later (the timeframe varies), the symptoms develop into full-blown corruption, apathy, budgetary fiddling, cover-ups and bleeding of the national treasury. The origin of Officials is unknown, however, many sign point to a country's culture of face and patriarchy in tandem with an underdeveloped immune system. Due to it's insidious nature in inducing apathy, Officials is not easy to detect and even harder to isolate. If left untreated Officials will result in a badly damaged economy, loss of reputation and confidence, lawlessness and finally breakdown of all systems. There is no cure, nor research for a cure and the disease will run it's course and leave either a much debilitated or dead victim in it's wake...

  3. I find it hard to believe that anybody would make jokes about this.

    Can you not imagine or feel any sympathy for the suffering that people must go through to make such a decision?

    Don't believe in euthanasia. It's a slippery slope that soon encroaches on who deserves to die. So, yes, I'll continue to ridicule this idea.

    imo, it's not a matter of belief, but a matter of self determination (which finishes in the termination of self - a most awful pun and not at all classy!)

  4. what an utter joy! I got my bank statement letter and updated account from the bank downstairs, got my q-number at 9am, and was finished at 10am. No more apartment pictures with room number clearly showing, no more pictures of marriage life, no more yearly updated Marriage document from Amphur, no more hand drawn map to residence, no more redundant goofyness. TM7, Bank letter, copy of account book, passport copy, tabien baan copy and all the originals, purest simplicity. Had to fill out and sign a sworn statement that says I am who I am and live where I live and stay in Thailand for retirement, that's all. Brought my wife along for the last time, in case they need to ask her about me converting from marriage to retirement extension, and even she commented on how easy and fast this was compared with before. Heck, I even went back for seconds and did my 90 day report as well. Altogether one hour, not bored at all.

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