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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. klauskunkel Posted 2014-03-17 17:44:28


    Meanwhile, the CMPO director said that he would not attend the Election Commission’s meeting to scrutinize the center’s budget, claiming that he was not the one responsible for the budget’s disbursement.

    Hearing this, the EC denies further budget requests...

    Then Chalerm accuses the EC of obstructing the CMPO's mission...

    Then the EC tells Chalerm to go and get therapy...

    After that we hear news of grenade attacks on EC members houses...

    Then the EC says it's all a big misunderstanding...

    Then Chalerm says: "hic!"

    looks like my first prediction is coming true, I'm pretty sure the last one is going to be self-fulfilling, about the four in the middle: wait and see...

  2. I love this!

    Thailand has Chalerm and Chuvit! Other countries must be boiling over with envy. Imagine the coming entertainment value: one day headline from Chalerm, the next day headline from Chuvit. For me, it can't get any better, my life is fulfilled, eternal bliss here I come.. (Ch & Ch forever!)

  3. Great idea!

    And if they are caught at the airport, they can pay tea money to the police, yup. The terrifying threat of an electronic bracelet will lead to post traumatic stress disorder and emotional scarring on the tender psyches of BKK cabbies.

    I suggest the District Court should tackle the issues of appropriate punishment for perps and law enforcement instead of providing a way out and another income stream for the BiB. But then we get this scenario: Bracelet vs. Headache...Bracelet vs. Headache...Bracelet vs. Headache..., hmmm: BRACELET wins (!) clap2.gif

  4. Paraphrased:

    "This is what I do for you, Phuket:

    I climbed a steep mountain by myself, I talk regularly with goats and tuk-tuks and I pick up garbage. So stop blaming me for doing nothing and start blaming the farangs as you should. Also, you have to understand that chaos undeniably happens, but you should not blame a person, place or situation, don't blame anything at all, just accept..., or, you can still blame the farangs. And about the passports missing, stolen and sold in Phuket, don't blame Phuket, or you make me mad...blame the farangs who come here with tempting passports! And now the most important part: Phuket needs a higher budget for me and more meetings, because I don't really like to climb steep mountains."

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  5. Mr. Surapong has been providing information to the foreign media about the current Thai political situation and said that if anything was changed in the Constitution, then the world would not accept it and it would bring chaos to Thailand.

    Excepting of course Pheu Thai doing the change in the constitution, which would be absolutely acceptable worldwide and bring prosperity to card carrying Pheu Thai members...

    I think firstly they should change the moniker "Constitution" and call it "Constipation", for it has swollen beyond recognition and is in dire need of an enema.

  6. Today Mr. Sek Wannamethee, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the Ministry will send an official letter to Fox News headquarters detailing Thailand's displeasure at Ms. Susteren's remarks.

    "She should not have hastily drawn up conclusion, or criticism, or comments without studying all the facts," Mr. Sek said, "Such action will also affect the credibility of Fox News, which is a leading news organisation in the US"

    What if, dear k. Sek, after studying all the facts, it had come to light that Thai officials deliberately withheld that information in order to sell it at a high price, which is after all what Thai officials do? Being called "jerk", "lame", "pathetic" and "inept" is not so bad by comparison...

    • Like 1
  7. Govt. is not responsible for failed election

    ...and that's the crux really: The Government is not responsible

    not responsible for election, not responsible for rice, not responsible for tablets, not responsible for flood mgmt., not responsible for Tsunami warning system, not responsible for human trafficking, not responsible for corruption and on and on...

    maybe it is time for a responsible government?

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  8. yes, Blasts may be political, but may be they are antisocial? or they could be ironical, even hyperbolical - for all we know they are just diabolical and not at all pathological...then again, how about controversial and illogical?

    One thing is for sure though, the police is on it, being as usual ineptical and a waste of timeical, spouting statements nonsensical.

  9. The Thai police again not knowing what to do...the poor fellas

    establish a checkpoint, then about 200-300 meters position some more officers...problem solved, dummies

    Ain't you bright. And exactly what do those redundant officers see that tips them off? Even if two fully operating check points were established a few hundred meters apart they could be worked around in the same way. How long to you think this double-up would be a surprise strategy? Heck the same cab driver could do it and simply charge more for needing to walk further (or he could catch a cab smile.png ) Also there is not unlimited police manpower.

    don't be so negative, techboy. All the BiB has to do is adapt to new situations, be creative and experiment. Instead they complain when someone found a workaround to their old strategies. As for the unlimited manpower, just employ all those cops on inactive posts. tongue.png

  10. What I see in this article is a plea to Thaksin for funding. Ko Tee is the loudest dog in the pack and he wants to get paid, is all really.

    "Look Thaksin, how loud I can bark (give me money). I threaten everybody for you and Yingluck (give me Money). I am a force to be reckoned with (give me MONEY). I am ready for action (give me MONEY)."

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