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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Headline:

    Survey shows 44 percent of Thai youths have tried electric baraku smoking

    When in fact:

    A recent random survey of 2,426 Thai youths aged between 13-18 shows that 78 of them knew about electric baraku and 44 percent of them admitted that they had tried electric baraku smoking before.

    It's not "44% of Thai youths". it's 44% of 78 youths

    Thai PBS, The Broadcaster You Can Trust...yup!

    • Like 1
  2. Ms. Chantima told Mr. Somchai that the snakes were likely a manifestation of an enraged snake goddess who is seeking "revenge" on his family for the crimes humans have committed against snakes. The necromancer suggested that Mr. Somchai build a shrine dedicated to the snake goddess in his home and surround his property with smaller statues of snakes to symbolise the children of the sacred goddess. Ms. Chantima said a religious ceremony is also needed to appease the snakes’ anger, and to pass good merits to their spirits in the afterworld.

    Also Ms. Chantima said an advisory fee of 10,000 baht is necessary to avoid angry necromancers descending on the village next.

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  3. He expressed hope that the Criminal Court would issue arrest warrants for the PDRC’s 80 core members, including protest leader Suthep Thuagsuban, to be requested by CAPO tentatively on May 10.

    CAPO: We are now definitely tentatively searching to seek arrest warrants, but we are not so sure if we will actively request them or just imply through the grapevine that there is a need, or not. Furthermore, we are not quite ready yet to proceed with any possible or probable request and so some deliberation may be in order, but then again may be not. Also, we seem to have misplaced the information on where to request such a request, if such a request becomes necessary at all in the first place. Lastly, we all need a raise!

  4. Social responsibility is something really missing in Thailand!

    From the fire and smoke problems, driving, food chemicals, etc etc.

    Benefits for one are paramount and it does not matter if others suffers.........its sad and dangerous!

    What's also missing are penalties that fit the crime and law enforcement.

    • Like 2
  5. Four policemen were taken into custody after the 34-year-old woman filed a complaint saying she had been raped in the police headquarters overnight on Tuesday.

    According to judicial officials, the woman met the officers during a night of heavy drinking at an Irish pub frequented by many police from the headquarters, which is widely known by its address: 36, Quai des Orfevres.

    Stupid Police:

    - If you take someone to HQ, it's for questioning, not hanky-panky. If it's for questioning, you ensure a female officer is present and everything is recorded all the time.

    Claptrap & Nonesense. Absolutely no requirement for male police to have female police present during interview with female suspect.

    I said "ensure" not "required", it's the smart thing to do, so you don't fall into a claptrap, Mr. neverdie

  6. Four policemen were taken into custody after the 34-year-old woman filed a complaint saying she had been raped in the police headquarters overnight on Tuesday.

    According to judicial officials, the woman met the officers during a night of heavy drinking at an Irish pub frequented by many police from the headquarters, which is widely known by its address: 36, Quai des Orfevres.

    Stupid Police:

    - If you take someone to HQ, it's for questioning, not hanky-panky. If it's for questioning, you ensure a female officer is present and everything is recorded all the time.

    - If it's for hanky-panky, take her to a hotel, dodos.

  7. No, Mr. Thaksin is not stupid - Mr. Thaksin is cunning and ruthless and single-minded and greedy who is an expert in playing the Thai system. Now, his son is more and more frequently in the news...combine this tidbit with a rich and powerful father characterized as above and you get a scenario for Thailand's future where I can't decide whether to howl at the moon, or dance a jig...please advise Mr. geriatrickd...

    Do you hold the same position for Abhisit? After all, Abhisit never really worked did he? How do you think he supported himself?

    Do you know hoe Abhisit obtained his seat in the House? In the west, such an appointment is often called patronage or parachuting a person into the position. You judge Oak harshly because his father is wealthy. Well, here's a news flash: So is my father. Does this automatically make me a "bad" person? Is it Oak's fault that his father loves him and took care of him? I appreciate that many westerners have difficulty with the concept of taking care of children and of parents, but this is a large component of Thai culture.

    I was asking for your advice whether to welcome or not to welcome a possible Thai future with Oak as a political leader. Instead I receive questions about Abhisit (?), what does that have to do with anything? And what's with the lecture on parenting? I think your train of thought has derailed.

    I was looking for wisdom and got hot air. Hm...have you ever been a politician?

    • Like 2
  8. Asked what were the main lessons learnt from the disaster, Jeon said Koreans had learnt that accidents could happen "any place, any time", so people have to be prepared

    Yes, they do.

    Another lesson learnt could be:

    Putting in place comprehensive safety measures and standards, adopting best practices from other countries and institutions, and rigorous enforcement of said measures and standards might just curb accidents a bit.

    When you have a history of allowing a ferry to overload, add superstructures without approval, neglect crew safety training, that might just promote accidents a bit.

  9. i seem to remember this lad was caught cheating in his university exam?

    Just laying the foundations for his political career, this guy could be P.M one day.

    This stupid boy is being groomed by his equally stupid father to be the next in line in the planned hereditary family dictatorship.

    His father is so stupid that he became wealthy in a country where a small oligarchy had previously controlled wealth. He is so stupid that he won a landslide election. He is so stupid that Abhisit and his puppet masters in the military could not silence him. He is so stupid that he had no trouble finding a place to stay and of being hired as an adviser.

    And meanwhile, you were stupid enough to come to Thailand where you jump through hoops to get your visa and denigrate and insult Thais you do not deem qualify for your acceptance. Okie dokie.

    No, Mr. Thaksin is not stupid - Mr. Thaksin is cunning and ruthless and single-minded and greedy who is an expert in playing the Thai system. Now, his son is more and more frequently in the news...combine this tidbit with a rich and powerful father characterized as above and you get a scenario for Thailand's future where I can't decide whether to howl at the moon, or dance a jig...please advise Mr. geriatrickd...

  10. Political Correctness:

    don't say this, don't do that...or you will be sued for millions and spend the rest of your life in the crapper.

    It's a government tool to promote and generate insecure and unconfident members of society, who can easily be manipulated. People who are confident in their abilities and secure in themselves don't get insulted by some generic remark, only when the insult is personal will you get a reaction. I don't get all huffed when someone says all Americans are ignorant, or all Germans rude, because I know I am neither.

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