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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. So now, instead of, give me 200Baht or I will issue a ticket, it will be give me 400Baht, or I will take you to court, where you have to pay 800Baht.thumbsup.gif

    and then the negotiations start:

    By the time you get me to court, you will loose out on 1000Baht of potential fines, so I pay you 200Baht and you continue hunting...

    (but maybe this is over the BiB's head, since it involves creative forward thinking and proactivity...giggle.gif )

  2. It's not "North Korea" that is committing these crimes. It's specific individuals in that government who are the criminals. So, UN, name these individuals publicly, if you have the balls, list them on a "most disgusting, heinous people alive" website, publish and broadcast...are you afraid they going to sue you?

    "North Korea is bad" will not raise an eyebrow, but "butterball with funky haircut tortures people to death daily and then dances a jig" may get more attention...

  3. >"...A firebrand hardliner..."

    If that is correct, what does that make AV, and Chuan Leekpai, etc., etc.

    The Media just cannot help itself, trying to denigrate leadership of the electoral majority elements.

    Makes me so respectful of the Thai electorate, who see through this smoke.

    Heard an interesting point from some Red Shirts this morning...With Thida marginally removed from UDD Leadership, although still the leading theoretician, could pave the way back for my hero, Arisman....The guy who initially knocked AV off his unelected, pretentious pedestal in Pattaya. Apparently Arisman and Thida were not the best of buddies.

    "The backdrop is a longstanding struggle between a royalist establishment, backed by the judiciary and the military, and Yingluck's billionaire family which has strong support in the northern half of Thailand"

    As usual, the media will always couch historical context within its' desired spin.......The struggle referenced in above quote was not with "Yingluck's billionaire family", but with the electoral Majority.

    The unelectable PAD-Dem's and anti-Democrats always try to hide their electoral futility and anti-Democracy impulses, and all the reasons for that, via misleading contextualization.

    Informed electoral observers and Political junkies are not fooled.

    Who's been writing your recent posts for you? Your "language" and "writing style" seem to have changed considerably.

    Well, he still uses favorite terms like "denigrate", which occur in 90% of his posts, that and him announcing Arisman as his hero (I can't determine if this was ironic...) makes me believe this is a genuine "Frysian boppe" post, valued on the open market at 5.95 baht. But, you are right, it seems less convoluted, however, more poetic in style: "pretentious pedestal in Pattaya" a real gem for an alliteration. clap2.gif

  4. "Something needs to be done! But we are soooo powerless...especially when dealing with Phuket's tuk-tuk government run by a "powerful, senior person" dressed in black! There is nothing we can do, we are sooo weak, booohooohooo! Can Mr Ban Ki Moon please come and help the Phuket police once he is finished in Bangkok? We will give him a free ride from the airport...oh, sorry, can't do that...we will give him a Rolex! Oh Buddah, the whole world is laughing at us, again."

    source: a high ranking Phuket police officer, dressed in pink

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  5. Hello,

    I've been doing extensions based on marriage for over 7 years. Thinking of changing this to retirement extension...

    My question is: what kind of supporting docs do I need? When looking at Imm Bureau Order 305/2551 for required documents, retirement section, I read:

    1. App form

    2. passport copy

    3. evidence of income, or

    4. fund deposit cert

    5. Only in the case of Criterion (6), the applicant must submit documents equivalent to Clauses 1-4 stated above

    What is criterion 6, is it relevant?

    What about proof of residence? It's not on the Order, is it needed? If yes, what is a correct proof of residence (my name is not on my wife's tabien baan)?

    If Imm does require a proof of residence and if they accept do a copy of my wife's tabien baan, will they still need proof of relationship (marriage cert), since my name is not on the tabien baan?

    Are there any other docs to be provided which they did not list on the order, like map to residence?

    What if, after retirement extension has been approved, there is a divorce, how would that affect future extensions in terms of supporting docs?

    sorry for repeat topic, I did "search" but found more questions...

  6. The CMPO chief however expressed concern over the anti-graft agency's decision on the government's rice pledging scheme, in which he said, will affect Ms Yingluck's premiership and bar her from performing her duty.

    In this case, he said a new caretaker prime minister will be appointed but must be one with public acceptance.

    Dr Pol Cap Labour Minister and Ex Dep PM Chalerm then continued saying that he would be humbly ready to accept such a burden if it ever became necessary. He said that he would make a fine Caretaker Prime Minister and would guarantee an end to each and all of the pesky problems plaguing Thailand, within a week (hic!).

  7. Thaksin Upset By Yingluck's 'Incompetent' Aides

    Well, they all got appointed by Thaksin anyway, from Yingluck on down...

    ...but what can you expect if the talent at Pheu Thai is comprised of thugs, oafs, drunks, two-faced liars, stooges and tools. The only redeeming guy is the transport minister, imo...he at least has qualifications and really seems to care about doing a good job (all the other cabinet ministers must be feeling upstaged by him...)

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