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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. He said there were three factors behind the idea of setting up a "Republic of Lanna". Firstly, people in the North were looked down upon by others, with the PDRC often referring to red shirts as "red water buffaloes". Secondly, the opposing group did not respect the law and there were double standards in the judicial system. The third reason, he said, was the undemocratic aspirations of the PDRC.

    I just love that first reason: because of name calling and lack of respect they want to set up a republic...well, respect is earned, not given...

  2. Greed is the reason for collapse of rice pledging scheme, says klauskunkel

    The government used the rice, which they did not own, to drive up the market price with a plan to skim from the top. This was done because there is no oversight, transparency or accountability and also because being unethical and greedy is a requirement for a cabinet position.

    Driving up the price didn't work, simply because traders bought cheaper rice from other rice producing countries with a click of the mouse. This was unanticipated by the government because as a rule they do not anticipate the future, they do not understand how mouse clicks work and because they never listen to anybody who knows better and also because being inept and unqualified is a requirement for a cabinet position.

    Now, after having gambled away the livelihood of Thailand's rice farmers, the government is left with a rotting stockpile of rice, no money, protests and carnage in the streets, no credibility and Chalerm. So, what's a government got to do? Blame, distort, lie, obfuscate, delay, deny, forget, point, smile, threat, confuse and above all continue being a government.

    ...and that's the reason for collapse of rice pledging scheme

    • Like 1
  3. That article makes no sense as, they talk about "Corruption", the PDRC has been yelling Corruption but the NACC, only charge Yingluck with "Negligence".

    Simple reason no Corruption could be found in Their investigation!


    Look here:

    There is no "corruption charge" per se, it is broken down into several offenses, like graft, abuse of power, malfeasance, negligence, nepotism etc., some can be broken down further. The rule of thumb is that if you use the power of office for anything else but for the benefit of the nation, then you are corrupt.

    To make things even clearer, let's look at "stupidity", this can be broken down as well: commenting without thinking, never looking at the big picture, extreme bias, emotion overruling reason etc., I'm sure you get my drift.

    You mean stupidity like in believing anything Suthep says? And believing the NACC, CC, courts and any other government institution (including RTP and RTA) are objective in this fight?

    No...I mean stupidity like in being so narrow-minded in your views that everything in your mindset is red vs. yellow, Suthep vs. Yingluck, to the exclusivity of everything else and extrapolating this mentality onto everyone you encounter (I am generalizing)

  4. Actually, I think this is a wonderful idea!

    Have the UN chief experience Thainess, inept government, oafish ministers, the PM married to Facebook and Chalerm first hand. I will give him 3 days before he strategically retreats home, all the way shaking his head in utter disbelief.

    Let's all give him a warm welcome.

    • Like 2
  5. But the PM accused the NACC of discrimination, saying that the agency had not made any progress with a corruption case against the Abhisit government, whereas it took only 21 days to investigate and press charges against her.

    Apples and oranges kiddo, you just have been waaayy too blatant and made the NACC's job much easier...you lack multitasking skills: when you are exercising your daily corruption you have to hide it at the same time... whistling.gif

  6. The NSC chief said former communists leaders were embedded within the PDRC corps

    Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, I don't know.

    I do know, however, that former communist leaders are definitely embedded within the Red Shirts/UDD...and very highly embedded, too...so highly embedded actually, I'm talking silk sheets and feather down...sleep on that Mr. NSC chief!

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