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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Provisional Internal Royal Thai Police Force Security Plan:

    1. All officers to stay at home and watch TV

    if you really, really have to go to one of the venues:

    2. stay far back, close to an escape route

    3. DO NOT RESPOND! (be busy on the phone with a look fixed to the horizon!)

    4. If you hear a loud noise "do a Chalerm" (run like hell)

    5., 6. and 7. are still being planned (suggestions via facebook are welcome)

  2. Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

    I agree and I recall the trial of the 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaou where the death sentence was requested by the prosecution. On May 3, 2006, a jury decided against the death penalty for Moussaoui. The next day, he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. As he was led out of the courtroom, Moussaoui clapped his hands and said, "America, you lost... I won." Judge Brinkema responded by telling him that he would "die with a whimper" and "never get a chance to speak again." They refused to make him a martyr and he now sits alone in a cell for the rest of his life.

    In the case of Zacarias Moussaou, there exists a chance he might be released in the future, since the future is not known...an execution is final.

    Re: martyrdom - that's just a religious myth invented by clerics to justify and glorify a fanatic's death to the rest of the herd "inspired" by it. "Martyrdom" is a human invention, a sham and a means to "reward" a follower's sacrifice with absolutely nothing.

    • Like 1
  3. Brilliant deduction Watson. Now can you tell us some we don't know. Like who did it.

    But some Thai Visa experts have determined that it was a crime of passion or a bad business deal anything but politics because that could implicate the gentle peace loving Suthep and his supporters.

    Personally I think I will go with the BIB on this one.

    If the victim were a farang, it would have been deemed a suicide attempt...

    • Like 1
  4. The commerce minister begged the EC to understand the need of the government to pay farmers who are suffering from late payment.

    He said if the EC is “cruel” and rejects its request, the government a contingency plan to cope with.

    The government gets it wrong a lot: they go begging at the wrong organization, they go to the wrong court for rulings that can't apply, they give special trade status to Montenegro..., but...

    ...they also get it right: hmmm, I had an example...it's on the tip of my tongue...ouch, damn, wrong country....uh, sorry...

    • Like 1
  5. There is just no stopping the steady production of oafs, fools and related talents for Thai leadership, be it red shirt, yellow shirt, or no shirt, protest groups or government. It's a steady stream of loud mouthed numb-nuts and dimwits vying for spotlight and position.

    I don't care anymore about who leads Thailand, I'm only now interested in the entertainment they can provide me. Thanks for the stand-up comedy however unintentional, especially thanks to Chalerm, that man is a classic!

  6. So where is the photo of Dirty Harry..... Can't wait for that one. Are they sure it wasn't a water pistol?

    Dirty Harry: I know what you're thinking. 'Did he fire six shots, or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being that this is a BB gun, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?


  7. 1. With all these unsurpassable talents, brain trusts and think tanks assembled to advise the PM, how can there be any doubt - the government will succeed in all their endeavors!

    2. Don't call it "War Room", a proper name is soooo important in politics! Call it like you name 90% of you parties and organizations, something "rak" (love)...I've got it: "Hong Rak". Can't ever stretch the love long enough to properly mislead the gullible.

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  8. Last night, a car broke through a police checkpoint into the protest site. Col Chusak said the driver has earlier broken a checkpoint outside the Bumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute in Phayathai district and get through another checkpoint to the protest venue but it was intercepted by police. Two men managed to escape the scene but one woman was nabbed.

    He said the group was believed to be member of drug or illegal cars smuggling rings.

    Mr Thaworn said the incident has nothing to do with or not intending to harm the protesters

    Now, if you are a criminal and if you have average intelligence, why on earth wouldn't you plan a route that avoids protest sites and checkpoints? Then again, ineptitude is not the sole domain of police and politicians...

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