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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Its not difficult to see where these yellow shirt protesters are heading.

    Anyone who is still supporting Suthep and the disgusting behaviour of these animals should be ashamed of themselves.

    Would your same disgust apply to the 2010 protests when the glorious peaceful supporters of democracy then were rioting, beating and killing people? I'm curious.

    There seems to be large scale condemnation of the protests now from TV supporters here, but were you also condemning the protestors in the same way a few years ago? Oh wait, you weren't here then most of you.


    The deminstrations against convicted crimal was a right cause.

    But what is happening in last few days have nothing to do with establishing democracy in this country.

    Current leader of opposirion would rather burn this place down, than be reasonable, and respect the law, which says there will be electiond in Feb.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Vdim, nothing to be ashamed off. I know many very nice Russians. Every nationality has it's share of <deleted> !

    Western countries are no exceptions ! I am very glad to see your participation in this absurd thread. I hope to

    see you in many more discussions here. Pattaya is for for all peace and respect loving people ...



    I have almost no friends in Pattaya, who are foreigners. But I have few. Two of my closest friends in Pattaya are Russians, both are here for training kickboxing. They are some of the coolest guys I ever ever met.

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  3. A BIG group of well pished Russian lads,there was a show scheduled for 9pm and they were harassing the people setting up,screaming,hitting the drums that were near them,like a big group of angry noisy spud headed splotch faced drunken children,

    as I shook my head at the GF and walked out I was regaled with "DAVAI SUKA,DAVAI SUKA",had to keep my temper,they weren't worth doing time in the Czech Republic for


    As you probably know, davai suka = cmon bitch.

    These are fighting words, in Russia, after a phrase like this, the dialogue ends abruptly, and it is fists and feet only.

  4. Yeah and then pardon all those hung for stealing sheep, loaves of bread etc etc the list goes on.

    No no,

    Let me clarify this for you,

    Stealing a sheep is theft, it is a criminal offence.

    Stealing bread is theft, it is a criminal offence.

    Why should thieves be pardoned?

    And what is this list, that you say goes on, please?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  5. My second call would have been to the local Russian Mafia, they have a way of dealing with this I am sure !!

    This can be a dangerous country if you hang out in the wrong places with the wrong people.

    By mafia you mean organized crime organisation, yes?

    There is no such thing as Russian mafia in Pattaya, or anywhere else in Thailand.

    There are some businesses, that are run by Russians, that does not make them members of mafia. They make payments in order to operate here, just like every other business owners do.

    The Russian women will get help from police, this a serious crime and very bad publicity. If it was a rape, and not transaction gone wrong, Pattaya police will make an effort to find these 3 Thai men. Russian crime victims are not ignored in Pattaya, most other nationalities crime victims are not a concern for Pattaya bib.

    But something may be not right here. With hotel security cams, check in ID, these 3 would be found by now, if police would take this seriously.

  6. valgehiir was being sarcastic because he is apparently upset anyone would offer alternative theories about why seven men would give a farang a beating and sees them as apologists.

    For the record, whatever may have caused the seven to beat the man does not justify it but it might explain why.

    After reading all of the posts on that incident, I would disagree that "half the posters there say he deserved" being beaten. Some may have but many did offer suggestions as to why it may have happened. There is a difference.

    You say there is no justification for 7 men beating an unarmed tourist, using steel bars. But there may be explanation.

    No, there is no explanation.

    There is no explanation to why men commit rape, and group of 7 men beating an unarmed tourist.

    Explaining why 7 men attacked one tourist, and were using steel bars to beat him is justifying their action. There cant be an explanation. The explanation is that they saw an opportunity to kick the s**t out of a foreigner. You say there may be an alternative theory. What is the alternative, please? That he was rude to them? Speculating what may have led to this assault, saying they have had good reason to attack is justifying their action.

    Just as expaining what led 3 men to rape these women last night, is justyfing it. Explanation may be that these men were horny.

    • Like 2
  7. Farlangs pay 1000 baht plus for a Thai lady

    Thai men pay 500 baht in a court fine

    Crime pays in Thailand

    Maybe not. There is a post in this thread, quoting the trial judge sentencing the 3 Thai men, who raped Russian women 1 year ago. They all received harsh sentences, and well deserved.

    If these guys will be caught, and rape charges stand, they will receive at least 20 years each.

    Thailands justice system often gives yearly amnesties, and to violent crimals too. They could be out after serving 5 years. Violent offenders should not be eligible for any amnesty.

  8. Why didn't you keep your post shorter? That you're able to properly "say" Viagra in a Thai drug store. Geng Maak!

    Was my post really long? You not obligated to read posts that exceed 2 sentences, just ignore.

    Reason I gave pharmacy as an example, I have a Thai lady friend, she owns a small pharmacy, I go see her almost every day, cos pharmacy is close to my favorite shawarma place.

    I often spend half an hour, sitting and observing her Russian customers. If they are not very rude, I help them by telling the pharmacist what it is the Russians want to buy.

    It very interesting to listen the Russians talking to each other, they dont realize I understand their every word.

    The most usual conversation is suspecting everything in a pharmacy is fake. It is so funny to listen to them!

    Btw it is almost never Viagra they wish to buy, most Russians yiu see in Pattaya are under 40.

    Sorry about the long post!

  9. so all thai's are good! and if one says something rude then that is ok to be brutally attacked!

    i assume you are thai by your avatar

    Ughh, I should never have attempted sarcasm, it clearly didn't work. Even JsixPack now thinks Im completly retarded.

    No, I dont blame the victims, especially something as horrible as rape, and not just rape, rape at knife point. I cant think of anything more traumatising a woman can experience.

    Oh, the avatar... Never occured to me I look Thai. Maybe its the oversized shades. I wouln't use my passport pic as avatar.

    A small tip about internet lingo: double exlamation sign after a sentence usually means sarcasm. I thought it was very clear in my post.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  10. Thai people would never do anything this bad to foreign tourists! If you are nice to a Thai, and give them a smile, you get a sincere smile back.

    You have much to learn, god help you.

    I only quoted some replyes from another thread, 'Malta man assaulted by 7 Thai men'

    Many posters in news threads about Thai assaulting a foreigner blame the victim. Even in this thread.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. should have known mbetter than to wear ANY gold chain in Thailand tourist areas, especially Pattaya!

    No! A person should be able to wear gold, if he wishes.

    This place should have some police presence. Local criminals know they get away with a crime almost every time. But not this time. Cops did a good job!

  12. God I really love these staged photo shots! Lol

    Yeah, but Russian guy is not doing it right. He just stands there, with his hand slightly rised. He almost looks bored, and seems to not understand how important the finger pointing is.

    Where is the passion, where is the arrogant, angry stare we usually see in these photo shoots? This kind of amateurish effort doesn't cut it.

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  13. Actually, they are beautiful people. Every Thai I have had opportunity to interact with (taxi drivers, bus drivers, vendors, ordinary people, educated and uneducated) has responded in kind when treated decently and as fellow human beings.

    I hope you will never have a disagreement with these beautiful people! I hope you do what they tell you, and pay what is required.

    Good luck, friend.

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