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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Can't wait the day when farang will operate jet ski business :=)

    Yes! I have always wanted to try jet ski, of course I'd never do, because the way it is set up now.

    But Im afraid that even if there will a brigade of Russian jet ski operators, they would extort even more money,

    Russian guy rents jet from a Russian owner, they take his passport details, and jet owners partners can continue extorting money from him all the way to Russia.

  2. OP, please take a look:


    To our law enforcment members, Ebay has very strict rules what can, or can't be listed. GSM and 3G jammers are allowed.

    Try searching for a Glock. Unless a replica toy, they do not allow to list handguns, but it is perfectly legal in most states in US to own a handgun.

  3. According to wiki in most countries it is illegal to own a jammer, and surely to operate one. So I am not sure who is the one posting misleading info.


    A perfectly legal solution is to create a faraday cage within he room you'd like to secure.

    Wiki: " Since these jammers actively broadcast radio signals, they may or may not be legal to possess or operate based on the specific laws of the area one is in."

    Notice "may not be legal to possess OR operate"

    Possessing this device, and using it are two different things.

    Wiki lists 30 countries.

    There is no Thailand in that list.

    Laws regarding jammers are similar to radar detectors for car use. They illegal to use, but there is no law against possessing a radar detector.

    Anyway, the thread is about where to buy the device.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Sam Gold is right, as long as you stay away from the main tourist traps, you will not see many Russians. And even if you do, you won't recognise them, as those who get this far usually look and behave like normal human beings. I've spent quite a lot of time in Chiangmai, Khonkaen, and Udon Thani — not a single "slob moment" whatsoever.

    Add Bangkok to that list. Russians you encounter in Bangkok are very nice people.

  5. Excuse my typing errors. Not got a full keyboard. I meant shook hands not shock hands etc. Also the joke meant to read ..they would have to collect ME from hospital to go to police cell. I get kicked off the site during my long winded posts and have to rush !!!! Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Did the ThaiVisa app crash, while you were typing?

    The app crashes every single time if you type a post that is longer than 4-5 lines. Better use browser if typing long reply, or post.

    Loved aircon game you guys playd in gym!


    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. ..

    it seems that is not appreciated so i will just tell fellow TV'ers in a boring straightforward manner in future

    thank you

    No. No. No.

    I for one very much appreciate a a good viener, and news regarding new vieners, that I haven't tryed yet!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  7. What kind of penalty will this person received for this offence? Killing somebody by drunk driving.

    In many Western countries you would receive a prison sentence plus being banned from driving for 3 to 5 years and be made to sit the driving test again

    In US this would be manslaughter charge, if convicted, 15 years easily.

    In my country in EU, maybe 2-3 year sentence, out after serving 1/3.

    In a perfect world the offender would be banned driving for life, and a murder charge, 10 years real jail time.

    This driver killed a person, that is murder, not premeditated, not 1st degree murder, but murder nonetheless.

    • Like 1
  8. "Blackman:

    I used to live in mainland Spain on a yacht in Puerto Banus

    I have been to Tenerife many times

    I like it but it's a bit Lo- so for me"

    Both Tenerife and Gran Canaria are nice peaceful places, if you really wish to retire, and all you need is great climate, and fairly cheap real estate.

    But if you want to go out, and have fun, Canary Islands are not a place to live. Climate is great year around tho

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Yes, it is very easy to start conversation in coffee shops, almost every night you can have a chat with guys from Australia, US, or many other places. For some reason it is easy for me to start convo at Starbucks in Pattaya, on Beach rd.

    But it is not easy at all at Balcony or Telephone in soi 4. I have never been able to start a convo there with any man, who is sitting alone. Dont know why.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Love the 'clever' replies you are getting so far, except one useful advise from user Farma.Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Wisely you excluded yourself too :)

    Unlike you, I gave useful advice to OP.

    You post contains only misinformation, and nothing helpful.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sensitive little chap.....

    Big companies fork out billions of baht to buy a frequency...... So if anyone can just go ahead and broadcast on that frequency, why would they do that? Duh

    OP opened a thread asking where can he find a jammer.

    Yes, Im sensitive to posts that contain useless, and even worse, misleading info. It is not illegal in any country to own a jammer, please try not post misinformation. As for little, maybe not so little.

    OP, I'll be in Bangkok this week, or beginning of next week, MBK is one of the places I need to go, I will keep an eye open for jammer.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Spending every winter here for past 10 years I had one gay friend. American guy, working here, he moved back to states 5 years ago. And thats it, no gay friends since. But have straight foreigners friends.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. In my humble opinion, Pattaya is a cesspool, the beaches are the worst in Thailand. There are so many other places near the beach that you could live and not deal with this, so why not move?

    It is more satisfying to live in a city that feels alive. I know there are much cleaner places, and there are much nicer beaches than Pattaya. But Pattaya is exciting place, despite all the bad things we have here, I wouldnt move to some other place, cos water there is cleaner, and streets safer.

    Bangkok and Pattaya are the only 2 places that I like in Thailand, and can live.

    • Like 2
  13. All you can do is restart, or put in Flight mode for few seconds, and off the flight mode. Your phone then reconnects with antenna tower.

    Another little obsticle that only True does, when you dont open a web browser, True's warning page loads, asking you a wide dumb question: "using 3G will result in additional charges, do you agree" there are 3 dots, you must mark the that says yes, I understand. If you dont do this browser thing first, and you open some app, like Thaivisa app, you wont get to Thaivisa, cos you are not connected to network. You must always open a web brouser a click yes to this warning.

    Only True makes you do that.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Jingthing, Valgehir, Ludee

    Thanks for kind words, but the issue is more complicated than misbehaving khi nok. To make it short: There are quite a few decent Russians out there, but if you look at mean expectation, you'll see a Pattaya slob. Only in 20th century there has been 5 or 6 waves of major genofond cleansing, when the best of a kind were killed or forced to leave (civil war, communist terror, WWII, etc.), and three generations of reverse selection [survival of least fit] under communist rule made things even worse. As the result Russians are pretty much dead as a nation — there is no positive potential, no guts, no balls, nothing. Thais on the other hand are pretty much alive (they are proving it right now on the streets of Krunthep), and this is one of the main reasons why I love this place.


    From 1917 to 1922 Lenin wiped out all the aristocrats, educated people, business elite.

    Then Stalin took over, in 30s and 40s he managed to kill or send to labour camps, the GULAG almost all middle and upper class Russian intelligentsia.

    Russia today would very likely be on par with France and UK, if not for these mass murderers, ruling your country for decades.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  15. I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

    City Hall managed the road works so well, that at the very peak of high season there is no sidewalk on Beach road, about 200 meter strech approaching Walkin st.

  16. Almost at the end of South Pattaya Road, opposite the school, there is an excellent little shop for shoe repairs.

    I second your advice. The small shop at South road, almost at the corner of South rd and 2nd road.

    Few times I had worn out sneaker soles repaired there. 150 baht and ready next day.

  17. No, there is no explanation.

    There is no explanation to why men commit rape, and group of 7 men beating an unarmed tourist.

    Explaining why 7 men attacked one tourist, and were using steel bars to beat him is justifying their action. There cant be an explanation.

    Just as expaining what led 3 men to rape these women last night, is justyfing it. Explanation may be that these men were horny.

    Sorry to disagree. There is almost always an explanation for everything.

    Can you explain why 3 Thai men raped 2 Russian women at knife point, please?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  18. Love the 'clever' replies you are getting so far, except one useful advise from user Farma.Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Wisely you excluded yourself too :)

    Unlike you, I gave useful advice to OP.

    You post contains only misinformation, and nothing helpful.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  19. Illegal

    Sorry officer!

    It is not illigal, using this device may be against the law in some countries. Can you point to in what country owning such device is against the law.

    OP, 2 years ago there was a booth in Tukcom, Pattaya that offered jammer, they were selling the tiny cams and such. That booth is now gone.

    Many computer booths, that repaired laptops are also dissapearing. Tourist dont bring laptops when they travel, most people have a smartphone, and no need for laptop.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  20. The best solution is for Yingluck to step down and have a candidate that is at the very least not a blood relative or direct crony of Thaksin. But of course she will never do this even though she said "I will step down for my country". Yeah right. She's probably getting a good pedicure right now prior to an afternoon of power shopping.

    You dont seriously belive this will evet happen, do you?

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