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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Thing is english is international language.

    And everyone should at least know basics.

    No one expect us to read arabic.

    But russians expect everyone to speak russian likenits international lang...


    Thing is, for most Russians here this is their first trip abroad.

    It is complete news to them that rest of the world does not speak and understand Russian language. They grew up in a country that used to be a superpower. The sincerely believe people all over the world understand Russian.

    Most of the package tourist we see in Pattaya are Siberian Russians, factory workers, who have never had a need to speak or understand English.

    In all of Russia, movies in cinemas, dvds and television are over dubbed Russian. So they never had a chance to pick up even the most basic phrases.

    Russians from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities are nothing like people we see here.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Thailand seems like a magnet for low-lives of the world.

    Whenever I feel mistreated by Thais, I think of Pattaya farangs and I can almost see why they see us as walking ATMs only.

    The only reason they tolerate us is money as there is nothing else we can offer to them. I would certainly ask for much more money to tolerate such guests in my country.

    You agree that locals tolerate us only because we pay.

    And knowing this, we somehow should respect them, and we should care what they think of us? What kind of sense does that make?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. As TV poster OMG pointed out the other day, it must be depressing to be a homophobe these days.

    In many progressive nations gay people now have equal rights, in several states in US gay people are now equal.

    Almost every day brings some depressing news to homophobes! So what can they do? They pour the hate towards fellow TV members LOL.

    I can appreciate a clever, intelligent insult. They can be entertaining. But this last one... So boring, no creativity whatsoever. Nothing more boring than a unimaginative, lame insult.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. so after the thai apologist, after the yellow apologist, the pattaya apologist now we reach a new level

    with Jingthink, Valgehir and Omgiminpattaya, we get the ladyboy apologist cheesy.gifclap2.gif ,

    you know ladies, you are the biggest threat to this forum. please dont bring your gossip, your "beauty salon talk" here.

    This is a man forum! Go back to the kitchen.


    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. There are many ladyboys mixed in with the ladygirls in many beer bars and some gogos in town so it's possible to do.

    I did not know some gogo places and bars have ladies and ladyboys both working in a bar.

    She should have given the Russian guy heads up. Ladyboys are very street smart, they read the customer very easily.

    She must have known that she is dealing with particularly slow Russian, she should have made it clear to him whats up.

    Of course Russian guy assaulting her is unacceptable, there is no excuse whatsoever.

  6. Now a THIRD out gay person in the USA Putin Propaganda Olympics delegation! Not a snub? Yeah, right..

    I imagine how impressed the Russian ruler must be with official US delegation!

    Three openly gay people members of official delegation! I love it!

    The figure skater Brian Boitano coming out just a month before he travels to Sotchi games, as part of US official delegation... Beautiful!

    Not a snub at all LOL

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. My major beef with all those messengers is that everyone has his preferred one. To cater to all those Messenger disciples you need to install about ten of them,

    So true. I need Skype, Whats App, Viber, Tango in my phones. Painful.

    Im happy in Europe Viber is becoming most preferred app, I like Viber more than all other messangers. In Thailand Tango seems to be most used. I really don't like Tango :/

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. .. I wonder if he got his barfine/hotel money back. I know he didn't get his time back.

    You think Russian thug offed her in a gogo bar? That would mean he knowingly entered transsexual and transvestide establishment. It would be impossible then to not know he picked up a girl, who wasn't born female.

    I am now waiting what other excuse you can think of, to justify this assault.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. To all the gay gents here who are saying this is only penis related, I wonder if you have ever gotten angry after being conned and ripped off. If not, well done to you too.

    Except that this assult absolutely was penis related, the news article says so.

    We all here have been conned and ripped off. Most of us dont use our fists. If I attacked violently every time I been conned or ripped off here, Id be in jail, or more likely dead long long time ago.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  10. Actually those "speed humps" are intended to provide an easier way for wheel chair users to cross Beach Road. Now all you wise guys can have fun with that twist of reality.

    WHAT! There are people out there crossing Beach rd in a wheel chair?

    Must be a death wish.

    I wouldn't be anywhere near Beach rd in a wheel chair.

    Even for people walking, crossing Beach rd late at night, early morning is like a Russian roulette, you are taking a gamble every time you cross the road.

  11. clap2.gif

    i have tears in my eyes, really i think i will start to cry...


    For once, we have a foreigner a russian who got the balls to fight back, not like all the pussy foreigners british, german, usa, asian, indian, etc etc who bent and are frightened by their shadowsthumbsup.gifclap2.gif

    Tomorrow i will change my name to Vladimir


    Since now and forever, i will only show respect to russian, and spit on the face of these westerner.


    ps: if i was this russian hero, i will still beat the crap of this ladyboy inside the police stationlaugh.png

    ps: this is not a sarcasm post, i dont intend to make you smile or laugh, i am freakin serious!

    Vladimir Bender

    Why would you want to identify yourself with this violent thug?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?
    Vladimir probably knew very well who he picked up, maybe Vlad was not happy about how well endowed the girl was.

    Vlad was expecting something at least as big as his friends have back home, but Asian ladyboy turned out to be bitter dissappointment.


    Vladimir told you so?

    No, Naam, he did not tell me. I am not enquented with this Russian tough guy, beating up a girl.

    What I sayd is one possible explanation to what made him angry, and he felt he needed to use a fist.

    sorry Val, but i don't find the tiniest bit of logic in your assumption.

    How much clearer can I put this? Russian guy expected ladyboy to have larger penis. He was dissappointed, and became viloent.

    Do you now find the logic?

  13. There are way too many disgusting, revolting, violence-loving, sick-in-the-head farangs in Pattaya-Jomtien that are giving the rest of us a bad reputation--many have shaved heads and loads of tatooes that make them look like they just escaped from prison.

    Huh!? These shaved head, tattood guys are exactly the type of guys I like the most! I wish there were more of them around.

    But I never see many violence-loving, sick-in-the foreigners. Where are they?

    Thais don't like shaved head guy? News to me.

    Im afraid they dont much care for us, shaved or long hair, shorts or black tie

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. I would have loved to have lived in San Fransisco in 70s.

    Or live in in SF any time


    As far as I am aware you do not need to pass this particular "test" to be permitted to move there ..... although apparently it may help in some quarters, so why not?

    This is OT and will deleted soon, but quick reply,

    Reason I never in SF is the cost of living there is so high, I think it is most expensive city to live in NA

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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