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Posts posted by anon8

  1. How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?

    Vladimir probably knew very well who he picked up, maybe Vlad was not happy about how well endowed the girl was.

    Vlad was expecting something at least as big as his friends have back home, but Asian ladyboy turned out to be bitter dissappointment.


    Vladimir told you so?

    No, Naam, he did not tell me. I am not enquented with this Russian tough guy, beating up a girl.

    What I sayd is one possible explanation to what made him angry, and he felt he needed to use a fist.

  2. We are a very small miniority who have these activists demanding and speaking absolute equality - who elected them ? they certainly don't speak for me


    I am a member of society first, part of the 3% miniority and I do take offence to PDA's young, old, gay or straight, I as a gay man respect the majority's concern rightly or wrongly that leading a Scout troop could be seen by some as not appropriate


    We are a very small minority, we should not have the same civil rights, as all other people have?

    I read your posts, you seem to identify yourself as gay man. But you agree with homophobic organisations claims and arguments, that we, homosexuals should not have exactly the same rights, that heterosexual people enjoy.

    Are you serious, or is your statement sarcastic, and I dont get the sarcasm?

    You know, irony and sarcasm are not easy to spot on the internet, and it rarely works on internet, cos its just text, we dont see your facial expression, and we dont hear the tone in your voice, cos web posts are just typed words.. You have to make your sarcastic point is clear and obvious.

    So generaton of gay activist in North America are not speaking for you, alltho you are gay man.

    Harvey Milk in SF did not fight for your rights, you feel? He did not speak for you? Harvey Milk lost his life, demanding equal rights for people like you and me.

    You have said in another tread, that you are from Onario. So you must know who George Hislop was.

    He fought for our right to walk the streets of Toronto, without being assaulted by teens from suburbs, who drove around Toronto at night, looking for gay men to beat up. He fought for our rights for years. Surely you know this man. I knew him personally, but only for 2 years before his death.

    You feel he wasnt talking, and fighting for people like you and me?


  3. Exactly, as long as you are happy with the phone you've chosen, all is well.

    This Android vs iPhone is very much a topic for kids commenting on tech channels on Youtube.

    Phone is a tool, nothing more. It is an appliance. To be a fan boy to some appliance is a teenager territory.

    Should we argue and defend our choises about refridgerators in our kitchen? Are Electrolux guy, or LG guy!??? LOL.

    The OP asked what is good device, if main use is emailing. That means you type a lot, and you read small text all the time. So I advised to go for large screen size. There is no need for 2.2 GHz processor, or 2 gigs of ram. Good, large screen is most important.

    So the most logical chouce would be Samsung Note 2 or Note 3. Note 2 you can buy at authorized dealer for around 14.000, new in a box.

    Note 3 is substancially better device, it is cutting edge at the moment, 1080p displey, Snapdragon 800 QUAD core processor. It has more processing power than many brand new laptops.

    But just for emails, a bit of overkill, and cost is around 21.000. Then there issue of size, only OP can tell if it fits in pocket, what if OP wears only hipster skinny jeans? We dont know.

    But iPhone 4 inch displey is definitly not for users who type a lit, unless their moto is 'beAuty knows no pain' They are beautiful phones, but way to small, and brutal pricing.

    Anyways, get something with large screen!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Chaiyaphumlove, yup, I know.

    And usually I dont post on news section, when another ladyboy topic comes up, was she beat up, did she steal, or Indian Under The Bed scam..

    They do their fair share of street crime, no doubt.

    But half of TV members cheering on, when another ladyboy is beat up.. Its just depressing, I dont why I clicked on the news link, bored I guess.

    I have a theory why headline with ladyboy in it gets our guys here so hot and bothered. But I rather not say.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 2
  5. Go on then, why hide behind not quoting me, I'm not afraid to say that I prefer the iPhone over the Samsung.

    But a typical reply from a Samsung fanboy..

    I didn't quote you because there was no reason to quote. On mobile device, scrolling and scrolling.... And then scrolling some more, thanks to endless quotes is no fun.

    As for Samsung fan boy... Not really. I've owned only one, a Note 2, and I had it for 1 months, sold it cos I never liked the design. The phone itself was perfect, but Samsungs look like soap boxes, especially white versions.

    I love the design of iPhone, but I think they are grossly over priced, and there is no excuse not to have a memory card slot. Apples business model to make customer pay $100 in order to have 16Gb step up for more storage is insulting.

    So there, I do not like Samsungs plasticky design appealing, but they are very good phones.

    This is typed on Sony Ultra, and for phone I use Sony Z1.

    So no, not a typical reply from Samsung fan boy.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. She should have made sure Vladimir knows what he is getting, before they entered the hotel. Probably right on Beach rd, but who's to say Russian guy wouldn't have punched her out right there on street.

    He must have known he is talking to a ladyboy, I dont buy it that he only discovered this in hotel room.

    Muslim people being fooled by ladyboy, I get, many guys from mid east have never seen a woman, they can easily make a mistake.

    But this article is about phisically assaulting the ladyboy. Many here say Russian guy punching the ladyboy was quite justifyed.

    It is sickening to read some of the comments.

    I hope the Russian guys adventures in Pattaya make news in his town press. Very often Russian names in news articles here have errors. But nnot this time. Vladimir Bodrov is Russian name, no errors in spelling this time. Good! And nice clear face pics too!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. 16 Gb version of Apple 5s cost 23.900 baht. 23.900 baht for a phone with 4 inch display, no memory card slot? That is bad joke.

    IPhones dont have memory card slot. So if you want 32 Gb version, it' ll cost you 27.999 baht. LOL

    And to top it off, 64 Gb phone is 31.900 baht. 31.900 baht for phone that has 4 inch display.

    A poster few posts above this post would have almost recommended the iPhone. That is the funniest thing Ive seen all day!

  8. Different makers add their own features, they start with clean Android, and then add their own stuff. There is no need to use any Samsung app that they preinstall on top of basic Android.

    Samsungs makes some of the best smartphones. That is universally recognized.

    At the moment all things considered, right now, Samsung Note 3 is the best phone for any money. That not my personal opinion, that is the opinion of most trusted tech review sites. At the moment nothing beats Note 3.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Different Android versions have nothing to do with Samsung, or any other hardware maker. Android is operating system developed by Google.

    LG, Sony, HTC, they all use Android OS.

    Right now Im using Sony Z1 4G version. Out of the box it comes with lots of useless Sony preinstalled bloatware, and most of them cant be fully uninstalled, I just dont use these apps, I use apps that I like.

    Nothing wrong with Samsung. They make some of best phones.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. I have now spent an hour, trying to find how to ignore a TV member.

    I searched TV, I googled evry possible variation How To, and i am not able to find it.

    I know the option to ignore exists. Please help me, guys!

    If the ignore feature still exist, it is hidden very, very well. Why hide it? Would it be very difficult to add an optiin that you go posters pafe, and there is large red ignore button


    Why make it so difgicult?

    Please help! I really need to find how to use ignore feature!

  11. ...

    Sometimes I am so ashamed of the bigotry of some of my fellow gays and the way that they demand that they be treated with respect by our straight counterparts while they see no need to reciprocate


    How is insisting to have all the same rights that straight people have bigotry? Isn't this the most reasonable and humble demand?

    This line of attack is one of the favorite lines of anti gay organizations, like NOM, National Organization for Marriage, and many other hate groups. Those groups very often use the word 'family' in their names.

    They always start by saying gay people are demanding special treatment.

    Stephen Colbert, of The Colbert Report produced hilarious parody of NOM's online ad campaign 'The Storm Is Coming'

    Here is the NOM original campaign ad:


    And here is Stephen Colberts take on NOMs ad, please watch the whole 6 minute clip, it starts with NOM ad, Stephen then comments how he feels about the NOM campaign, and at 3.29 mark, Stephen streams his take on NOM ad.

    Please, please watch it, i promise, you will not regret the wasted few minuts!

    Here is Stephens take, fast forward to 3.29 mark:


    And here is one more very well made parody of NOM campaign:


  12. ..

    if you want to discuss the India issue further there.

    No, I'd rather not. Our beliefs and opinions are so far apart, we live in different universes.

    And not just about homosexuality being criminalized in India. We have no common ground about anything, not about a single issue.

    Last few days I am baffled more more each day. Some of posts just blow me away.

    I would rather observe the some of opinions posted here from a distance, I usually dont mind confrontation, but this is here has become too tense, and no longer enjoyable and entertaining.

  13. We don't deserve equality.bah.gif

    From someone who claims to identify as a gay man.

    That is so twisted. facepalm.gif

    This is very, very strange.

    A gay man defending the point of view that parents not trusting their kids with a gay scout master is understandable and acceptable!?

    But it gets even more strange, a poster says that it is understandable and acceptable that a parent may not want or even allow a straight adult male to lead a team of young girls.

    Could it be that a gay man can actually be a homophobe? Is this possible? I have never encountered anything like this before.

    • Like 1
  14. Are you "missing the point here"? Hard to say since you are talking about posts and "statements" that simply don't exist and never have.

    No, I am not missing the point, alltho I admit it is sometimes very difficult for me to fully understand your posts. Probably a language barrier, but sometimes I read some of your posts several times, and it gets even more confusing after each time.

    In the thread about Indias court ruling you said the following:

    'in other words, and despite all the hype, there was NO evidence presented that there has been any "blatant oppression against our brothers and sisters, the GLBT people of India" at all.'

    I used the word 'idiotic' to describe that post from you. I should have used a different word to describe that posting from you. 'idiotic' is offensive term, and I regret using that term, and I apologize!

    Should have desribed it as odd or very strange.

    But what has ThaiVisa member Naam to do with it?

  15. ". But you dont need to listen to me."

    Thank You!

    Oh, I just realized that was not a friendly Thank You at all! I am slow sometimes.

    Do you still think Obamas and VP not attending the opening ceremony is not a snub?

    Every news outlate says it is.

    I know that I could never convince you, that is why I added the line about all media calling it a snub.

    So you lost the argument, and for some reason I get a sarcastic Thank You from you.

    How come? Why?

  16. Samsung now sells 1 million mobile devices EVERY DAY


    So if you dont mind their all plastic design, Samsungs are best value.

    For past 2 years every time Samsung comes up with new flagship phone, that phone is the best phone on the market, at that time. S2, S3, S4 were best phones on the market, regardless of price, when released. Same goes for all three Galaxy Notes. When first Note was released exactly 2 years ago, Samsung created a whole new device, a phablet.

    Another poster advised you not even consider Samsung. Dont disregard Samsung, just cos some pre installed app sucks. Try some other email apps, and use which one you like.

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