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Posts posted by anon8

  1. ...but considering the quality of the average farang in Pattaya, more likely he was using a stolen or forged card and the machine confiscated it and he got pissed as the jig was up.

    So you think a guy who uses a cloned atm card, draws attention to himself, by slamming and kicking the ATM, after the machine doesn't return the cloned, or stolen card? You don't really believe that, do you?

    Why are you defending these 7 men, who were using steel bars to severely beat up an unarmed tourist?

    You are not this dumb, I KNOW you aren't.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Is there a single word or idea in the text you quote "defending" the violence that occurred? When you read the totality of my posts re this incident then get back to me with an intelligent response. Until then, just continue with the cheap ad-hominem attacks.

    Not only is there a single word, all your posts in this thread are justifying how these 7 thugs beating the tourist with steel bars, were doing the right thing.

    And maybe drop this Latin shit, 'ad hominem' is an over used, cliche Latin term, with one purpose only, to make poster sound 'cultured',

    try not to use it, it is something that illiterate boy from Alabama would use, to impress his half sister.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. To most Thais we're simply "Farang" and that's your lot. I seriously doubt that the Thais classify us from where we live/stay...

    The sex workers, I mean our girlfriends, boyfriends, do classify us.

    They have little use for retired expat, living on $1200 social security check. That guy knows the game, he wouldn't fall for some sad story involving dead buffalo.

    Newcomers with a nice Swiss watch, and just purchased 5 mil Jomtien condo is different story. They care very much for that type of foreigner.

  3. ...but considering the quality of the average farang in Pattaya, more likely he was using a stolen or forged card and the machine confiscated it and he got pissed as the jig was up.

    So you think a guy who uses a cloned atm card, draws attention to himself, by slamming and kicking the ATM, after the machine doesn't return the cloned, or stolen card? You don't really believe that, do you?

    Why are you defending these 7 men, who were using steel bars to severely beat up an unarmed tourist?

    You are not this dumb, I KNOW you aren't.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 2
  4. No they are sick of foolish foreigners acting like goats in there country. The verbal warning was to stop smashing up a machine and to behave.

    Don't be so sure you won't be their next target, attacked and severely beaten.

    These guys dont need a reason. One day you cross some local guys, coming down from yaba trip, they feel you looked at them the wrong way, and they reach for their steel bars.

    Then after your time in hospital, if lucky, you will read comments on TV, how you desrved the beating.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 2
  5. So who will they be beating the sh!t out of tomorrow?

    Odds of 2 to 1 they'll be over 67 years old and either German or Swiss.

    Yes, these packs of hyenas will beat up or kill the next tourist, whenever they feel like.

    Thing that puzzles me, we are gonna have many TV members comment that all is well, foreigner was probably rude to them.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. Trying to come up with theories........................................ almost murdered

    Good one Val

    Funny, isn't it!

    7 guys, armed with steel bars. How many blows to mans head, you think, does it take to kill a man.

    Maybe add couple of more smiley emoticons!

    Oh, my username is valgehiir, not val.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. We are only getting a side of the story. Did this guy get rude to the Thai guys? No excuse but play with a snake and get bit. Who fault is it?

    You know how some Thai are. About losing face.

    You know how some foreigners are. Trying to come up with theories and excuses what the Maltese man may have said, that got him beat up, almost murdered.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. Problem with the fashion police, we all think different fashions are the right one.

    I spend a fortune on hoodies, wicking sports clothing and running shoes.

    Anyone who ain't wearing $100+ running shoes or $100+ hoodies, arrest and deportation IMHO.

    Same here. I like high top Nikes and baggy Evisu jeans, Evisu start from 12.000 and go up 20 000 baht.

    That cart lady would give one glance towards me, and she would think Im a homeless person.

    My favirote Nikes are Nike Pandas, only 200 pairs were produced, Pandas were sold only in one Nike shop, shop is near Tokyo zoo, and shoes lool little bit like Pandas. These Nikes are collectable, sometimes they come up on Ebay, priced from 500 to 900 USD.

    I own 2 pairs. That cart lady can think what she wants, I dont care, she is porobably illiterate.

    Btw, check out the Pandas, there is one pair listed now:


    • Like 1
  9. Agreed, if you dont wish to carry 2 devices with you all the time, phone and tablet, but you need largest screen that fits in your pocket, but can still be used as a phone every day, there is no alternative to Galaxy Note series.

    And Note 3 being the absolute cutting edge at the moment is a nice bonus.

    Ultra displey is very nice, but not as nice as Samsungs super AMOLED.

    The only displey comparable is new Nexus 7. N7 displey so crisp.. Ughh why did I crack mine!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Attacked a machine? What kind of man is that?

    Maybe a man visiting Thailand, who lost his ATM card, cos ATM decided not to return his card.

    Many people only have one card. If issued by some bank in his home country, he won't get replacement until he gets back home.

    But how is he supposed to live here for maybe one more week, with no money.

    I can see how he got upset and started kicking the ATM, out of frustriation.

    • Like 1
  11. Get yourself a Phablet, there are few in this category: Samsung Note 3 with 5.7" screen, Sony Xperia Z Ultra with 6.4" (this one is also waterproof - can take it with you swimming), then there's also Samsung Mega



    If you don't have any brand preference, go'n check the Sony Z Ultra, beautiful large waterproof

    I agree very much that Sony Ultra is is very nice machine, beautiful design with black anodized Aluminum and black glass, both back and front, and it very thin, thinner than Sony flagship phone, the Z1. I have it, and I love it.

    But it is way to large to use as a phone, 6.4 inches is only.. 0.6 inches smaller than Nexus 7.

    6.4 inch 1080 screen is enough to read and view any web page with ease, and you can type fast. Ultra really is a tablet.

    Another very big plus about Ultra, it fits in my jeans front pocket, so very little chance I break it, and also safer to carry with you in crowded streets, with tablet in your back pocket, you constantly keep your hand there, it would be very easy to snatch.

    But it is huge, much too big to be used as a phone.

    I think Note 5.7 inches is the largest device, that you can use as everyday phone.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  12. objection Your Honour! i haven't frequented any bar for the last 10 years but in the 80s and 90s it was quite normal to find at least one Ladyboy per 9 real Ladies in many bars.

    Understood, TV user OMGimPattaya pointed this out earlier.

    I did not know that, I stay away from ladies, and ladyboys, I really did not know some bars have both working in same bar.

    She then should have made it clear to the unusually slow Russian dude, that she may have more in her panties, than some other girl.

    Still, who freaks out and attacks a person when he sees a penis. Only a very insecure man.

    Let me ask you, would you have assaulted a ladyboy, after she undresses and suddenly an unexpected penis appears? Surprised, sure! But would you break her nose with your fist? I doubt it very much!

    But many posters feel Russian guy did the right thing. Posters who are not from Siberia, posters from developed nations. How can this be?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. oh i guess i made the ladyboy brigade really upset. If so, i apologize. I hope i didnt make you cry little queeny!


    Do you see a single post by a TV member, who has been upset by your hilarious posts?

    Look around!

    Your posts put a grin on the face of many TV members!


    So by all means, don't stop, carry on about your thoughts and feelings.

    Your posts have been among the funniest, that I've read in few weeks! So pls dont stop now!


    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Just a thought:

    Why not get the Nexus 7 instead? I saw the 5 when i was at the mall yesterday, but I thought I would regret it if I bought one instead of the 7.

    Nexus 5 is a phone, and a really nice phone. 5 inch displey, pure, clean Android with no added crap.

    Nexus 7 is a 7 inch tablet, it is not a phone. You can not make GSM calls with it.

    Sent from my C6903 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. No doubt! Foreigners are often never liked in any country.

    But there one nuance that makes Thailand very different..

    Germans do not like Turks, who live and work in Germany. But most Germans are honest, and up front about. Same deal with Mexicans who live and work in US.

    I feel sorry for newcomers, who have yet to learn the truth, and they often learn the lesson the hard way.

    The phoney charade of fake smiles is what is uniquely Thai trait. It's the dishonest way they put up the show for us.

    Id much rather be told, or let in to the fact, that most barely tolerate us. But they are not capable of being honest, that is another uniquely Thai trait.

    So that is what makes me not care at all, what they think of me. I know what they think of me, but I dont let it bother me.

    There is no snow here in winter time, and it is very cheap to live here, compared to Europe. But that is all.

  16. The Nexus 7 looks really nice but can you buy the sim card option in Thailand yet?

    In first week if November I asked guys at Asus counter in IT City in Siam Paragon when will Nexus 7 be reliesed in Thailand. Answer, next week next week.

    I go back next week, no Nexus 7, but next week for sure, they said.

    So headed straight to MBK 4 th floor, spent an hour canvassing that labyrinth, and finally found a booth that had a sim card version.

    13.500 baht, grey import from HK. No warranty in Thailand, but I have never needed warranty repair for any phone, Im into crashing screens, and no warranty would cover that.

    Last week I dropped by Paragons IT City, hoping to ask about replacing my broken screen. No have, next week next week. LOL

    Walked on 4th floor at MBK, pretty much every other vendor now sells it, 12.900

    This guy has it for sure, I know him or few years, usually you dont find shops that can beat his prices.


  17. 1175 AIS callcenter Speak very good English

    I confirm that. AIS call centers were horrible few years ago, now the AIS people are very helpful, they understand and speak English very well. I've given up searching for solutions on their web site. Same goes for True Move call center.

    Web sites are very poorly designed, and so is True Moves web site. Googles translate page is useless, thanks to amateurish web design.

    And we are talking about telecom companies that make billions, yet they can't find a designer who has a clue.

    You click on 3G packages link, but you are directed to some useless page, instead of a clear list of different plans and cost. One pointless promotion ad after another.. Just forget the web site, and just dial the call center number!

  18. Nexus 7 is the best 7 inch tablet at the moment, and very reasonably priced. Fast processor, slim, understated beautiful machine, with amazing 1920 - 1200 displey. Nexus 7 2013 displey is so good, I prefer it to super AMOLED.

    I had mine for 1 week in november. I carried it in back pocket, always remembered to take it out of the pocket, before sitting down.

    But I forgot to do it one time. I ate at my fav kebab place on 2nd rd, South rd kebab place. Finished my meal, stood up, walked and took it out of the pocket. Screen lights up as it is supposed to, but tapping on screen and nothing happened. I restarded, still touch screen not responding. It was dark outside, for 15 min I tryed to click and click, no change. Then in front of brightly lit shop window, I found out whats up. Tiny, barely visible crack in on corner.

    So thats that. Replacement screen sells for $120, or so. No point to repAir it, you spend close to what new machine costs. I was not a happy man for several days.

    Ggled the Nexus 7 screen, search shows many, many web board threads, people with same issue, and everybody agreeing that Nexus 7 is very fragile. Some posters claiming, they manAged to crack the displey just by twisting the tablet too strongly.

    Please keep in mind, it is not built very solid.

    But again, amazing tablet the new Nexus 7 is for sure.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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