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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Depends where you live, or where are you using the 3G.

    In Bangkok there is no difference, both True and AIS have good coverage. And in Bangkok we have 4G now.

    In Pattaya True H has been really bad. One minute you are connected, minute later disconnected. Especially annoying, if you just typed a 200 word email, you hit Send, and you get 'please reload page', all you typed up email text is gone, and you write the whole thing again. So better open another tab, and make sure you are connected, before you click 'send'

    AIS 3G is much more stable in Pattaya.

    So best to try to learn which provider is more stable in your area, before you buy the sim and pay for 3G package.

    Sent from my C6903 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Not Samsung. Their email app is crap.

    Why would you use Samsungs app?

    Everybody knows Android Gmail app is the best email app.

    If you are using phone mostly for typing, get something with screen size at least 5 inches, lots to choose from.

    But if you are typing a lot, get something larger, Galaxy Note screen is 5.7 inches, I had Note 2, same screen size, those .7 inches make a huge difference, when typing.

    But Note might be too big for every day use, and to use as main telephone. You need both hands to use it, screen is so large, one thumb wont reach every key.

    So advising not to get Samsung is not a good advice. Op system is Android, there is no difference which manufacturers phone you use, download a good email app, and thats it. It would be like advising not to buy Vaio notebook, because you dont like some pre installed bloatware.

    Sent from my C6903 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. In general, I am ok with any of the things mentioned ... With only a couple of reservations...The kissing in public... If it is just a fairly tame pec on the cheek or a short kiss, no problem If making out / French kissing ... Not ok with it, but not because the participants are gay ... As would also not find this appropriate with straight couples eitherIf you want play a round of tonsil hockey .... Get A Room!!

    I think it is really nice when 2 people kiss in public.

    But not everybody likes to see people making out, long kisses. You can look away, really easy.

    I also dont like when I see 2 young, beautiful people kissing out on the street. But for another reason. I envy them, I walk alone, while they are in love.

    And another thing, Im envious of their youth. I see them, and I feel old and single

  4. No increase in numbers needed, just the existing ones (or preferably half as many)

    Yes, way too many. Lots on traffic congestion is thanks to empty baht buses driving around main roads, at crawling pace, lady sitting next to driver scanning the sidewalks for somy dummies, who will charter the baht bus for 200 300 baht.

  5. Winter games are nowhere near as popular as summer games, but winter games are huge in Nordic countries. In Norway, Sweden, Finland cross country skiing is a national sport. People wait for the first snow, to go skiing.

    Also very popular in Russia too, for decades in both mens and womens skiing there is rivalry between Russian and Scandinavian countries teams.

    In Estonia it is national sport, every winter there is skiing marathon, very big event, our Prime Minister participares and compeats, he is avid skier.

    And in the Alps regions downhill skiing is national sport, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany.

    Canada always wins womens curling, ladies wearing full make up, wearing ear rings, pushing a heavy stone looking thingy on ice. CBC covers curling live for hours.

    Snowboarding is huge in BC. One year a Canadian guy won a gold medal, but tested later positive for marijuana, they stripped him, his gold medal sad.png

    And hockey, rivalry between Canada, Russia and Swedish teams are always one of the hi lights.

    Figure skating is the only event, US payes attention to, figure skating never fails to entertain


    But I think in US and Australia winter games are hardly noticed at all.

  6. Not to belittle high school hockey game, its just that nothing comes close to scale of Olimpics, sport event or any other event. For 2 weeks nations come together, everybody is equal, no matter what race, age, orientation.

    And that is exactly why undemocratic, totalitarian regimes should have no business hosting this event.

    China should never have been chosen by IOC. Chinese unelcted rulers were happy, finally they were recognized as nation good enough, where something as prestgeous as Olimpics are hosted. World mass media had headlines 'China has arrived'.

    Arrived where!? It is a sad police state, with no democratic elections, human rights violentions are a norm.

    The only reason the corrupt commite gave go ahead allowing China to host, is that it had become economic super power. But hosting Olimpics there goes against this event stands for.. Equality being one.

    And now Olimpics are held in Russia. Same kind of totalitarian regime as China.

    The Guardian article says demonstrators are allowed, but in State designated areas only. That means they are allowed to speak out at some parking lot, in the outskirts of the city, the same tactic used in Peking.

    Berlin in 1936, Bejing in 2008 and Sochi 2014 are embarrasment, IOC not honouring their own Olimpic Games Charter, that describes what Olimpics stand for.

    It is puzzling that some people support Putin banning the protests near game events, especially the protests against awful anti gay laws there. The whole world is watchibg the games, and that is exactly when protestsers should draw attention to Russias human rights record, anti gay laws.

  7. WaPo: 'The U.S. delegation will be led by a former Cabinet secretary and a deputy secretary of state'

    Who? No name!


    WaPo did not even print the name of the head of US delegation, cos the post he/she holds in US goverment is so insignificant.

    I love it! smile.png

    And including the openly gay famous superstar tennis player is a nice touch.

    Only thing better would have been naming Billie Jean King or any other openly gay athlete the head of US delegation!

  8. Michelle Obama, the first lady attended London games. First lady is closest thing to head of state, her presence was enough to represent the USA at opening in London. First lady and her presence is more prestigeous than VP's.

    If no Obamas and no Bidens will attend Sochi opening, it is a huge snub, and well deserved.

    Im not gonna go down the list who attended or didnt at various openings, but if Pres, prsidents spouse and VP did not attend, there were serious reasons, and the host countries were snubbed.

    But you dont need to listen to me. Media is covering the announcement of Obamas not attending, and media outlets universally agree that it is a snub.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. I would say they are the participant's games. Germany boycotted the Olympic Games in Moscow sometime in the 1970s, and the only ones who got hurt were the German would-be participants who lost their chance.

    The Olympic Games are non-political and should be about sports. The current discussion about one aspect of politics in the host country is great, but when the games begin, it's about sports.

    Boycotting Moscow 1980 games was cold war politics. Most Western nations didn't send their athletes, and athlets who were not allowed by their goverments to attend were the only losers in 1980.

    Talking about boycotting Sochi 2014 games is different. Russia should never been chosen to host the Olimpics. Olimpic games should only be hosted by countries that observe and support basic human rights.

    The host country of 2014 games was chosen about 6 years ago. Russia was more or less a democratic country then, and there was no reason at time to not choose Russia.

    It is a different country now. In just few years it has become a totalitarian regime, State backed persecution of gay people is just one of many issues of the regime.

  10. I agree with all that.

    However, what percentage of people do you think would fully pass that test? I think small. So we've got to live in the world as it is, with some level of homophobia existing in most people we encounter.

    Thinking about this I just thought about my parents. They both loved me but they both never entirely became homophobia free. Should I have rejected them for that fault? I think not.

    Of course, we have to realistic, and not expect every person to like us. Especially older generations, it is probably very difficult for a 72 yr old man to suddenly change his life long beliefs, and predjudices.

    Your example abouy your parents.. Very well understood that they may never fully support your 'lifestyle'

    But my reply was to Naam. Not trusting his kids to the care of gay teacher, or sports team trainer is simply wrong, and homophobic. If that is not homophobia, what is?

    People often confuse gay man with a pedophile. That is simply ignonant. Why on earth do many think an adult gay man is a threat to a 10 yr old boy? How much more ignorant can it get!

    Meanwhile the same parents trust their boys under the care of catholic priests.

    Im sure you follow boy scouts news from US. Same exact issue there.

    So when you say we have to be realitic, how accepting people are towards us, sure, we must know that these kinds of social changes take long time. But blatant hate and homophobia we can not tolerate, and make excuses for.

  11. The problem also includes those who are not comfortable with you and don't want you to be a part of their 'we'. As a matter of fact, some don't want there to be a 'we' at all.

    Of course.

    Quick example, I used to dislike feminine gay men when i was younger. I was into superbikes and boxing. I didnt want in any way being associated with feminen gay men.... No thanks, no way would i want to be part of their 'we'

    But many topics here are about discrimating laws and violence in Russia, India, marriage equality.. Reading those topics, and knowing how dangerous it is for gay people in many places, I strongly, superstrongly feel part of the group, they are very much WE to me. It angers me when there is almost nothing I can do, to help my brothers in Russia.

    Angers to the point that if I was there, and happened to witness beating a gay teenager in some park, in some godforsaken Russian town, I would get violent to defend him in less than a second.

    But then i read posts here how things are not all that bad for gay people in India. Im sorry, it just idiotic thing to claim.

  12. Agreed. It is never a good thing to generalize, it was just a thought from my part, and my post did not point at anybody.
    Self hate is quite cimmon in all minority groups. And it is not difficult at all to have that trait, I believe it is very easy to slip into and it not very unusaual. It is just something people will never, never admit.

    Sent from my C6903 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  13. Those orange barricades on the road make you walk next to cars, cos sidewalk is closed up by these orange thingies. Its been now 1 week, if you make a mistake of walking on the beach side of the promenade, sidewalk suddenly ends, and the orange things make you walk inches away from moving cars and bikes. Better cross to other side. Crossing the road there now is a breeze, cos traffic is standstill most of evening.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. tall skinny bloke wearing very short shorts and a white singlet that i would use to wash my car and wearing thongs (flip flops) it made me embarrassed to think i would be put in that category..

    the Thais around me showed more class than that guy


    So in country where daytime temprature never is below 30C, shorts and sandals are a no no in a 5 star hotel?

    I dont think so. I think short, sandals and a t shirt are perfectly ok in any hotel, in Thailand.

    Thai people there showed more class?

    Thias who work there, wear suits. That is because they work in a 5 star hotel. The tall white guy was a guest, he is not required to wear a suite and tie.

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  15. There are gay people who don't want to be included and identifyed as gay.

    Self hating is very common among gay community. People who are not comfortable being gay dont want to be gay, and they certainly dont want to be part of 'we', and gay communiy.

    It must be very stressful not being comfortable with who you are.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  16. So OP you've been 3 times and on each occasion you've noticed the scam, after the first time you obviously decided to return..

    Of course. Naturally you return to the same exchange booth that has scammed you previously.

    I mean why take chances with some other exchange box, they may not pull the rate scam. Boring!

  17. Can you imagine being stuck alongside some filthy-slob on a flight?

    I could not even imagine that!

    There is no way you'd survive 11 hr flight next to some guy, who just sits there, in his seat, next to you!!

    But aristocrats such as you fly 1st class, yes?

    So no worries, you wont have to breath the same air with us commoners, who fly Business or Economy.

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