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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Maybe the same reason Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize. Irrational expectations.

    Obama receiving Nobel Peace Prize makes absolutely sense, but only in a bizzaro world.

    Nobel Committee ruined the prestige of the Peace Prize. Next person who the committee chooses, should decline the Peace Prize. This prize has lost all meaning after O received the Prize.

    If he was a man of honour, he should return his prize to Nobel Committee.

    • Like 1
  2. Heh, I'm reading this Huffpo article, and there is pearl from this 'progressive' Pope:

    "..Despite his July comments, the pope has a long history of being against gay rights. He has come out strongly opposed to same-sex marriage and called it "a destructive attack" on God's plan."

    And Advocate, infuential gay magazine, feels this man deserved to be named Person if the year!


    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Seems this 'progressive' Pope has reached his limit towards tolerating our kind,

    he is not happy at all about Malta passing a bill, allowing gay couples to adopt children.

    Advocate is a great magazine. But to name this man 'Person of the year' was maybe not so wise.

    Maybe next year The Advocate should name Putin 'person of the year', Putin freed the Pussy Riot members, prior to Sochi Olimpics, maybe Advocate feels Putin is a great man, fighting for equality of Russian gay people.


  4. But there never have been problems or glitches with the first N7.

    There is no need to wait, there never have been glitches or problems with any Android flagship device.

    I'm not sure history or the facts even remotely bear out those statements. There have been lots of complaints and lots of issues with various of the Nexus devices over time, including the latest ones.

    These are minor, insignificant issues. Waiting one year, and then buying last years model is more economical, but it is not more reliable than current model.

    You just bought the last years N7 yourself! A refurbished one, to save money.

    I read some of the links you posted.

    I owned 2013 N7, and I did not experience a single issue, that were listed. I broke my N7 screen, because I forgot to take it out of my back pocket, before I sat down.

    There are no serious issues with current Nexus 7, other than it is more fragile than 2012 N7

    Is is universally considered best 7 inch tablet. All tech review sites say so. Please dont ggl in order to find some blog, that disagrees with all serious tech sites.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong buying a previous generation device, in order to save money.

    New, current version is always gonna be more expensive. If you have no need for cutting edge tablet, just dont buy it.

    But to say last years model is somehow more reliable, than current model, is just not true.

    If you had a choise, you are offered 2012 and 2013 N7, both cost $115. Would you still prefer the 2012 model?

  5. I think new generation will be even uglier — the public school system, inherited from USSR, is being destroyed as we speak. Both natural and humanitarian sciences are being slashed to almost zero in favor of religious biggotry, and imperial rabble (they call it patriotism). You can figure out yourself what the product of this system will look like.

    Maybe not.

    The school system maybe worse than it was in Soviet times, but there are few important factors, that make a differnce: Russians are now free to travel abroad, as opposed to Soviet times, when USSR was basically a very large prison, only very few were allowed to travel, especially to the West.

    And internet. Young Russians are nowhere as backward as their parents, and grandparents, thanks to free flow of information.

    Since 1917 Russia has been a totalitarian regime. Early 90s that changed. President Jeltsin changed the country, Russia became a democracy for the first time, since the country existed.

    Sadly that changed in mid 2000s. Current ruler is determined to put an end to democracy, and by now he has succeeded. Russia in 2013 is a totalirarian country.

    But young people know what is goung in. There is huge opposition to Putin. But as in Soviet years there was the KGB, having a firm grip on the country, now these same power structures keep the masses under control, only the 3 letter name has changed.

    Even 5 years ago, in St Petersburg gay clubs were operating openly, they were the coolest places, and straight young people visited them, homophobia among people under 25 was dissappearing at very fast rate.

    But that was 5 years ago, before State backed hate organizations begun to grow, and terrify people.

    Ruler needs an enemy within, to channel peoples anger into sonething other than questioning the legitimacy of the regime. Peoples anger is caused by huge unemployment, low wages, crumbling infrastucure, losing faith that they will one day have a better life.

    All mass media is State owned, every day Russians are told immigrants, minority groups, the Western values are to blame for current sad conditions average Russians live.

    Still, I think next generation will be much nicer, better educated.

  6. I have a pretty consistent habit to never buy the newest, just-released model of anything, and instead to wait at least a year for problems/defects to shake out. And end up saving a lot of money in the process.

    And for me, I'd rather buy refurb thru a known large retailer, than "second hand" from Joe who knows who who's selling a single unit that's been sitting in a box in his garage.

    Of course evetybody has their preferences.

    But there never have been problems or glitches with the first N7.

    There is no need to wait, there never have been glitches or problems with any Android flagship device.

    Life cycle of Android mobile device is always 1 year. So if you wait 1 year, the only advantage is cheaper price of last years model.

    Nothing wrong with buying 2nd hand device. Joe does not keep his last years N7 in a box of, in the garage. He uses it, and the moment next generation device hits the stores, Joe buys it, and he sells his old device.

    Many people dont mind paying $100 more, so they can have a cutting edge phone or tablet.

  7. May another way to set APN with True is to call 1175 call center

    Believe 1175 is the AIS call center number.

    TrueMove is 1331

    DTAC is 1678

    APN configurations can be sent via USSD, or initiated via SMS, but this procedure is less than reliable - it may not work with any/every phone make/model.

    Yes, of course, my mistake. I use both AIS and True, and always confuse them.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Because I paid half the price of the next year's model? And the first year's Nexus 7 model I did buy was widely regarded as one of the best tablets made.

    I don't think that changes a year later...

    Yes, for basic use, 2012 N7 is more than enough. It was and still is very nice tablet, and $115 is a bargain.

    2013 Nexus 7 is not a small step from last years N7.

    The current N7 is just completely different machine.

    The 1900 by 1200 displey needs to be seen to believe. There nothing even close to it in Android world.

    Sony Ultra 1080 displey at 6.4 inches is not a bad displey at all, but it pales next to new N7

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Perhaps you should have left afterwards... I for one stopped going to Pattaya when I started reading this forum... and I wonder why I went there in the first place.

    And it now seems that mentioning Tenerife on this forum brought that place bad luck... I just read on Yahoo news that three Brits were injured by an explosion on Tenerife... while Pattaya is so amazingly safe

    How can reading an anonomous web board stop you visiting a country? You stopped visiting Pattaya cos of posts by complete strangers? That seems strange.

    Canaries are good islands to retire, after you have completely given up. After you no longer go out to have fun, and all you need is pleasant climate.

    If you live in in Tenerife, or Gran Canaria, you must agree the islands are dreadfully boring. There is no life there, no pulse. There are few people working in hotels and restaurants, and there are European pensioners.

    It is for people who have given up.

    Pattaya is pulsating, lively place, with all the good and bad that comes with being alive.

    • Like 2
  10. Thanks for your advice. Not sure if I will go to the bars etc - was looking to meet gay friends via Thaivisa - but thanks anyway.

    I tryed once to meet TV member for coffee, a while ago, just for chat since I had almost no foreigner friebds at the time... no luck, we never met.

    I think internet and real life are maybe not a good idea to mix.

    Person who you know online, maybe have formed some online friendship even.. Meeting that person in real life maybe not what you were expecting.

    I once met a guy in Europe, we knew each other for abour 1 year online, a chat room about US politics. I was very weary to meet at all, it is not easy for me to meet a new person. He kept insisting, and one day I found courage to meet, I thought what the hell, what have I got to lose.

    I know him since, I am happy we met in real life.. But if he didn't push me, and kept insisting he wants to meet up, I never would have taken the initiative.

    It is not easy to make friends with other foreigners here.

  11. Hi,

    these round concrete things in the middle of the promenade, north end, had 8 bolts sticking out about a month ago. (Half of them were already bent and had the threads damaged)


    Can anybody tell if in the meantime they have put these installations into use yet?


    Seating??? Pieces of art??? Advertising signs??? Tasteful lights?

    Lights to signal the location of landing strips for alians?

  12. Well, the topic isn't boring for me. I arrive back January 16 and am wondering if I can do my morning laps between Walking Street and Dolphin Circle. Is it all done excepting the pump station bit?

    Who can tell!?

    Hopefully by Jan 16th these tents, and sheds that are there now, and make the Beach Rd more like a Syrian refugee camp, or a slum in South Africa, than a beach promenade, are bulldoozed down by then. Who knows!

    This is Pattaya. If City Hall decides to make this tent city slum a permanent part of Pattaya, I wouldn't be surprised.

    I slowly getting used to that there is no place to walk any more, and relax at night, headphones on, watching people. Few more brilliant decisions by City Hall, and I will consider Marocco as winter home.

  13. My only Xmas wish is to become a moderator and close this done to the death topic. Anyone else agree?

    Why do you wish to destroy the little fun we have in this town?

    Maybe join YouTube, and post your deep thoughts there?

    Why do you make yourself suffer, reading threads at TV, that u clearly dont like?

    You do know, that reading web boards is not mandatory, yes? Or maybe it is in your country.. My guess would be you are from Albania, or Romania.

    Am I close?

    Wrong,the Vatican.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Do you have anything to add at all? Anything!?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. $115 for wifi version is an amazing deal.

    1. Re-furbished.

    2. N7 version 1, so the old, original model with the OK screen

    No no no,

    There must be some misunderstanding here.

    Why would anybody buy the 2012 N7, when the 2013 Nexus 7, the best tablet on market right now, is only $229 in Play Store, or 12.999 in Thailand?

    Why on earth buy the last years model?

  15. Yup, just as lomatopo said!

    For some reason True does not set the APN by sending automatic mms or sms. AIS sends the settings when you start using their 3G sim card, no need to manually set the APN.

    May another way to set APN with True is to call 1175 call center and ask them to send mms with all settings.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  16. To manually set the APN my Sony Android is prolly similar to Ascend.

    Go to: Settings - Wireless & networks - Mobile networks - Access point names. Fill in the following,


    APN: internet

    Then go back to APNs, you will see TRUE-H INTERNET and a round grey dot on the same line. Click on the dot, it turns blue. Your APN is now set.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  17. Paid $115 total (+-3700b) including no sales tax and free domestic U.S. Shipping


    Try to match that deal for the same authentic, not knockoff, product in Thailand.

    Certainly for 3G models, it's harder to find good deals in the U.S. that offset the potential shipping/tax and warranty issues, because the 3G distribution channels in the U.S. tend to be controlled by the big telcoms. But for wifi models, there are lots of excellent deals to be had because the supply market is so much broader and the retailing competition pretty fierce, unlike Thailand.

    $115 for wifi version is an amazing deal.

    I thought Nexus 7 wifi 16Gb version is $229 at Google Play Store.

    You mentioned knockoffs in Thailand, what do the made in China fakes have to do with anything?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  18. If budget is 10.000, wouldn't you get much better device, if you look around for 2nd hand phones.

    Sony Z, 5 inches, beautiful phone, in Jan 2013 it was Sony flagship, 1080 displey, and it cost 21.000 baht, now 10.000 in many booths in MBK, they will sell you for 9000.

    Or maybe HTC One, one of the most beautiful phones ever, also over 20.000 when realeased in Feb 2013, now 10.000, soon upgrade to 4.4 kitkat, 1080 displey. 4.7 inch displey, I wish it was 5, would have snatched one the moment it was released.

    Buying a new phone, 10.000 doesnt get you much.

    There is one offered right here at Thaivisa classifieds.

    Of course the TV app crashed when I had typed up to this point using the app, now using Crome. Android TV app never crashes while browsing, if replying crashes every other time, it is hoplessly bad.

    Check the HTC One here:


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