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Posts posted by anon8

  1. My opinion:

    Both sides should compromise on civil unions. Same sex couples get legal recognition and benefits, the religionists and traditionalists keep their sanctity of marriage.

    No no no.

    If gay peeps in Australia want to get married, they should be able to, and same laws apply to them.

    No compromise, thank you!

    If gay peeps there want to go through the charade and have 'sanctity' of marriage, gay couples should be able to do this as well.

    Non of this civil union compromise. We are equal. We have same rights as straights, period.

    Why on earth would Aussie gay peeps want to compromise!?

    • Like 2
  2. Or, some want to see what happened. I dont.

    Seen a few here live.

    Fights here are boring, 20 locals keep kicking some guy laying on ground, prolly unconcious, at least not moving..

    So they are not really fights, more like brutal executions, alltho sometimes victim stays alive. Not fun to watch. Sickening really.

    For blood and violence, may I suggest LiveLeaks

    • Like 1
  3. Yes, just do it!

    It will feel even better than the fantasies, that have gone through your mind countless times!

    Nobody will know, your friends will never find out, they wont call you names to insult you, unless you tell them. And if they do, they're not really true friends.

    It is only human to desire and try new, and exciting things. Dont channel your desire into hatred, it wont work, and it can be psychologically very difficult and damaging.

    Just do it!

    • Like 1
  4. Cant understand the 'run n hide' brigade

    Recent history shows that <deleted> all gets done UNTIL a damning video clip goes viral


    Run and hide is mostly because of wish to stay alive, or very least to avoid serious injury.

    But Im all for posting the clip on YT.

    After clip goes viral and when the telephone rings at soi 9, and some general from Chonburi yells at some local colonel, to make it at least appear as if they are doing their job, maybe some resemblance of investigation may take place. Maybe.

    Oh, btw 'run and hide' is human survival instinct.

  5. I hope that you never are the victim of a crime, when others turn a blind eye and fail to step forward in your search for justice.

    Except I have been victim of a violent street crime here, in my case it was altercation with 2 local guys, broken beer bottle in one guys hand, he missed cos I was moving fast.

    His friend had an iron bar, I was not so lucky. Have stiches from 8 years ago to prove it, and a receipt for 3000 baht from Memorial hospital.

    There were people watching as it happened, locals and foreigners, nobody did a thing. I dont blame them, they prolly wanted to stay alive, and I understand them.

    The only reason Im alive, I managed to jump on a moving baht bus, and guys couldn't run as fast.

    That is why Im advising you to forget the incident.

    It is just advise, please dont be angry w me.

    • Like 1
  6. Economy blows in Europe and US now, that could be the main reason.

    Large news orgs covering events in bkk dont help, thats for sure.

    But I doubt 2 week package tourist knows about the tension in bkk. Its prolly the economy.

    It is very quiet in Pattaya right now, and its mid Dec. Should be packed.

    I doubt average tourist who usually come here this time of year know anything about Pattayas street crime increase.

    • Like 1
  7. Please stop posting these stories , its getting harder and harder to get friends and family to visit me in LOS  ..


    Yes, but it is fair that potential visitors know the dangers, and local traditions, such as beating a man half dead, over unpaid bill, or over some other dispute.

    Travel agents rarely mention that this place can be very dangerous, if you are not aware of local customs and traditions of Thailand.

  8. While feeling sorry for the people who have buisnesses here and do not want them to suffer ,every cloud has a silver lining ,less tourists ,yipee, long may the protests last (sorry lemoncake)

    No. Pattaya needs tourist. Low season here feels like deserted amusement park in the winter, depressing and lonely.

    Lots and lots of people on the strrets can be annoying too..


    Crowds of people is what makes a city. When its half empty here, Pattaya feels like a large village with no life, an empty village with unusually many hookers.

  9. True 3G data has been really bad for a week or so. Data connection simply stops, then connects again in 30 minutes or so.

    AIS has not had this issue in the past month.

    But True has not dropped 3G since Monday. Maybe they restarted their Pattaya router, you know, unplug it and restart


  10. LeCharivari, we, gay guys would never go and have a quickie with some stranger, at first opportunity.

    We wait. We make sure that guy is really commited. We would never have sex with some handsom stranger. It is simply something most of us would never do.

    • Like 2

    Apparently a lot of gay men have been 'saving' themselves for their wedding night....or civil union night.... or Friday night.  

    Of course. We, gay men would not have sex w another man, until we marry the guy.

    Its not like would go with a good looking guy at first opportunity. NEVER!

    • Like 2
  12. Last few nights i been trying to sit on pile of bricks on the promenade, not really bricks, those brick looking thingies that are used around palm trees.

    This week it has also been possible to sit down on Beach rd, near to entrance to Walking st. There are large piles of bricks that will be used to finish the last 100m of the road. Every night people are sitting there.

    But the small piles, 4-5 bricks self made seating arrangements, after sitting more than few minutes, bum gets soar. No fun.


  13. Spend a day on YouTube and your 1.5 GB will be gone! Happened to me with an air card.

    Of course, 2 gigs is gone quickly if you watch YT or other streams.

    If you have prepayed AIS 3G, you can log in any 3BB wifi spot, they are everywhere, and free, usually faster than AIS 3G. Just log in wifi when watching vids.

    Same thing for True 3G plans, you get free access to any TrueWifi spot, they are also all over bkk, and other cities.

  14. Same here.

    True drops data several times a day for past few weeks. It doesnt matter what your device is. I used Note 2, then sony Z1, loosing data connection several times a day in Pattaya, no data for 20 - 30 minutes, then it comes back. The 3G connection icon on top of display is there, but no data.

    But since yesterday afternoon, something changed, True hasnt dropped 3g not even once.

    For 3G in Pattaya AIS is much more stable. Alltho speed is no different, it never is down.

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