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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Often after midnight you can see homeless, drunk, passed out Thai guys sleeping on the street, outside storefronts. Most often on the 2nd rd.

    Of course I think all Thai people are like them.

    • Like 1
  2. My point is I felt embarrassed that people would think we are from the same place, as to Thais a white guy is just a farang

    You know, you can iron your t shirt twice, it wont make Thai people like you more. They dont look at us as equal, and no amount of ironing a shirt will make them like us, they only accept us, cos they have use for us. At best they tolerate us as neccessary evil.

    And the drunk guy in the store, you shouldn't feel bad what some stranger does, or how he dresses. Its got nothing to do with you.

  3. Good test!

    I know a guy back in Euroland, he does not consider himself anti gay, and a homophobe.

    He feels gay people should have every right to live as we like, but only behind closed door.

    He says 2 guys walking together hand in hand is simply wrong, 2 guys kissing out in the open is unacceptable for him.

    He really believes what he says, we have spoken about this few times. I have tryed to explain to him that 2 guys kissing is in no way threat to him, those guys kissing wount attack him, and force him to join them. But I think he feels thtreatend. I suspect the thoughts in his head, when he sees 2 guys being intimate, terrify him.

    And he honestly believes he is not a homophobe.

    In his defence, he is not very bright guy. And I suspect he has terrifying thoughts in his head around bed time, thoughts about how he would eagerly blow his handsom friend, who he goes to gym together.

  4. Why is sympathy shown to the drunks that kill themselves ?

    Many innocent bystanders are killed or injured too by this stupidity.

    How do you know he was drunk?

    It is normal human emotion to feel symphaty for a 26 yr old man, who lost his life in an accident. You do know that accidents happen easily while riding a superbike? It could have been number of things that made him lose control.

    Nobody but the rider himself was hurt in this accident.

    0 innocent bystanders were hurt.

    On a related note, do you have any heart at all?

  5. I dunno...you know what they sat, for every goose there's a goose...or something like that.


    I often notice JoeSixPack uses word 'geezer'.

    This is a new word for me. First i thought it means somebody who watches goose, you know, a bird watcher. So for about 6 months i thought geezer is a person who is watching goose, maybe with binoculars, i seen these guys on nature channels.

    I used to wonder why sixpackguy calls me a goose all the time..

    But im not sure any more. You say for every goose there is a geezer.

    So confusing!

    • Like 1
  6. I couldn't be with someone as jealous as your husband. But people are different, and that's OK


    You need to accept that we, people who are not married, and not in long term relationships, are not good members of gay community.

    We are promiscous, no good sluts, who give nice and loving, commited gay peeps bad name.

    In order to be a good gay man, you need to be handcuffed, i mean married, to one guy for 25 years.

    Less than that, and you are a bad gay person. Not only hated by homophobes, but also by gay dudes who happen to be in relationship, and think you are not as good as they are


    • Like 2
  7. Quote:


    In other words, and despite all the hype, there was NO evidence presented that there has been any "blatant oppression against our brothers and sisters, the GLBT people of India" at all.

    End quote.

    The level of ignorance in this post from forum member LeCharivari is mind blowing. Or is this some inside joke that im not getting?

    There are lots of posts from various users that i disagree with. But this now is reaching whole new hights.

    The forum member LeCharivari is capable of forming a full sentence in English. Often confusing, long sentences, filled with quotes, and then more quotes in italics, that make reading, and trying to follow the train of thought difficult for me..

    But this post now!? What is this?

    Is this last post post regarding gay peoples rights in India some deep sarcasm, that im unable to grasp, or is it rambling of very, very confused mind? I cant tell any more.

    • Like 1
  8. Obviously you don't understand my post.

    If the law here stopped these guys renting stuff when nobody who rents them out has NO idea if they can deal with this type of of machine then next week another ''tourist'' WILL meet his maker.

    I understood your post.

    You posted that since you are fed up with lack of regulations here, it is somhow ok to insult a dead guy. Wasn't that what you posted?

  9. Perhaps some of us ol' guys are fed up with young folk meeting their end through lack of regulation. sad.png

    Fed up? So you feel insulting a dead person is somehow acceptable?

    Young guys are killing themselves, riding bikes they cant handle. It happens everywhere in the world, it takes a millisecond to lose control, usually it ends with death.

    So you are fed up? I'm sure this guys family is mourning.

    Nobody else was hurt in this crash. If you dont feel sorry for young man losing his life, maybe at least dont make fun of it, but many here do, and maybe dont insult him. He is dead.

  10. Wow, you guys knew this person obviously and were present at the scene of the accident, stupid must hang out in the same groups.

    Cannot teach stupid as it is something you are born with.

    Yes, our usual brigade of bitter pensioners knew the Russian guy personally. They always do.

    Every time there is a bike accident here, and rider dies in a crash, we have people here throwing insults towards a dead guy.

    He was 26, he is now dead, maybe give your lame, senile comments a rest!

    • Like 1
  11. But Im not even smoking anything. I used to, and it felt really nice... Except i got really really hungry every time. So after few months there was an unwelcomed pumpui taking place :(

    I no like!! So no more smoking. And I've lost maybe 3-4 kg in last month!! No joke yo!

    I could post some pics, but those would not comply with forum rules :-)

    Im pretty close getting a 6pack. But I wont post before JSixPack goes first! If Joe6Pack posts his 6pack, i shall post mine. Even tho at the moment mine is more like a 3pack.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Only 800k to the beach, just south of town.

    800k to the the beach is pretty far! That would be like Phuket beach

    Maybe he means 800 meters. But even at that, I think it is way too far.

    Beach needs to be no less than 2 minutes away, of slow, dizzy sleepy walk. Any longer than that, forget it... I shall go back to sleep, and wake up around 5pm or so. Pattaya is so much nicer after sun down.

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