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Posts posted by anon8

  1. They cant use atm with no russian in it simple as that.My gf got exchange business and russians english is at 0 levels. They ask where is atm when inpoint rhaybsay no russian cant use it...

    Exactly. If I was say, in Egypt, and the ATM menus were only in Arabic, I wouldnt get money out of the machine either.

    Especially when ATMs promts you to replay to unneccesary retarded options, as What account would I like to withdraw from,and if I agree with 150 baht donation. Has anybody ever clicked No to this 150 baht thing?

    With so many Russian tourists here, ATMs in Pattaya should have Russian language option.

  2. TAT is predicting 6 billion arrivals this year.

    TAT should just go ahead and make it a trillion.

    I am sitting on the steps on Beach rd, it is Sunday night 6 pm. Street is very quiete. It has been quiete for few weeks, and its only 1 week to Chrstmas.

    Weekends are busy here, and traffic is horrible, but its weekenders from bkk.

    Jsixpack posts are very, very fun to read, but it really is very quiete this year. No doom tho, we will survive somehow


    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Yes of course there are thousands of houses, but on the other side there are millions of condos, so how many of the houses are actually available for rent, today? Not much.

    Yes, there seem to be much condos for rent in Pattaya, and fewer houses.

    I thought about it for some time now. And I think cracked the mystery!

    Condos take up a bit of land, but, here's the tricky part, condos have several floors, sometimes 25 and even more. Condos fit many many units inside one tall building.

    House takes up some land, but usually house is a single family unit.

    That may explain why there are more condos availabe to rent, and fewer houses.

    • Like 1
  4. Who is he? He won't accept snap elections, ok, he is free to not go and cast his vote.

    I used to like him. His opposition to T dynasty was a good movement.

    But now he seems to think its his way or hiway. There are laws in this country. Elections in Feb is the law, wheather he likes it or not.

    He started a good movement, and then promptly turned it into his own quest to become dictator.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. I think,you advocated erasing the video and forgetting everything.

    The police have the video, the condo has a meeting at 5 pm today between the bar owner, a Pattaya Police Captain and the condo building owner. We that rent/own are also invited.

    Yes, my advise was to erase the recording, and not file a complaint with police. You decided differently, and I was curious how things are now.

    It is commendable how you managed to set up the meeting on such short notice, and on Saturday! Well done!

    It is interesting that owner of your condo is participating in a meeting, discussing noise complaint from a neighbouring bar.

    It is even more unusual that the bar owner agreed to this meeting.

    And police Captain, on a Saturday night!

    I hope the meeting goes well!

  6. Civil rights must be legislated?

    Equality under the law is subject to debate?

    Equating gay marriage to murder?

    You cannot possibly believe all of those things you just said.

    He probably really believes what he says. There are people who really think like that.

    Have you guys seen a movie 'Deliverance'? It is a very good movie. There is a scene in the movie, a young man in rural Georgia, USA, playing his banjo.

    When I hear arguments how I am not equal member of society, and how I dont deserve to have equal rights, I always picture the opponent of equal rights as that dude with a banjo.

    • Like 2
  7. It is very difficult, maybe impossible to research, and work out reliable data on subject like this. Simple reason, people questioned are never honest.

    Who wants to give an honest answer to something that is so personal.

    Even on anonymous web boards people are often dishonest, they post and take pride how loyal and committed they are. And they do this in order to impress complete strangers, on anonomous web board, to people they will most likely never meet in real life.

    To admit that you have sex as often as possible is looked down upon for some reason, alltho most people who rush to call you a slut, do the exact same thing.

    I never understood this.

    So we can argue about who sleeps around more, straight or gay people, but wont know. Any research into this cant be trusted, because people lie, they wont give honest answers to researchers qestions.

    People lie, they then feel better about themselves.

    I trust what I see with my own eyes observing what people do. In a large city you see and take notice how people really are, and how they behave.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. ...

    They did turn them on but were ignored by drivers & were unpoliced so actually became quite a hazard to the newbie tourists who tried stepping out when they had the light thinking that they were safe to cross only to be nigh on run over.

    Exactly. Having street lights here makes crossing the street much more dangerous for naive tourists, who for some reason believe that green light somehow gives them a right to cross the road.

    Better not have lights at all.

  9. I don't believe the dribble I see on this forum..

    Anyone here with a problem with the law needs to approach the Australian Government, I might add a democratically elected government, and partition the law makers to change the law not bitch on here about the High Courts ruling.

    We will bitch about this discriminating, backwards ruling, as long as this thread is open.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  10. A refreshing look are the Russians in Pattaya. none of them tattooed unshaved sexpats wearing wife-beaters

    So true!

    It is quite amusing to observe Russian couples in Pattaya.

    Often the guys walk around town in swimming trunks, or what look like boxer shorts underwear.

    Often they dont wear a shirt, and many guy have trained bodys, whats not to like!

  11. Our first inevitable DOOM prediction of the current high season.

    Not really a doom. Not the end of the world. Nibiru is probably not crashing into Earth, and throwing our planet off axis, killing all life.

    Pattaya streets are quieter than usual for middle of December, thats all.

  12. I would hate to live a life where I was so scared to speak out for fear of offending someone because experience has taught me that my judgement is mostly fair & so to (mis?) quote Martin Niemöller :

    “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak Out..

    This is a very famous quote.

    If you try to live according to principles in that monologue, your life in Thailand will be short, or you spend it in a wheel chair, after standing up for the repressed, or more likely assaulted people.

    This saying, the quote, does not apply here.

    Here it would go something like this:

    I saw a man being beat up, i walked away cos my health is important to me

    I witnessed a robbery, i never claimed I never saw a thing, cos I wish to stay here and not move

    I was stiffed and i want my money back - forget your loss, its only money, it could have been much worse.

    That saying you quoted, applies in civilized society, where people who live there have equal rights.

    Not here.

  13. I think its the same as it is every year, and we are in the Pre-Festive Season lull this week.

    Wait until after this weekend, and the hordes arrive, you will think different.

    Not really.

    The week of christmas, and the week right after Jan 1st are the absolute peak, sure. It will be packed, Im sure. But that is just 2 weeks. Not much of a hi season, just 2 weeks out of the year.

    We are on Dec 13 today, and Pattaya is dead right now.

  14. I was listening to a gay on talkback radio yesterday, and he said it was his legal right to marry his bf, so that means I lave a legal right to kill somebody or rob a bank?? Marriage between same sexes is STILL ILLEGAL!!!


    In civilized society that should be his legal right.

    I doubt he said it is his legal right to marry a man now. Perhaps for dramatic effect you slightly altered what the caller said.

    Of course it should be his legal right to marry another man. All of Western society is moving towards that.

    What is amusing in your post, is that you are comparing this to murder, you draw a paralel with something that is a one of the serious crime anywhere in the world, and you bring it up in context of gay marriage??

    Brother, if you simply hate, be a man, come out and say it! Or are you a coward, drawing parallels between a marriage between people who love each other, and murder.

    Im now done talking to you.

  15. Life is not equal, and it will always be thus.

    No, my friend! Life is equal. In Western society, all people are equal. Some stuff takes time to be sorted out, sure.

    It will not always be unequal, as you say.

    There are some ancient laws that discriminate one group or another, but this is changing now rapidly in the West.

    In few years, my marriage to another man, will be equal to your straight marriage.

    Dont feel threatend, your straight marriage will still be valid. Also, gay marriage wont be legislated as mandatory for straight people.

    You will not be forced by State to marry another man. You will be able to keep your current marriage.

    Gay marriage will not become mandatory for every male in Australia.

    I hope this is good news for you! You will able to continue your straight lifestyle! And we, gay men, will be able to marry who we wish, same rights you are enjoying right now.

  16. You do not currently have the same rights as heterosexual couples..

    Oh, I know.

    Give it couple of years, and we WILL have same rights as you, heterosexuals.

    You do realize perhaps, we are people too, citizens, no less than you! You soon will see current discriminaying laws only being in history books.

    Peeps = people.. Its an internet thing, not even a gay thing, so no need for you to get upset.

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