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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 3 minutes ago, offset said:

    Yes I know that 


    What happen to me was the Her mom without me knowing applied to the court to sell the land and said the land was worth the same as on the chanote of 250000 baht but did not say that there was now a house on the land and the court did not check on it, the court agreed for the land to be sold and put it in the hands of bank to sell. Her mom then arranged a friend to buy the land from the bank and the next day the mom brought the land from the friend and took a 2200000 loan out on the land which she never paid back so lost the land


    The 250000 Baht went to the Children's Welfare


    I was not married so I had no say in what happen and it was all done without my knowledge 

    A good reason to go to court and get legitimized so that it can be stopped before hand. It could probably or at least perhaps have been reversed after event too, I have asked a judge about this => he said that court can and do order land transferred back to child if friendship / relationship can be proven and sales price is obviously below realistic market value. It's so much more difficult though and not certain

  2. 17 hours ago, offset said:

    When I applied for my sons passport I spoke to the advice line in the UK and was told that after a certain date the rules for unmarried parents have been changed and it is much more difficult to get a passport for my child but I was lucky he was born before that date so he got his passport I am only reporting what I was told

    It's a bit off topic but it's still in the right forum so why not. I'm a little bit surprised that passport is discussed so much, passport and citizenship are 2 totally different processes and citizenship must be confirmed before passport can be requested. How difficult is it to get citizenship for a child when one parent is non British, born abroad, not married? Citizenship rules will change in more and more countries but I doubt that it will go as far as denying citizenship to the child because one parent is non-British and child is born abroad but sure, they make it more difficult.


    First obstacle: I'd expect the new British rules to be: If not married must have legal evidence of legitimization of the child, that's the first rule most countries will implement if they don't already have it


    Second obstacle that can/will be implemented: Will legitimization have to be by court order only?

    Here's a true story: Sweden for instance, has had the rule that if not married, must have court order of legitimization for many years. I and the mother legitimized our daughter at the amphur where the child was born (not in court) and the Swedish Embassy refused to process citizenship application because legitimization wasn't done in court. I went up to the district attorney in the province and he refused a court case on the grounds that the child already was legitimized, nothing more Thai law can do... He also recommended to file a court case for legitimation carefully attaching the evidence of legitimization and let them throw it out of course and use that as evidence. I told the Embassy exactly that and asked if they needed me to get the petition thrown out of court too and was told - Come up to the embassy and let's see what we can do... Done in an hour. Standard process at the Swedish Embassy


    Third obstacle: Does the Thai mother have to sign the citizenship application? I actually can't remember if that was required, I think not in the Swedish case, but it is a clear requirement for the passport of course (child trafficking). Britain currently has the rule that both parents must sign for the first passport but one legal parent (also if not British of course) can request consecutive ones. This will change in the future 


    Forth obstacle that can/will be implemented for sure: Temporary citizenship only if by descent and must process change from temporary to permanent citizenship any time within majority plus 2-3 years and prove valid connection to the country (relative witnesses, / language proficiency etc.). Another funny story from stupid Sweden's case: I signed my daughter in as officially living in Sweden for 6 months (triggers permanent Swedish citizenship status and "by descent" removal) but we had to go back before the 6 months were complete, I signed her out first after permanent citizenship status was formalised but not in time for it to go unnoticed and I got nasty communication from the nearest school about the duty of the parent to ensure that the child is educated in a sanctioned school only... I couldn't care less about sanctioned or not as long as education is good but my daughter is now a permanent (not by descent) Swedish citizen and I can have an accident and die now knowing that she will not be denied her Swedish heritage. Her children will perhaps be "by-descent" and the story continues... :smile:


    It's still possible to work the problem and clear it


  3. 19 hours ago, offset said:

    If you do put in Childs name make sure the proper value of the land is quoted on the paperwork and if there is a house on the land make sure that is noted to because if they are not noted it is possible if you die for the mother go to the court with a good lawyer and get the land sold at a lower price and make some money off it

    Money from sale is put with child services and not handed over to the surviving parent

  4. 5 minutes ago, ChrisO1988 said:

    Firstly thanks for all that have taken the time to offer advice, I was hoping not to incur lawyer fees as I don't have a huge income. Just to clarify, my daughter looks just like me ( everyone says this, not just a Fathers wish!) so I don't doubt she is mine, but I'd be willing to take a DNA if required.The blackmailng messages are by SMS so I have some evidence, as far as getting anything else it's not easy she is in control! I ask all the time to see her, my ex sometimes says OK, I go to the house to spend some time with my daughter and we go shopping, I pay for everything to do with my daughter (quite willingly) then I have to leave for work. Other times she doesn't reply or says NO after the passport and agreed sum each month. I could stop all contact but I'm afraid she'll interpret that as not wanting to see my daughter, I'm a straight up kind of kind and playing games is not my forte, I just want regular contact and to support my daughter. I am not against getting her a passport but what's the rush anyway, my ex may have in her mind to take her to Germany as one of her other children has a German Father that visits once a year, I really don't know, she's unpredictable. I have no choice but to be patient but the outcome seems in the hands of my ex not me. Can you tell me, Michael, you recommend contacting HappyLarry, ask for his wife as interpreter and her contact as lawyer, I'm in Chiang Mai are they in my area? Thanks again.

    First of all, you are not married to the mother and the child is young so your only way of becoming recognised as a father is by court. You know that you are not even a relative of your own child and you have no rights and no obligations until you are legitimised but there is more. The mother will probably be able to get a Thai passport out for the child at the end of the day and if she does, she can be able to take the child abroad without your consent. The German Embassy may issue a visa for the child without your signature. Either legal guardian can veto that their child leave Thailand so legitimisation gives you power if the mother wants to take the child abroad


    Thai Juvenile courts have the opinion that very young children need their mother so it's easier to get the majority of the time with the child, or at least not less than 50% if the child is not very young. You could wait a year or so as long as you ensure that you keep evidence that you care for the child (transfer money) and don't expect to see the child. Overall: You cannot stay nothing if you want something of your childs life. You'll have to take this to court within not too long unless you accept to walk away from the child


    -- she is in control!

    Yes, you must accept that for now but not forever. That she has another child with a German father would worry me in terms of money. This will get more difficult if she actually doesn't need your money, if you can't use the power of your money on her. Don't worry about court and money, They will order no more than 4,000 max 5,000 baht per month. It will be more too of course as you bargain for something in return.


    Evidence: Keep every single receipt, even food and restaurant bills when you go shopping with the mother / child, install a CallRecorder on your mobile and record everything, buy the video spy pen, they cost less than 1,000 baht on Lazada.


    -- the outcome seems in the hands of my ex not me.

    No it is not, that's only for the time being. A Thai Juvenile court does not favour a Thai mother in front of a western father unless there's foul play involved, they favour the child's future and ignore the idiots on ThaiVisa who write differently. Now, foul play happens quite often with mothers educated in a farang bar against innocent western fathers but it can be countered by careful planning. There are other pitfalls too of course, courts can be trusted, your Thai lawyer can normally not!!!!!


    -- I could stop all contact but I'm afraid she'll interpret that as not wanting to see my daughter. Only do that if you are prepared to walk away forever, otherwise transfer 4,000 baht per month until you are prepared to act in court. If you pay more than 4,000 baht now, adjust. I was in Juvenile court as an interpreter 6 weeks ago and couldn't stop my smile when the Thai mother said she wanted 30,000 baht per month and the head judge actually laughingly asked back - Would you be satisfied if the court orders 3,000?


    Passport: Do absolutely not agree to sign for a Thai passport until you have been able to arrange British citizenship for your child and first after is done of course, a British passport that you keep far away from the mother in a safe place. I really don't see any reason to wait with this so although not in a rush, it should be done at the same time as "the other things" are sorted out. I'm 54 years old, you're 30. Trust me, you get more attached to your children with age, not less


    HappyLarry's wife and her lawyer friend have been used by several ThaiVisa members, they're not Chiang Mai based but they fly in, they were in Chiang Mai for a success case in September 2017 by the way, you'd have to pay travel and accommodation and their normal fees. Contact HappyLarry, I don't know the cost


    Got to go, late to a meeting :)

    Best Regards


    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

    Nope, it is very unlikely that DNA will be necessary. Be patient and gather evidence and then take it to court, be well prepared in court and court will support you and they will help so that no DNA will be necessary unless you want it yourself. I have been in Juvenile court in Thailand as interpreter many times, have you?

    What you advice is nonsense

    Chris: You can easily read yourself and decide what is good advice and not

    • Confused 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Sop you are saying he should not listen to advice about getting a DNA test?

    If so you are talking nonsense, as that is his first/ best move.

    Then agasin you think you know better than everyone else, whatever your on stop now.

    Nope, it is very unlikely that DNA will be necessary. Be patient and gather evidence and then take it to court, be well prepared in court and court will support you and they will help so that no DNA will be necessary unless you want it yourself. I have been in Juvenile court in Thailand as interpreter many times, have you?

    What you advice is nonsense

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  7. 10 hours ago, ChrisO1988 said:

    Now she is saying I must first get my daughter a UK passport, come to an agreement on an amount to give her each month BEFORE she will allow me to see her again. All I want is to see my daughter regularly and be a good father ( I live 15 minutes away) I am willing to pay and get a passport but I have been stopped so many times in her short life already I don't trust my ex. I would appreciate any advice as I am at my wits end.

    Nothing much to worry about and stop being at your wits end. You went in to this ill-prepared and you have a few set backs that you now in a controlled way *patiently* can correct. Stop listening to at least half of the honourable ThaiVisa members posting, their "advice" is ill informed or wrong anyway, trust the courts but do not trust your normal Thai lawyer, I normally advice never use your lawyers interpreter but contact HappyLarry and get his wife as interpreter and her contact as lawyer, they're a good team, be *patient* and do not act until you have gathered evidence, buy a spy pen and record when she black mails you, keep money tight if money is important and politely and nicely provoke her to give you evidence that favour you in court, expect that you won't see your child once the mother know you've taken this to court and don't worry about it (if the mother is interested in money), and more than anything else, *patiently* accept that court cases should take a long time (if the mother is interested in money). Do not worry about DNA now, you'll hardly need it anyway.

    Solution 6 months from now is not likely and don't worry about it



    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  8. MISB is different in every aspect but also because every grade, every class of the school is always full before the new academic year starts so only chance to get in is to come earlier in the year and have a bit of luck => reserve the seat of a student that is leaving


    Compare with Bangkok Patana? It really is impossible to compare the two. Bangkok Patana is a traditional western style International school while MISB doesn't even want to be one. MISB wants to be an Indian/Asian school providing good education for a decent price, mainly for the many Thai-born Indians but it is also clear that everybody are sincerely welcome. Facilities: Bangkok Patana cost how much? Totally 800,000 bt per year? MISB cost less than 250,000 bt per year. How can we compare that? Bangkok Patana has excellent facilities all over, MISB's facilities are a bit old and it feels a bit small because every class is full and they are not fancy but they are adequate, it's IMO good enough and they're right on Petchburi 38/Sukhumvit 39 while most other international schools are much further out where land is much cheaper. I'll put it like this: I think that MISB is doing such a good job at delivering good education for a very good price that anyone who complains on their facilities should happily shut up or leave and pay 3 times as much somewhere else


    I don't see it as they have religious backing as such, the word "backing" feels wrong. The school exist because of the initiative of His Holiness Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji (spiritual leader of the Namdhari fold) to support the Namdhari in Bangkok. It's an Asian school so respect and religion is important but I hesitate to put the word religion in because westerners would probably misunderstand. It's not religion the Christian way but rather the Mahatma Gandhi way with absolute respect for other religions. There are prayers, pray for what you believe in or not at all if you don't want to but respect the moment. No religion has been taught the 14 months my daughter has been there. It's very different from for instance Grace International school, their vision statement from their website gives me goose pimples - "VISION: Bangkok Grace International School seeks to guide students to faith in Jesus Christ. We envision to be an active prime mover in the delivery of quality education to prepare and develop students of genuine faith and integrity to serve God in different capacities". MISB is not like that at all but religion/whatever you believe in/respect/morality is still important. Respect/morality is more important in MISB than in most western schools


    I have no idea if MISB is formally run as a foundation or for-profit, probably foundation. There can be no profit for that price


    More in no particular order: Teacher parent communication is easy, I have the email of nearly all my daughters teachers, 3 scheduled teacher parent days per year and no problem to see teachers more often when I want that, nothing of the Thai "keep parents away from the school" style what-so-ever, British curriculum and clearly more of a British style with formal homework that must be handed in and points are counted toward the final grade, don't hand in and you will get zero points and the school is audited so this rule is strictly followed, homework mostly given several days in advance (not much get today for tomorrow), serious about preparing students for the iGCSE, A levels and university and they are doing a good job with it too, University of Cambridge International Examinations, EDExcel approved centre, Education Development Trust (EDT, formerly CfBT) International Schools Quality Award at Silver Level, kindergarten to A levels, the school is more strict than a Thai school of course but still the Asian way (can ask for a week's break mid term for a holiday to the Canary Islands but education should not suffer, unlike Northern European where you'd get "the bad parent stamp" and a lecture about the duty to make sure your children go to school), standard Asian values must be followed and the school would not accept repeated breaches, no holding hands or obvious shows of affection like hugging or kissing, school uniform rules more strict than in Thai schools but not overly so, school communication is a bit slow at times (get today answer tomorrow) and admin is bad at answering emails sometimes (they seem a bit overstretched), strictly vegetarian school, no meat allowed on the premises although the majority of the students seem to prefer meat and don't like the rule, teachers do have an Indian accent of course and parents and students who can't happily accept that without complaining should choose another school, teachers are generally experienced and good, school acts promptly on complaints (new ICT teacher received several complaints and he was gone the next term, well done MISB), must teach Thai language 5 hours a week I think it is as it is a Thai International school (MoE rule), only Chinese, Hindi, Urdu foreign language to choose from, PE swimming classes gender segregated of course, Indians are not the best at sports, even the parent activity during the sports day gender separated :), the school is quite a bit like a big family actually, quite a few of the admin staff went there themselves, the principal Dominic Sir is cool :)


    It's definitely a predominantly Indian school and I suppose it is not for westerners coming straight out of Europe, parents and students must accept the rules of the school or leave at the end of the academic year and you won't get the admission fee back. Accept this and that facilitates are not fancy but adequate and it is a bl**dy good school with a family feel for less than half of what the competitors charge. My half-Thai daughter is happy there and Daddy is clearly happy with her academic progress


    Wow, that was a long post :smile:



    • Like 1
  9. Yes, it is possible. I bought land in my daughters name at Huaykwang land office in Bangkok when she was 2 years old. Her name is at the back of the chanote as owner and her thumb print is on the original buy / sell agreement (she couldn't sign at the age of 2) together with both legal guardians signatures. I had done my homework and had all required papers and took the 5 of us (seller, lawyer, father, mother, child) from 8 AM to 2 PM to complete all. It's done all over Thailand but I have also heard that land offices in Chiang Mai and Hua Hin refuse to transfer land to a Thai child if the child has a foreign parent but I doubt that would hold up in court, a Thai citizen has the right to own land by law. The rationale is probably a local interpretation of that Thai land should be kept in Thai hands and should not be controlled by foreigners.


    It's impossible to give a responsibility to a child so land must be fully paid. Mortgage can not be placed on the land until child reach majority because not even a Thai court has the authority to give a responsibility to a child. They can in very exceptional cases only, authorize to have it sold but money will then be placed with a guardian (normally child care department, never the legal guardians) and they decide what to do with the money. This is extremely rare


    On ‎4‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:49 AM, BEVUP said:

    That would only be to Loan Sharks

    If the shark took that risk & debt wasn't paid he would have to go to court to be able to change names since a child is registered on

    That won't work. The court would order the debt defunct. Any debt on a childs asset is by definition defunct as the child or guardian never was allowed to authorise it. The safest way to "get rid off" a debt in a childs asset is to take it to court


    Transfer before or during court proceedings? Don't think it matters much if what's going on is fair to all parties. Don't expect a Thai court to jut sit and watch while something unfair happens, they will support the transfer to the children but they will also advice the wife is something unfair is going on and ask e.g., Why do you want to give away custody? It's easy to get court to agree to a clause like: Mother father agree to give child land this and that. Must specify within a certain date suggest 30 days. Then mother, father, child go with lawyer to land department and get transfer done.


    If land department refuses? Shouldn't matter. Selling the land is perjury and that's non-compoundable criminal law. It should work to go back to court after transfer date has expired (maximum one year after court date) and request court order to be enforced and hand it over to Gromm Bangkapp Kadi after it is enforced (means loosely translated department for court order enforcement). They should not have any problems to get land transferred to a Thai child. Land department may dare to refuse to transfer to a Thai child because one legal guardian is western in front of the westerner but it should be a totally different matter if Gromm Bangkapp Kadi comes and orders the enforcement of a court order 




  10. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 5:34 PM, edgarfriendly said:

    St johns shut down permanently June 2017


    next best / updates for '18?

    :crying:  Yes,


    I moved my daughter to MISB, Indian British curriculum Cambridge and EDExcel certified (silver rating) school on Petchburi Soi 38. She's been there for a year now and I can confirm good education indeed. 80% of the students are Indian / Pakistanis, many of the Indians are born in Thailand. We must accept that this is an Indian school, anyone prone to complaining about Indian pronunciation / grammar or disregarding the normal Asian rules, stay away please


    Price is less than 250,000 baht per year and the school is always full so it's probably a bit late to get a seat for August 2018. I like the school a lot, my daughter is happy there and thriving, I like the teachers (mostly Indians, some Filipinos and Thai), the parents are nice, the kids are nice. The school feels like a family. All is obviously Asian which I like after 27 years here. I may have had a different opinion 20 years ago but certainly not now, I feel lucky



  11. 13 hours ago, happylarry said:

    Thats quite an idea Mikey.....i agree with you, and do wonder if anyone can have such trust without knowing the person they are dealing with.

    However it has been done and people have had trust in my wife, so I guess if you are stuck in a hard place then you have to make that choice, or lose a lot more.


    I'd trust your wife any day :)

  12. 33 minutes ago, banagan said:

    Good points.


    He was chasing after my uber the other night... 


    Not sure of the law here, if he bites someone, are there consequences for the owner? Fine, compensation?

    It's better than fine and compensation here. The owner will politely apologise and you will all come closer, more friendly and more accepted by the family and the whole street if you handle it nicely. Compensation? probably not and hardly necessary, it'll cost a thousand bath to get the little wound cleaned and fixed up. Fine? What good would that do?


    I've been in Thailand for 27 years now... Don't worry, like everything in Thailand, just be patient and it will be solved - if you want it solved by western "efficiency", go and live there :) Just a friendly banter, not seriously meant, some dear ThaiVisa members posting in this thread clearly do not deserve to live in Thailand and should go back to live in FarangWorld :)


    What to do, already posted before the socially misplaced westerners woke up and posted their "solutions".

    Do absolutely not accelerate more, do the opposite, always drive slowly. You are the criminal, remember that. You are being noisy and the intruder on the dog's street you know, not the opposite way around. I would not be threatening or anything as stupid as that, just stop and nicely ask the dog over, won't work in the beginning but it probably will one day. Biscuits work but sausages are king, mmmm, yummy. Throw the dog half a sausage if he won't come, then start again and slooowly drive off. A pack with 4 sausages from 7/11 are 35-40 baht or so, give half and that's 8 times. The dog will get used to you and stop.  


    Congratulations to solving this like a Thai and post and let us know when it works :)


    • Thanks 1
  13. On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:06 PM, happylarry said:

    My wife has been made power of attorney, from clients living abroad, several times.

    My wife makes out the form with all relevant information in Thai and also a translation, and sends these ny email. The client then prints out the forms takes them to a notary and signs in front of the notary, who then witnesses and the forms are then couriered back to Thailand. These are then accepted by the courts in Thailand and therefore I would imagine they would be accepted by anybody.


    Good Morning HappyLarry


    In the office in a good mood and just wanted to ask - How unreal am I... , as a westerner that is, just signing and handing over an open POA and 200,000 bt to the car financing company where they/anyone actually can put anything in? 


  14. 1 hour ago, happylarry said:

    My wife has been made power of attorney, from clients living abroad, several times.

    My wife makes out the form with all relevant information in Thai and also a translation, and sends these ny email. The client then prints out the forms takes them to a notary and signs in front of the notary, who then witnesses and the forms are then couriered back to Thailand. These are then accepted by the courts in Thailand and therefore I would imagine they would be accepted by anybody.


    Then should be easy to solve this problem :laugh: Just send over a blank POA and add the rest of the details here 

  15. 19 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:

    Contrary to what is often assumed by foreigners this document has nothing to do with ownership of a house or condo and cannot be used as proof of ownership



    I know, that is why I wonder why you wrote


    On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 2:56 AM, PoorSucker said:

    No, only as owner, not as recident, you need a yellow book for that. 


  16. Only open question here I think is if the POA must be signed in Thailand or not. Thai's sign POA's all the time, the standard form can be bought even at BIG C. Most Thai's just sign blank POA's. I actually did the same but only after living here for over 20 years :smile: Ex wife mortgaged the car, we went to the mortgage company, she signed off on the loan paper, I paid the outstanding amount, signed a blank POA (witness signatures conveniently added later) and handed over signed copies of my blue tabien baan etc, and we said thank you and left. A week later they called and said that I could the book and everything was perfect. I was now registered as the new owner of the car I had paid 1.5 times :crying: 


    This works for transferring car ownerships anyway, I don't know if banks / for real estate require something different / more. A simplification (if POA can be signed abroad) could be to just send over a blank POA and get it back signed and go to a law firm here and get the rest filled in


    My Finance director jokes with me and says: Michael, you have gone native. Yes, I suppose that is true. Works fine with me


  17. On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 2:56 AM, PoorSucker said:

    No, only as owner, not as recident, you need a yellow book for that. 

    I have been "puu asai" = living on the property and "chau baan = master of the house hold both in yellow and blue tabien baan books. They work exactly the same way, blue is for Thai's and residents, that's the only difference


    I have always translated puu asai to living on the property and evidence of that should be what is required to register a car on you = proof of my legally registered address in Thailand. I don't care if that is called resident or not but can you explain what you mean please


    1) You mean that it not evidence of your legally registered address if you're in the blue tabien baan as puu asai?

    2) Owner? Tabien baan has nothing to do with ownership, it is just a house register. There is no owner information anywhere in a tabien baan




  18. On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 10:15 AM, Kenny202 said:

    Appreciate ur detailed reply. Unfortunately this is where it all falls down. We called the amphur this morning and they said they need the mother present and the original tabien Baan. I also believe this isn't necessary but if they believe it is there's no way around it. They are most unhelpful and have been so in the past. Might just get a lawyer to handle it. I believe by law she doesn't need to be present. Another post a guy actually posted the transcript. He might be able to explain it to them


    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    What is required is the right steps. Never call, it doesn't work. It is simply because they are afraid of making mistakes, not because they deliberately try to put up a road block. 

    Go there in person early in the morning and smile, 8:15 is a good time in Bangkok, earlier up country. Go to the information and first show the court order, then ask for the supervisor. Again show the court order and let the supervisor read it first, then talk. You gain 2 things:

    1) You get a person with more knowledge from the beginning, helps a lot since the man obstacle is afraid of making mistakes

    2) The first thing he / she sees and touches is a valid court order, first impression is "valid reason", not afraid of making a mistake


    OK thinks the supervisor, now I just have to find out the exact correct procedure and that's not too difficult when I can bring the court order when I trouble the more senior section head 


    I've often wondered why westerners think that a phone call to amphur should work :)


    An amphur supervisor almost always have a law degree, he / she will not read a valid court order giving say sole custody to the father and require the mother to be present to implement it. Shared custody and legal guardians have equal rights. Chau baan is always required if tabien baan must be updated. A minor can't sign anyway and is not required. Translated documentation is always required if not Thai language as is Certification of translation in one way or another, unless another acceptable substitute exist (that would have required translated documentation and certification to get)


    *** :) And now it becomes a bit fuzzy. I would hardly have to provide a translation of my passport as my blue tabien baan (no photo but name) and either pink ID card or work permit both are acceptable substitute (photo and name). Still need a signed copies of passport )and whatever was used as substitute documentation), still need signed copies of tabien baan. Would all ampurs accept Thai driving license? No way, maybe a few would. Would all amphurs accept Work Permit? Probably not but quite a few probably would. Tabien Baan? Always required but copies should be enough unless actual update is required. Birth certificate? Always required but copies should be enough.


    With a legal valid court order and smiles... I'm sure the supervisor would be happy to advice what I need to do to get whatever I miss. No copy of birth certificate? No problem, make a police report that you have lost it and come with that and I'll issue a substitute form for you (not a new original birth certificate but original substitute form). No copy of the childs tabien baan? That's OK, I actually have enough information (from legally valid sources) so you don't need it. I used to go to the amphur often in the past and I have never met the problem so many others report. But I am sure there are exceptions. I have even heard of a legal stupidity: Thai ID card for child... Legislation is supposedly written so that only a Thai legal guardian can sign for it. Eeeeeehhhh, child can't sign, court order gave farang father sole custody but he is not Thai and can't sign, mother isn't legal guardian any longer so she can't sign. But not to despair: Amphur will accept mother to sign also if she is not legal guardian


    Michael :smile:

  19. On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:51 AM, Peterw42 said:

    Its someone trying to sell you the statue of liberty, that they dont own.

    Yes !

    I was offered to "buy" land that could not be owned already back in 1992, it's still the same. Peterw42 said it best


    It is impossible for both westerners and Thai's to own property on Koh Tao. It's right to occupy land only. All title deed upgrades has as far as I have heard been stopped since forever and will on islands be stopped for another forever. That said, could still be worth it to "buy" "the right" to stay in an apartment or on a plot of land - if one accept that it's a risk because there is legally "no right" and no "buy" = can lose everything any day and nothing to be done, same for resorts by the way

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