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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 9 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

    Did China have a lockdown where the population was locked down in their homes/rooms?
    Wasn't it only that they locked the region, Wuhan, no travel in and out?

    If indeed so then China proves that the 'shelter in home' draconian lockdown was not needed. As the US / UK / Belgium numbers also show, despite draconian lockdowns, it did not get them to lower numbers than China, not even the same.

    China had very, very strict lockdowns in nearly the whole country. Many Chinese weren't allowed out at all, not even to buy food and necessities. China organized food patrols which delivered food instead and online deliveries skyrocketed. 


    Europe was nothing compared to how strictly it was implemented in China. 

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  2. I'm afraid I can't help you. I have gotten a lot of friends in Thailand over the nearly 30 years I have lived there and I know no Thai who has even had covid-19 symptoms. I know one westerner who was sitting close to a Chinese that was coughing a lot on the bus to Trad late January. He got fever for 5-6 days and a really irritating dry cough that lasted nearly 3 weeks. He never went to hospital and is abroad now. 

  3. 9 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    Did you live in fear before this pandemic also?


    Just get on with it mate, life's too short!

    You unfortunately don't live with your 85 year old multi sick mother who wouldn't stand a chance if she got covid-19, I do.


    Shall we switch? I don't care, I give covid-19 to you and you kill your own mother instead of vice versa. 


    She wouldn't be missed anyway, she couldn't even teach you to respect others

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  4. 23 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

    When we are married, we are the same family, we assist our family the same, so why, in acts, Thailand gouvernment is answering by business permit and resident card flavor prior to families values... what does it mean ?

    It simply means that they are prioritizing. Thai companies need their employees back first or all, many Thai permanent residents don't have residence abroad any longer, nearly all residents have families of course and are or have been paying taxes in Thailand for a long time (25 years in my case) . 


    Same as they do when they repatriate Thais. Tourists first, then residents.


    It's a logical order IMO 

  5. 19 minutes ago, treetops said:

    That is the current situation for WP holders, along with a couple of other requirements, but nothing has been published to my knowledge for any other groups.


    Correct. I just don't think they will drop insurance anytime soon. Same with quarantine in hotels. Hotels benefit from it so why drop it? It's be long after the last WP and resident have returned. 


    Thais deciding this are smart, not stupid. They know that August is a gonner and September to November is low season. 

  6. 3 hours ago, maddermax said:

    Question is, as a retired resident of Thailand with a resident's ID card, would I be allowed to re-enter Thailand and not have to undergo the quarantine period if I have to travel overseas?

    No luck for us. The period up to 30 June is only for Thais and WPs, most WPs, can't be accommodated. Next phase is 1 July onwards but we must contact the embassy, they'll forward the info to Thailand where they will decide the order. WPs will go first, Thai companies want their employees back. 


    Quarantine in approved hotel and 100,000 dollar insurance will be obligatory for a long time I think. Quarantine in own house is hardly going to be allowed as hotels are empty now and that business is bleeding. People from low risk countries should be able to get in faster but no idea when that will happen. Don't know if it will apply to only nationals of that country either

  7. 1 hour ago, Logosone said:

    It's the seven day rolling average of new deaths per million by number of days since a 0.1 average of deaths per million was first recorded. It's says so at the top, impossible to miss. I looked before I wrote, please don't make unfounded comments that have no basis in reality. It is a seven day rolling average.


    Why did you answer a post which was discussing and linking to a graph using the same time perspective for all countries with "That's just" then? 


    2 hours ago, Logosone said:

    That's just the seven day rolling average.


  8. 46 minutes ago, balo said:

    After today's daily press conference Sweden will have more than 4000 deaths. 

    When Anders Tegnell was interviewed by Norwegian TV last week he claimed that Norway will catch Sweden after a few months , so he actually believe Norway will have up to 2000 deaths.
    That is a crazy statement really, will never happen. Why? Norwegians are opening up slowly, people are more careful now and keep social distancing, compared to a few months ago.   We will not walk around and hug each other.  Ask Tegnell and he will be clear about both Norway and Denmark will have  the biggest problems, not Sweden. I never understand this guy,  if he is right he is a genius.   If he is wrong he should look for another job. 

    I also think Anders Tegnell is wrong there. Social distancing is much more respected in Norway. 

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  9. 44 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Presumably Russia's deaths are so low because of the time delay between catching it and dying, I'd expect that to increase sharply soon unless they have a miracle cure from China

    No, its because Russia use totally a different criteria to report covid-19 deaths. Google it, lots of newspapers have reported it. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    That's not true of course, it has a time perspective, which runs from Jan 31 to May 24, and it is useful to see the confirmed deaths of Sweden are not the worst in that time period.

    You get an accurate slope in a graph with a time axis that uses the same time as base for all. 


    What you have in that graph is data over 2 months for some countries and 3 months for other countries displayed using the same time perspective. That understate the increase for countries that has been in the game a shorter time and vice versa. 

    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, Logosone said:

    That chart ends on May 11th and Sweden has seen some of the greatest falls in new cases very recently.


    Anyway, look at this chart, which gives deaths per million, since many people insist on this measure, though clearly it does favour countries with very large populations. Even taking this measure, Sweden is not doing so bad:


    Sweden total deaths per million.png

    It doesn't take the time perspective into consideration. It's a simplification where all countries are displayed as if they got the virus on the same day... Use number of days from first death for all countries and you'll get a totally different picture. 

  12. 19 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

    I can't help feeling that the only meaningful number is the 'deaths per million of population'.


    In that respect Sweden stands at 396 with only 4 major countries (Belgium 801, Italy 613, Spain 541, and UK 541 ) higher.

    It's quite good but it's missing the time perspective though. The Scandinavian countries were late into the pandemic, most other countries in Europe are 2 to 4 weeks ahead. 

  13. 2 hours ago, pineapple01 said:


    Their next 4 day Holiday generally falls 3 Days after the last one. Bunch of Lefty Snowflakes

    Time for a lesson about Sweden. It was Ascension Day on Thursday and Friday is a public holiday in Sweden. Most of Thursday to Sunday's death are not reported. They will come on Monday to Friday. The best day to get an accurate picture of deaths during the week in Sweden is therefore Saturday or Sunday. 

    • Confused 1
  14. 12 hours ago, Logosone said:

    That chart ends on May 11th and Sweden has seen some of the greatest falls in new cases very recently.

    Just wait until the 4 day holiday is over. The numbers are low because only hospital deaths are counted now. You have to wait until Sunday 31 May to see the true figure, that means that Monday to Fridays figures are in the graphs.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:

    Yes, he is honest and willing to change course when it turns out that the factual results are not supporting Sweden's chosen strategy.  

    This does not mean that Sweden's strategy is wrong, but only that they are open-minded enough to evaluate the situation and correct where that seems appropriate.

    If only other countries would have a scientific frame of mind like that, instead of the often politically dictated agendas we see.

    Hang on. The Swedish health authorities don't decide how Sweden's strategy should look, they provide advice and model data and politicians decide. 


    The Swedish politicians decision would have been the opposite if this virus had targeted the productive instead of the non productive. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Logosone said:

    It's not the health authorities, it is again a political drive, because it started with the foreign minister of Sweden claiming in a US interview that the Swedes were not pursuing herd immunity, when Tegnell had clearly implied this in his own interviews.

    I have listened to Anders Tegnell's interviews in Swedish almost every day. He said "will eventually lead to herd immunity". I don't know how to explain it, his eventually was a bit quiet sort of. He certainly wasn't pushing the word. I think this matches that he is an honest person. 

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