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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 11 hours ago, Lolothai said:

    can she just write a permission on a blank paper or does it have to be an official document?

    No! She must go to amphur and get the official form, they will print (and sign) it. I was denied leaving with my daughter once with a written permission, my daughter called her mother and handed over the phone. The mother was drunk too... They let us through with a stern warning, only amphur in the future. 


    The mother asked for and got "no time limit" = valid until majority for us. 

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Russian oil and gas can flow to China instead of Europe, and I'm betting the Chinese would be turning the screws on prices.

    Sure but it takes years and years to build infrastructure to scale up. Nordstream 2 took nearly 4 years to build excluding planning. And China wouldn't even consider it until Russia is stable. 

    • Like 1
  3. You need a lawyer but it's easy as long as the mother agrees. Max 50,000 baht for the court case in a tourist location like Koh Samui, 30 is OK as it's only half a day's work (start at 9, ready before lunch). Waiting time 3 months for court time. 1 month for the appeals period to expire. Let the wife contact the lawyer

    • Like 1
  4. Good post Mark. Not everybody on TV are mean bastards not caring about the future who don't think rationally.


    2 hours ago, Mark Wild said:

    Basically she sent 15,000 as a standard to the family in the beginning of the month

    They obviolsly can't handle money. Why not do what I had to do with my daughters mother, split whatever money is decided up in 3 transfers.


    2 hours ago, Mark Wild said:

    Two days ago they asked for another 2,000 to open a new bank account because the old one is no good (WHAAAAT?).


    Now the door is broken and it will cost 10,000 to fix it. In other words buffalo is sick and it looks like a door

     I've heard this style many times over the 30 and a bit years I have been here. It's disrespect, dishonesty, and deserves to be treated that way. It's much also for the disrespectful though. Have they borrowed money? Some even charge "hundred for 10 per day" (for smaller amounts) so interest can be incredibly high. It sounds quite possible. I'd seriously ask the gf about that. Just a note: It's easy to explode when shocked and scream at the wrong person ????


    2 hours ago, Mark Wild said:

    And they probably will never be ok with that especially if one day we buy one for ourselves. 

    Never underestimate the power of the family in Thailand. You can put a house in a half childs name (except in Hua Hin and a few more places).


    2 hours ago, Mark Wild said:

    And they probably will never be ok with that especially if one day we buy one for ourselves. 

    Depends on how you put your foot down now. That's the solution to all of this


    Good luck

  5. 8 hours ago, Mark Wild said:

    She gets 20k. Sends 15k. Not enough. No more demands from them to me or even from her to me. She's just unhappy that whatever she gives is not enough.  I convince her that it's way more than enough. I started this thread to actually show her later a number of opinions that she's giving way more than people usually do. Well, ok, I wasn't sure that would be the case but now I know after I received a few answers between 5k to 10k. 

    The family live in a more expensive area so 5 won't cut it where they live, certainly not with a 12 year old girl in the hourse. At the other end, 10,000 only if you are economically comfortable with it. Average 10,000 totally per month is good! (if they have no loans and including school & uniform etc, excluding christmas / new years gifts). As for your gf, she seems nice and is fighting a difficult battle with the family. She deserves appreciation for that and her honesty coming to you. After all, she's basically telling you that her parents are bad. Not easy for her. Would feel nice to help her to get more of the available money.

    Need to clear current problems first of course but also good to think about the future and  give a heads up of what you and your gf together come up with (emphasis on gf up to you), for after covid and after the father has a job again, if it is temporary / could or will change in the future.


    Your gf will find it very difficult to tell them that you will reduce money if the father doesn't try to get a job when times are better so let's not paint the devil on the wall here. It can wait. Your gf knows best, what does she think? You could sit in as moral support and to strengthen the message even if you don't join the discussion, what does your gf think? 


    Good luck Mark


    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, Nino3 said:

    Personally, per the GF, I don't provide a maintenance salary for her mom and dad. Apparently I'm stingy. I give her 6,000 baht per month for them but she hands it over to them. In her mind, this means she is footing the bill. I find it fascinating how their minds work.

    It's a good solution Nino. It's nice of you to help your girlfriend to feel she is helping her parents, it really matters to her. As for the "apparently I'm stingy comment", don't think that you understand Thai's or your girlfriend until you, when seeing it from their perspective, comfortably can remove the word apparantly. Not badly meant, maybe you already can.

  7. Join the Thai re 650 Facebook group, I post in Thai but answer mostly in English, they're a good bunch. What you describe is a rather common problem, most cases are fixed by just thoroughly cleaning up connections and ground cable. Battery charging plate / voltage regulator? Doubt that. 


    You should check voltage like the poster above suggested. Problem is that Thai mechanics generally have little knowledge about electrics, could be tricky to find one experienced in that area. Could always do it yourself, I'd be too lazy for that though ????

    • Thanks 1
  8. Don't sgree with half done as the title say. Click bait again? 

    I got my booster shot a week ago in isaan, I was early and the place was actually so quiet that I drove over to the hospital and asked if it was moved. Nope, just too early. Went back again and had my free pfizer by 8:30.


    I asked the nurse in charge and she said. Most in this town have already had their vaccine. I listened to people around me and less than half took their second shot, the rest their third.


    Sounds much better than half done to me

  9. 7 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Actually, many of those doses were not full doses.

    My Pfizer booster was a half dose (at best)!!! I did not even feel the needle go in.

    There was also some manipulation of the number of doses per bottle. (12 instead of 10)

    Not feeling the needle go in has nothing to do with what or how much that is administered. That's penetrating the skin. Some feel others don't. Same in Western countries. 


    Link with evidence of manipulation please! 

    • Haha 1
  10. Well, only idiots can think that they can take an obligatory covid-19 test and then change address so health authorities cannot contact them directly to isolate them if results are positive. Even relaxed Sweden had the rule that you could go anywhere but you had to update the address with the health authorities when you moved. 


    We know that the tm30 process exists, tourists don't. It's irrelevant if they knew if they tested positive or not. It's just common sense. 


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    • Confused 1
  11. Just a comment from personal experience. Kwasaki is correct ????


    Just two additional comments. The papers should be signed by the one owning the car according to the blue book. That may not be the one you buy it from. Quite common. Secondly, never ever buy without getting the book. It could be held by a loan shark and you do really not want to inherit that problem. 


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