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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 11 hours ago, contico said:

    Ordered 4 tires got a bar of soap in an envelope.

    They asked me to return the soap to the seller!!

    Then they want  a copy of my bankbook and  passport  which I refused to supply. Since I paid with my Credit Card. The case is still pending.



    From Lazada;

    "P l e a s e   p r o v i d e   a d d i t i o n a l   i n f o r m a t i
    o n   f o r   r e f u n d . 

     -   F i r s t   p a g e   o f   y o u r   b a n k   a c c o u n t   b
    o o k   t h a t   t h e   c u s t o m e r   w a n t   t o   t r a n f
    e r   t h e   r e f u n d
     -   T h e   c o p y   o f   i d e n t i f i c a t i o n   c a r d   o
    r   p a s s p o r t   t h a t   t h e   n a m e   i s   a s   s a m e
     a s   t h e   b a n k   a c c o u n t   b o o k .
     P l e a s e   a t t a c h   t h e   p r o o f   o f   d e l i v e r y
      a n d   i n f o r m   t h e   p a r c e l   n u m b e r   b a c k
    f o r   t h e   s t a f f   t o   c h e c k .
     H o w e v e r ,   i f   t h e   c u s t o m e r   d o e s   n o t   r
    e s p o n d   w i t h i n   4 8   h o u r s .   L a z a d a   i s   h
    e r e b y   r e q u e s t i n g   p e r m i s s i o n   t o   c l o s
    e   t h i s   r e t u r n   r e q u e s t ."



    You should post evidence on https://pantip.com/search?q=Lazada 


    Lazada doesn't care about the small irrelevant foreign community, I bet they don't check here. I have read where a lazada representative suddenly posts in a thread at pantip though so it seems they check that.  


    All of you with scams should post there. Then, at least Lazada would know you're active with your complaints


  2. Opposite story of days gone. 

    In 1991, my ex wife posted an ems letter from the post office in bangkapi at 3:30 in the afternoon and it arrived at my door in Sweden 17 hours later. Including time difference = 17 actual hours of travel time. Unbelievable 

  3. 8 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    You can put a minor's name onto the land title deed BUT, there is a big BUT the child has a legal guardian who can act on the child's behalf. I.e. the power over what is owned by the child remains with the legal guardian. 
    What you can do is to put your daughter as legal owner and you yourself are being put on the very same land title deed with an usufruct. Stipulate the latter in such a way, that you can use, sublet the land title as you please for the next 30 years - after which your daughter has reached legal age and the guardian is not longer an issue. 

    Legally speaking no rocket science but you want to get legal advice. The usufruct can be put onto the back of the land title deed by a pre-printed form available at the Land Department. 

    Ensure that you pay a nominal fee for the utilization of the usufruct (usually as high as to cover the costs involved with the property). Legal, straight forward and no surprises for the next 30 years. And, depending on your age, you can do a first-right-of-refusal for another 30 years, if the first term is expiring. To facilitate matters for your daughter, stipulate that the usufruct is considered expired once you've passed away - makes its sier for her. If it is not, what on  you want, then you can even include this usufruct as a part of your last will as inheritance to your "next-of-choice"! 

    Nope, land department refuses to put anyting on a title deed if owner is a minor. The workaround is to put it there before transfer. 


    I have tried 30 year lease. Was refused. Any change to a title deed where a minor is the owner require court order

  4. Yes, my daughter owns land in huaykwang in Bangkok, she was 2 years old when transfer was made. It is easy to give to children but difficult to take away. The land department will not put a lease on the chanote if owner is a minor, I tried. Must have court order was the stern answer. so, Juvenile court will have to order. That's difficult, must prove that's its good for the child and still very very unlikely to happen. 

  5. On 5/31/2022 at 8:43 PM, Lorry said:


    Through the years,  please tell me how you breezed through TM28, TM30, online 90 days, CoR, CoE, Thailandpass... just to name a few of the enjoyments Thailand has given us during the last 8 years or so.

    By getting a residency, also easy if you qualify 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 5/12/2022 at 9:12 AM, Raindancer said:

    Please see my post on this subject below:  Ignore the first link.   See my post below that.


    Correct.  Thai law does NOT require probate of all wills.

    1.  Under thai law sect 1635  there are rules for statutory heirs.

    2.  Furthermore, the legally married spouse of the deceased has automatic rights to the estate, unless you provide a will to the contrary.

    3.  Finally,  not ALL provinces/ states in Thailand require probate for All of an estate.


    Now for those who pass themselves as wannabee lawyers and being  rather fed up of certain annoying  statements I visited the Amphur on Monday, specifically to ask about leaving a bank account to ones legally married wife after my demise.


    This is nothing to do with all my other assets.  They have already been dealt with. AND, there are no other heirs in my line!!


    I had just been to the bank about this issue and they said it is NOT illegal for a wife/ husband to gain FULL access to the deceaseds bank account, providing i gain authority from my local Amphur. 


    This is their (Amphur)official reply. 


    Provide the following documents:


    1.   Passport and copy of first page.

    2.   Provide a translation of passport ( first page).

    3.  Copy of bank book/ books.

    4.   Certificate of mental competence from a doctor. 

    5.    Provide a will in Thai language stating the sole beneficiary of your bank accounts.

    6    Provide a copy of the Tambien Bahn plus ID card 

    of the sole beneficiary.

    7.   Copy of marriage certificate and original kor ror 2.

    8.   Bring two witnesses to the Amphur, to witness your signature.   They should also provide ID or passports to verify their status. 


    I know that I previously stated that I had previously registered a will in English with my Amphur,  without a doctors certificate, which I showed the Officer in Charge.    It was still extant.  But rules had changed since then.


    But, because of Thai government policy to reduce all Bank accounts to 1,000,000 guarantee for investors from 5,000,000, I had to move things around to new accounts. And so I had already prepared most documents prior, apart from the doctors note, which was new to me.


    Hence my visit to the bank and Amphur for clarification on making a new will, SPECIFICALLY,  for bank accounts and nothing else. 


    Today, everything has been ratified, signed  sealed and authorised.


    Now, whenever the day comes, my wife can access my bank accounts "legally".


    I hope that helps someone.

    Even if it is only one person, it will have been worth the time to post this on the forum. 




    Thanks for that information. Don't have a wife but I have a daughter, sole heir. Do you know if the same thing apply wold apply there? 

  7. You should be safe indeed. But I wouldn't say no risk regardless of if you have shared custody in both countries and have the "permission to take the children out" letter from the mother. 


    if the mother decides she wants the kids back one day, there are 2 laws at play: habitual residence of the kids and latest court order date. She'll quite easily and cheaply get sole custody in Thailand but a French court will hardly enforce it if you have clear video evidence that the mother wanted the kids to stay with you in France, several videos better. That and habitual evidence


    Then, unfortunately, don't take the kids to Thailand until they're 12 or so and can speak for themselves. They need contact with their mother so not easy. I'd pay for the mother to visit them in France if they want and you can. Beware of cutting the mother off from them, not unusual that the longing for the mother creates an opposite reaction later in life. No bad talking the mother ever. 


    About going to Thailand? Only risk would be that there's an arrest warrant registered with immigration, highly unlikely. Don't tell anyone and no "old" places of course


    Should be fine, you're lucky ????

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 4/1/2022 at 3:15 AM, bobandyson said:

    30+years in Thailand and I've never seen anyone watching ch5. I've only caught sight of it when flicking through the channels when looking to see if a particular sport event was being broadcast by someone.

    31 years now, I mostly agree. The only ones I've seen watching ch5 are military personnel and families / relatives and some farmers. But there are 2 noticable exceptions: Ch5 was IMO good (the best?) during both the Tsunami and the flooding.  

  9. On 3/30/2022 at 7:23 AM, chang14 said:

    Thank you Lopburi3: unfortunately the colour copy I have was not acceptable by Australian government. And I can see that this copy is a very bad unreadable scan and will not be acceptable either. 

    Your colour copy is still only a non certfied copy. Will never be accepted.


    Try the "legal copy" of the birth certificate. The birth certificate is called TR1, can't remember the designation of the copy. It's printed on a form directly from tabien raat (house register) and the printout contains everything except the signatures at the bottom. Then they sign and stamp it at amphur. Get it translated to English, then go to the Consular affairs department at MFA (used to be on the second floor of the "passport building" close to MFA, don't know if it's there any longer). 


    Maybe they only have a bad photo copy of the original birth certificate with signatures scanned. It could be impossible to get a better original. 


    But: One good quality legal copy signed and stamped, one signed and certified official translation, I would think that's accepted.  Consular affairs department(s) don't certify copies, only original documents. That in itself is also a confirmation that the document is a valid copy of a birth certficate

  10. On 1/22/2022 at 8:46 AM, lopburi3 said:

    AFAIK a birth certificate can not be replaced.  If it is on file a legal copy can be made by a District Office in my understanding.

    I thought the same, mummy came back with an original in May last year though. Have a look




    Age = how recent matters of course.



  11. Hi,

    I needed one more birth certificate for my daughter (born 2004) when I applied for permanent residency some 10+ years ago, not possible, could only get a copy.


    BUT!!  I asked my daughters mother to go and get a birth certicicate when we moved 600 km away from each other in May last year (2021-5), Wang Thong Lang in Bangkok where our daughter first was registered. I fully expected her to come back with another copy but she came with an original. Absolutely identical. We now have 2 originals and 2 copies ???? Copy is not quite the right word actually, the ones we have are the legally valid substitutes, printed on the correct "copy" colour form paper (looks slightly different from the original birth certificate though)


    I don't know if something has changed, or if the reason was better. Mummy said she had lost the original and mummy and daddy was separating.  


    Here's a photo of both side by side as proof.






  12. I have both bought and sold motorcycles in other provinces. You're selling so you need to provide: Signed "Bai Own" - transfer paper, signed letter of attorney, 2 signed copies of your ID card (both front and back), signed copy of your (blue or yellow) tabien baan (address page and your name page), and the blue book. That's all. I have bought 2 bikes without checking them the last 6 months and that's what I get every time (well, the green book in my case), it's always enough.


    Now, they say 2 signed copies of ID card but they only use one at DLT so I suppose one should be fine. They also say signed tabien baan but I didn't have it once and they transferred anyway... And most Thai's give 2 signed letters of attorney, always blank! (except the signature). I have no idea why, one is enough. And I'm sure all this can vary a bit ????


    I have no idea how people who don't prepare for an easier life do, i.e., foreigners with no thai id card, no tabien baan but most of them have themselves to blame. It's so easy to do. And you're Thai so no problem ???? 




    • Thanks 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Puccini said:

    No, there is no "official" format, neither in Thai nor in any other language.


    Please feel free to prove me wrong by posting a link an "official" format on a Thai government website.

    There's a lot of misinformation here. Perhaps you and some others spreading it should learn a Thai saving that translated to English goes like this:


    Those who don't know speak easily. 


    Why don't you keep quiet if you don't know. We are talking about children here

    • Like 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, kwonitoy said:

    Thank you very much. 

    A mystery solved for me.


    My son says it's too messy, almost like cursive for him to read.


    You don't need full parental power to take a child out of Thailand. You need formal permission from all legal guardians issued by the amphur. Immigration only checks that paper. 

  15. A kerry driver just dropped a package I bought at lazada containing a 9,000 baht Sony headphone over my 2 meter high gate a month ago. I was standing by the window putting my mask on and saw it. 2 meters straight into the ground. 


    I videoed walking to the gate and talking to him, video 30 cm from his face ???? he did not deny it but was otherwise not apologetic. Issues like this are no problem though, the delivery company will pay and deduct money from the salary, I have forced that once 2 years ago (3,500 baht). I didn't have to this time, the head phones were really well packed in bubble wrap. . 


    I think service is slowly going down over time both on shopee and lazada and clearly also with the delivery companies. They get quite a lot of bad Thai reviews on the Internet now a days 

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