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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. There are a lot! of interfaces between different (internal) bank systems, different banks and various other systems. The way the trend has been for many years now, half of them may be outsourced. I'd say the problem is likely to have come from that.


    It may not even have started or come from Thailand. It's easy to check bank policies (OTP / email) in countries and chose a country. SCB for instance has minimum credit card OTP limit set to 500 baht. Anything below that will go straight through without notification.  

  2. On 10/19/2021 at 2:49 PM, nchuckle said:

    You need to get up,to date - my phone/iPad uses fingerprint id to authorize/confirm transactions or access my account . Does your computer have that ? 

    If they can sniff one authorisation, break the encryption and duplicate it, it doesn't matter which authorisation you choose. The difficult thing is breaking the encryption and duplicate it, not which method you use

  3. Minimum limit for credit card OTP with scb is 500 baht. Not possible to set lower. So lazada should send OTP for everything over 500 baht but that very occasionally fails. Happened to me one time only last week. Error with payment, no OTP. Checked orders before ordering again and the payment had gone through, order was paid. I read on pantip.com that other Thais have reported the same problem in the past. 


    Shopee stopped their credit card and bank transfer functionality for non saved cards totally only ten days ago or so. Those with cards saved in the system can still use them. I do occasionally use my credit card to buy on lazada and shopee but I have never ever saved it on lazada. Shopee saves automatically so I go directly after ßnd remove it manually. Hope its safe enough. 


    There is quite a big difference in safety between an updated pc and mobile phones. Pc safety is more robust. also, the mobile phone online shopping ßnd banking market is much bigger than the pc market in Thailand nowadays, another reason why mobile phone apps would be targeted more often. Both less robust security ßnd higher volume of transactions. 


    Time to be extra careful


  4. 1 minute ago, Kwasaki said:

    I bought cheap just to try them out. 

    The first pair 1 went quick, bought 4 more expensive ones and only 1 out of 3 worked. ????

    The 2 are still working good but one flickers. 

    How long have you had them ?? 

    Only 3 months this far, still perfect. I would be surprised if they break quickly. We get what we pay for, these were expensive but they should last a long time.

    • Thanks 1
  5. This thread is a bit old but I have changed to Novsight N37 60w H4 on my Royal Enfield 650. Good straight dip beam beam line, symmetrical. Very good I must say, makes night driving a dream. Best mod ever. 


    Don't buy cheap, you get <deleted>. These are 1,599 for two H4, worth every penny if you drive night time. 




    Discipline required! They are very bright.

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/3/2021 at 5:27 PM, jazzdog32095 said:

    Here's the deal, I've made countless passages on my 58' Ketch to places where I was either illegal, uninsured or both. Would I forego those experience's because of some remote risk, of course not. Some folks would prefer to lock themselves in their bedroom to insure their safety. Yet others will drink each night at their watering hole infested with prostitutes of various genders hanging out with their drug dealer buddies. Let it be. My point is I don't need anyone telling me '' the sky is falling'' if I choose to drive down the beach in my golf cart. I can confidently assume the risk I take is far less than that guy drinking each evening in the red light district but then again that's up to him.

    You're missing the point. The point is not what you... need or don't need. It's not about if you... are insured or not. Even if it's a 58" ketch.


    In the case of an unregistered, uninsured vehicle without license plates driven on a public road, its about what you or the one driving it can do to others. 


    There's a lot of you in what you write. Do you really think the mandatory insurance you must have to drive on public roads is for you? 


  7. 31 minutes ago, finnsk said:

    Basicly not a nice thing to do of Denmark, deport a kid with a regular mom (adoption mum), thai mum maried to a danish man, hope this is a paperwork fail from the danish authorities.


    I am thinking, could I bring with an adopted son to Thailand, get him a permanent residence because I am maried to a thai woman ? In Denmark you get a permanent residence as a thai, if you get maried to a dane, after a lot of difficult paperwork and rules, but possible and it should be possible to take with regulary kids. Can a forreigner in LOS get permanent residence in LOS because of mariage to a thai - we know the answer.

    Yes, I know several. Not easy but certainly possible. A child is easier.


    31 minutes ago, James105 said:

    The system in place where I had mine there were 10 people giving the jabs.   The people giving the jabs were not checking blood pressure, or filling out any paperwork other than ticking the box to say which arm the jab went in and sticking the batch number onto the form.   They were never idle, it took about 3-4 minutes at most and there was only 5-10 seconds between the person being jabbed vacating their seat and the next person sitting down.   So let's say it is 4 minutes per person per jab (it was probably less than 4 minutes).   That means each jabber could jab 15 people per hour.   Let's say they did this for 8 hours, that would be 120 people per jabber.   The 10 people giving jabs could do 1200 in that vax centre over an 8 hour period.    According to the WHO in Thailand there are 993 vaccination centres (https://www.who.int/thailand/news/detail/07-06-2021-launch-national-wide-covid-19-vaccination-rollout-at-bangsue-central-vaccination-center-thailand). 


    It's a production line here.    I have yet to see anything that would lead me to believe the numbers are a lie.   I am happy to change my mind on this if I see evidence.    I have yet to see anyone with any credibility (Dr/Nurse etc) question the figures.    Just like the moon landing conspiracy theories, for it to be a lie, then everyone would need to be in on it - including the medics.   

    I had nothing else to do so I watched the jabbers while I sat in the rest area waiting after my shot. I did some maths on what I saw. Your numbers are conservative. 


    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Marvin Hagler said:

    UK vaccination centers are efficient and quick too…and well organised…with excellent infrastructure to support vaccine deliveries…but they never reached anywhere close to 900k vaccines even on their best day…and certainly not 7 or 8 days in a row.

    Avoiding answering the same simple question in post after post makes others lose trust in you

  10. 2 minutes ago, Marvin Hagler said:

    Where is the proof of 900 vaccination centers please and that all of them are doing 1,000 vaccines per day?


    Its simple common sense…if those numbers are true then it means Thailand is the most efficient country in the world at procuring and administering vaccines…if you believe that is possible then I wish you good luck.

    Sorry that you don't know but it is the accusers responsibility to provide evidence. So, where's your evidence? Otherwise, the Thai's that you are looking down on so while being a guest in their country have a saying for people like you. Translated it goes: Those who don't know speak easily 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, MrJ2U said:



    Exactly, why not follow the directions on the vaccine bottle.


    If you have a headache you don't mix one paracetamol and one breathe mint.


    Everything on the cheap unless it involves the military, MP's, and a few others.

    There are some epidemiologists who disagree with you. It's not necessary to mix vaccines in western countries where they procured better vaccines earlier on and have an acceptable supply. I think it's fair to say Thailand messed up, they also jumped on the wrong boat. Sinovac turned out to be less than good with Delta so what to do? I read some articles a while back (sorry, didn't keep any links) where some epidemiologists advocated that there's no disadvantage in mixing a less efficient vaccine first shot with a second shot of a more efficient vaccine, as long as they are of the same type.    


    2 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    If you have a headache you don't mix one paracetamol and one breathe mint.

    That's a bad comparison and you know it. In fact, pain management specialists (medical doctors who specialize in pain management, especially of chronic pain) often mix different pain suppressants for best effect. It's standard practice 


    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Pravda said:

    Nothing to do with me.


    She paid for Pfizer and was offered Sinovac.


    What comparison would you like me to offer regarding this blatant fraud?


    There is no fraud yet. Again, it's common sense. You'll just have to wait until it comes if you don't want what they have, of course????


    As a comparison between us, I'd rather have Sinovac and then AZ now when there's still a lot of Delta around than waiting for something better that won't come in enough quantities for another 3 months, when covid will be much less wide spread. You choose to wait for something better, good, that's your choice, I was risk averse that's all. We'll both need booster shots within 6 months of the second shot anyway.

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, Pravda said:

    Because that's what she paid for?


    Or is the law different in Sweden?


    You deposit million dollars in swiss bank but get million baht instead when you make withdrawal?


    Your comparison is childish and you know it. No one forced you and your wife to not wait. You knew very well that it would take much longer to get that specific vaccine brand when you ordered. So wait for it then and stop moaning.


    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Pravda said:



    And no I did not. This is why everything that comes out of these daily stats is a complete lie.

    Why would vaccine statistics be a complete lie? It works fine around where I live.


    2 hours ago, stigar said:

    My wifre prepaid for Phizer in korat.When she arrived she get sinovac..they said take it or leave it. She ask for money back and they said no.

    You can't choose vaccine in Sweden either so why should you be able to choose in Thailand? And no, Thai's would never say take it or leave it, they'd say it's all we have. 


    So she went home again without getting the vaccine and the money is still there, right? If you want to choose, you'll have to wait. That's common sense.


    I have my 2 shots, one Sinovac and one AZ, I got them for free and I say Thank you Thailand   

    • Thanks 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Maybe because many already had Covid and were asymptomatic or mild cases and recovered and have natural immunity now.

    Not unless at least 90-95% of all cases were asymptomatic. There has simply not been that many cases over the last 5 months. Contact tracing still seems to work well in the area, as long as it is towns and not cities. The "mainly Bangkok" quarantine area is really busy but people are staying put and follow home quarantine rules when they are released. Obedient people... ???? I really don't know why but I don't see a serious situation up here. Busy yes but not serious  

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  16. 21 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    New information I have been seeing is that the Above 60 and elderly crowd were left in the dust for the vaccines and a very large percentage were and are still being unvaccinated.  This is a whole country problem and not just the dark red provinces they are so ingrained to blame.

    Note that most over 70 in Thailand are afraid of the vaccine and really don't want to get vaccinated, especially upcountry. Many of the elgerly who go / are taken there have simply given in to pretty tough persuation by relatives 

    • Confused 1
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