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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. Hi guys, so one says a bike mounted camera shakes too much, another that the bike mounted camera picture is good ("the video is clear and not affected by rough terrain") 


    So, what did they do different? Do rubber mounts help enough? Or is it just perception of video qullity? 

  2. 12 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    If you pay COD it never will be a problem without OTP. ????

    But so or so if you login from another phone or pc used as normaly, you will get a OTP from Lazada if you login.


    Yep, correct but I don't worry about someone logging in, i have no payment details stored anyway. I worry about being charged without knowing until a month later. 


    Cod is safe for those who have time for it, it is not possible for me, I can't just sit at home and wait just because I order things. 

  3. Another thing really stopping me from using lazada is that they only send OTPs when you buy for large amounts via their payment system. Shopee has recently changed this and I always get OTPs from their payment system, also for miniscule amounts. This I see as a huge disadvantage for lazada and advantage for shopee. Just remember a few months ago when thousands of people were scammed and didn't know until they got the statement. This cannot happen from the shopee payment system any longer. 


    I would never save my card though, just enter the details again when I buy. Shopee saves the card details automatically but I just remove a minute later. Shopee only charge one baht the first time a card is added, they don't charge after that 



  4. One irritating thing with lazada is that they deliberately refuse to tell vendor to remove incorrect advertising, I have hard evidence of this. Got scammed and lazada supported my return all the time until the minute I told them they're not allowed to return my money until the incorrect advertising is corrected. They immediately rejected my return even though they clearly ssw that the factory size sheet sent with the goods was different from the one advertised and informed the vendor to return the goods even before the 24 hours I had to respond expired and refused to discuss further ????  The product is still advertised incorrectly. 


    Now that is cheap 

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    I buy from Lazada & Shopee. But I prefer Lazada because it's easier to send things back. It is picked up at home and does not cost anything. At Shopee, the buyer has to pay the return shipping costs and take the package away himself.


    Hmmm, I returned for free on shopee when they sent the wrong item. Just went to the designated carrier. Lazada is more flexible though, offers both the possibility to choose carrier and pick up. 


    I always search both but find cheaper price on Shopee 80 - 90 percent of the time so I buy there. 

  6. 2 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    For 'property' I hope you meant responsibility?

    Following your logic the 13 year old (child) mother and her child both become the property/responsibility of a man if the marriage is allowed.  Nope, still not seeing how marriage at 13, or even 15 as has been allowed, protects any child.

    Your choice 

  7. 6 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    I'm not really sure how a law, IF used, allowing Judges to give permission to marry at 13 actually protects the child.

    It's easy to understand actually. If the mother is a minor, the child of that mother is the "property" of the legal guardian, often the grandmother in Thailand. What if the grandmother is an alcoholic or criminal? 


    There's good and bad in everthing. Thailand prioritizes the child and won't allow it unless it's necessary to protect the child (and its never been used for anyone under the age of 15). Western countries prioritize the rights of the underage mother so an immature underage mother can become a legal guardian also if the grandmother would have been more suitable for a few years while the mother mature

  8. 44 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Posters who resort to  personal comments use this tactic because the facts are against them.

    Or because they are making a joke. My comment about "uneducated" above was a joke. Sure, I have absolutely no idea how a person logically can think that masks don't protect society in a pandemic, but that was not the point  

  9. 59 minutes ago, nikmar said:

    strange that you can get married and, presumably, have kids before you can vote or have a beer.

    No, that is common in some western countries too => vote when you're 18 but buy alcohol when you're 20 or 21. There are laws for sexual intercourse but generally no laws for when you're allowed to have children. 

    • Like 1
  10. 30 minutes ago, mvdf said:

    That there's even such an option is a dark and disturbing thought.

    This law is almost never used but it helps if you understand that IF the law is ever used, it is to protect the child (in Thailand).


    The same option exists in some western countries. Other western countries implement it differently. There, you petition the court to reach majority instead (not linked to marriage). The reason is the same => it gives the underage parent the right to exercise parental rights for their child (that lies with the parents of the underage parent otherwise). 

  11. Yes, they can marry at the age of 17 but all legal guardians must give their consent. This normally only happens if the girl is pregnant. Most Thai's won't worry about it, they do a local marriage and don't register it legally, or register it after they reach majority. 


    Yes, they reach majority = legally an adult regardless of age when they marry



    • Like 1
  12. You should also know that Lazada refuses to tell vendors to remove false marketing. They simply won't get involved and happily let more people get ripped off time after time instead . I bought trousers clearly advertised for 185 to 195 cm giving plenty of margin as I am shorter than 185 cm. Goods then came with a factory size sheet clearly stating 185 to 190. On top of that, the trousers were clearly only good for 180 cm only. The vendor refused return to accept that there was any false marketing. I was quite surprised as I clearly showed the factory size sheet shipped with the goods beside the vendor size sheet, cannot simply be missed but I suppose the vendor knew Lazada's policy regarding this. I appealed and also stated that I will not accept any money until Lazada ensures that the false marketing is removed.


    Lazada rejected my return ???? 

    • Like 2
  13. Hi Again,
    It's Sunday so I'm going to write a bit ???? First safety, then trips. Was just thinking, I agree with the poster above about big bikes in Thailand. The big bike is IMO just there for comfort, unless it's too heavy. I wouldn't recommend driving faster than 120 to absolute max 140 on *really* big nice roads like BKK - Saraburi and max 100 to 110 kph on more normal roads anyway, 80 to 100 on the kind of roads that bikers like. Yes, roads are overall quite good in Thailand nowadays but we can't trust them. Going too fast, we'll go flying and not land on the wheels one day. I remember the early - mid 90s when it simply wasn't possible to drive BKK Saraburi or BKK Pattaya without seeing the remnants of an accident that put someone in a wheel chair for the rest of their life, or death. That constant reminder helped to keep me alert. OK Thailand is sooo much safer nowadays but... Always a but. I drove my old Toyota Avanza 1300 to over 50 provinces in Thailand with my daughter, never felt I needed a faster car ???? My daughter is 16 now, drives a Honda Click 150, I drive a Royal Enfield 650 Interceptor, because it's comfortable and the whole bike encourages cruising and looking at the water buffaloes. 
    Bangkok: Difficult, there simply aren't that many good bike roads around for one day trips, weekend trips with one overnight stay is OK, it gets quite good when we can have a 3 day trip, IMO. The coming weekend is perfect, Friday holiday so we can go 3 days. But there's always a few hours (1.5 up) of pure transport, hence the need to start early. I think we should stop thinking that "it needs to be a loop". There aren't enough of them. It's OK to go to a nice place and go back the same way. I liked to look for places / roads like "มาดูธาร แคมป์ปิ้ง', น้ำตกคลองมะเดื่อ นครนายก, ลานกางเต็นท์ริมน้ำ  (search on google maps). Some national parks have great rather cheap accommodation (a rip off to get in though so if we can put that aside). Need to call to check if they are open / have accommodation and sometimes book.  10 km or so of dirt road is only adding to the adventure, careful or avoid in the rainy season. I like the rainy season more otherwise, it's so green and lush and rain normally comes in the afternoon unless depression anyway so it can be planned for.   
    Khao Yai is nice but crowded and not cheap, lots of speed bumps, I'd rather go Saraburi - Bak Chong and then Prachinburi but either way is fine. There's another nice but short stretch if we turn right at Bak Chong and go up toward Khao Yai and turn right on the road that goes "back to Saraburi". Can be done in one day and there are some resorts there (not that many) for an overnight stay. 
    Longer trips   
    Soan Phung is really nice, but like a traffic jam on Sukhumvit on non covid-19 weekends. Got to get past that. South or North. I recommend Huai Khok Mo, adventure time ???? Not easy but not too difficult to drive there except in the rainy season (do not attempt on a road bike), takes 45 minutes up. Definitiely worth the effort, you can rent tents up there. Phurakam further south is laid back and unspoilt, one way again ???? I think the road there is (was?) closed part of the year but can't remember which perioid (probably rainy season). Khao Krajom viewpoint another one. The roads north roard Kanchanaburi are OK, the smaller the better.
    Another nice place is Khao Kho in Petchabun (Northern parts are nicer), it's some 400 km transport (on good roads), can also go to Phu Tap Boek, an hour further on, crowded on weekends. These are nice trips but transport is long and 2 days is definitely pushing it.
    I haven't been to some of the places I wrote about for over 10 years so things may have changed more than I would like.
    Ban Pilok: You are *really* pushing it to go there in one day by the way. Why not this upcoming weekend? ???? 
    All the dirt roads I mention are doable on a 300 cc road bike with road tires, except in the rainy season (for some/most of them). I just came back from จุดกางเต็นท์ ไร่นายสิงห์, Rai nai Sing, impossible in the rainy season but OK on a Royal Enfield 650 with road tires in late November after they have scraped and filled in the road. Here's a video https://youtu.be/PklL9tqoPMA?t=227. Funny guys Tactical Camp.  An epiphany of why we shouldn't have a heavy bike by the way ????
    Enjoy life, stay safe


  14. Baan Pilok, the road from the dam up is very nice. Just pass Kanchanaburi and straight on until you get to the second dam, then left up the mountains. Several small resorts by the dam, I normally use vip resort but anyone will do. You can start early (7 am) and go all the way up to Baan Pilok in one day if you want, I normally stop at the dm for the night. You don't have to pay the national park entrance fee if you just pass on the road to Baan Pilok 


    Srinakarin dam was a bit of a disappointment, sleep on a raft is cool though

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