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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. Isn't it the right time to invoke article 5?
  2. so no drunken fins in St.Petersburg? How sad!
  3. Had very ugly experience with Thai partnership. Shortly - thai partner spent so-called "investment" on himself and his family, left completely useless junk and stop answering phone calls. It took about 3 months and NO LAWYER at all. The Court building has many helpful people that speak English and will help you to fill the forms. Thai fella thought "this is Thailand and is not west". Well judge convinced him that he was wrong: Thailand is not a banana republic and law applies to everybody. The OP case is very straight forward and lawyer will be needed only for technical purposes: translate, submit and receive. And follow dates. Can take fresh-grad - cheaper and more fun.
  4. Everything can be solved just fine here and judges are (often) quite rationalistic, at least please don't think they will go for peanuts. However this person should put really big deal to find reliable lawyer. Here we go: most are just to get money, not much experiences and trustworthy. Also, Lawyer Consul at Ratchadamnoen Ave (near Khao Sarn rd) is the good place to start looking for the right one. Not some shops with scales on window but real counsul. I went there. Bribes and gifts? Why? did he kill anybody? drugs? if no crime at all than no gifts from him, as he is the victim. Also, get all protocols translated from thai, read carefully and keep them.
  5. Some might remember short guys picking up ciggy buds and extorting 1,000-2,000 baht fines back in Bangkok some two decades ago (I guess). Very annoying were they, very! However, there's another question of legal matter: who has an authority to prosecute smoker? and how they (who?) are going to do so? Is it complete lawlessness: some "vigilante" will jump on "a tourist" and scream "fetch the smoker"? are they (who?) will use DNA test or classical "3 witnesses"? maybe use of cameras to collect the evidence of "crime", but is it legal to shoot half-naked folks without their concern and written release?
  6. But they do, whatever me/you/we/they like it or not. It was quite amazing back in 1990s - tropical Germany just from that junction near Dusit to the right. Kartofel salad.
  7. that term "working" is very unclear. Folks pulling dictionaries, wiki pages, Thai2Eng vocabularies and links to webpages. There are urban legends about deportations, there are almost weekly raids at Bang Rak / Silom area and foreigners being arrested at post offices for sending multiple parcels and young girl deported and blacklisted away from her 3 kids. The worst encounter with IO was about 3,000 THB and happened exactly for kompootar biz as a revenge from computer shop owner (he was ripping my friend company for years).
  8. regardless of what Biden said it was obviously politically motivated statement. Reps. in FL are winning so he had to de-humanize them: "Evil monsters attacking pretty ladies who [used to] have a noodle!" He (and his base) don't give a flying banana about them, but elections are important. Seeing kids in high school "transitioning" (near Pantip Plaza, Bangkok, there's big college) is something scary to me and I don't want my kid to be around them. Nothing "phobic" - I just don't want. But there's no law in Thailand that should regulate (as forbid or deny) sell of hormones to youth. Not long ago it was also very easy to get "re-assignment surgery" for walk-in customers here. As for Biden? Who cares what his mother used to say about "pretty ladies with a noodle"!
  9. Ph D in Management [what does it mean?] can expect 75K+ and if you're lucky even more. However Europe [even top 5] is not English speaking land, right?
  10. and Vanessa Mae (short-time thai) represented Thailand in Sochi Olympics. She finished when lights went off, cheering crowd went home and hotdog vendors closed shops. Yet she was happy and many thais were proud, not embarrassed.
  11. Yes. I've heard similar stories over years. sometimes IO just don't bother to search into database for name. very sad stories.
  12. most likely: he didn't transfer his visa into new passport. generally it is not a big deal: somehow we are all into so-called "computer" of immigration. they probably forgot to plug it in (according to *****)
  13. ... after which he ate handful of generic Viagra and went on raping rampage toward young boys and old grandpas. He stole 999 washing machines and even more ceramic toilets. Two major witnesses reported to UN officials: motosai Ding and tuk-tuk Dong. Jokes aside: nobody need a "permit" to stay in Thailand.
  14. The border wall is good only to prevent "accidental crawlers" to cross the border. for example those africans into european countries or those crossing Venezuela into Mexico into "Breaking Bad" country. Also there's border (huge and ugly) in Israel built by Bibi for no reason but to shave some $$$ from the budget. There are no military purposes of such walls. Even those metal rods of Trump's wall will fall after mere 120 mm. Or maybe kerosene will melt them 9/11 style? worked just fine there )
  15. fins got access to EU purse. wall, maintenance, cameras, lights, razor-wire, night vision devices. Cool way to shake EU for few billions Trump style.
  16. ^^^ good one. 100% agree
  17. Wow, cool friend you got! Watching other dude's coconuts is also exciting )))
  18. there are gazzilions of videos of thais doing quite nasty things on OnlyFans and students of certain college have to watch it for hours! (some ID job with screen caps and google images search). I mean that is the worst task anyone can imagine (except some aging farang )
  19. My GF used to have that fro. I asked her to trim it but she wanted to look "natural" and kept it "untouched". Had no choice but to dump her. That was kind a thick fro.
  20. Got it twice or thrice over couple of decades in SEAsia. Flushed that <deleted> with 101 Pipers. Tasted like 7 types of <deleted>, but didn't care. Feels horrible, but bearable. Recovered within second week. No doctors and meds. Immune system biz only.
  21. "A WORKER" in caps. Is anybody proofreading? btw: ^^^ the circle of life. just faster.
  22. Yep. the Middle Path: don't care, don't engage, don't mind suffering of others.
  23. kind a strange story: so much money involved yet: Pattaya? same-same name? overstay? something is missing
  24. imho, those times of fat russian maffiozos with gold chain and a cross, those times are over. and obviously they don't thais jobs at all. tour agencies? how many? gym and fitness facilities? again, jest a few on whole island. #fakenews detected
  25. "Bangkok Hilton" is less crowded than Suan Phlu's IDC. Also nobody gives a <deleted> about health conditions of detainees - wrongfully accused africans got TB while policemen tried to blame they were part of "Black Dollar" criminal scheme.
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