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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. True. I don't believe this BS. I haven't seen pet food from TH in Europe and few ASEAN countries. Cat food is really bed and toxic here My cat developed kidney disease thanks local food. Again - there's no cat food available in most of Europe. #FAKENEWS
  2. Defenders of Holy Land will get high on 'shrooms and booze freaking out with boys and girls of the World on the god's forsaken island 12,xxx km away from their sweet homes they swore to protect. So, dear Royal Thai Police please provide and deliver them safe and pleasant party. Folks from Mossad kindly requested. This Word went complete banana!
  3. Thank you. I got it. I thought "Moonrakers" times are long time over and Broccoli Brothers (hahaha) would spend some money for experts. Back to the topic - still it is very unusual to hear that such cr*p might take place in Scotland. Ever
  4. No way! Really? What a waste of life... And Skyfall didn't exist?
  5. Scotland? is it where Highlander and James Bond came from? How ironic pathetic!
  6. Once the greatest "hyperpower" of Asia turn into flock of pity thugs and thieves. Reminds another "Empire" that once conquered lands and seas, shot countrymen from cannons and loot countries like Vinona Rider. Rise and fall indeed
  7. 4AM at Bangla? What a stupid attitude! I knew one guy who got smashed with iron rod over head, bled like a pig. Please! print some "do and don't in Thailand" flyers and give them at arrivals What an embarrassment! He should pray to his %god% to be alive, dumb a**hole!
  8. So no moral issue? Toot pissed on him and he [KORN] didn't even pull toot's ears off? Alright, that IS Amazing Thailand!
  9. I'm sure "wild west golden age" of unregistered online selling is long time over. Friend from Cyber Crime Div. told me that evading paying taxes on online sales will only bring unexpected surprises in the future. So, yes "your wife" have to "go legal" Also market places like Lasada and Shopee won't pay her unless she is properly registered. Facebook? Last resort for papa-mama cosmetics and smuggled Birkin bags. Payment to "her" bank account and zero responsibilities. Don't forget to add another Meta - Instagram. Also huge sales of unknown origin's products. PS: DBA is supposed to provide guidance to such small entrepreneurs, right?
  10. However antibiotics are being dispensed like M&Ms at birthday party. w/o and w prescription.
  11. Uncontrolled disposal of antibiotics obviously should lead to development of super-germs. Scientists have been talking about it for [hm] decades? That should [again obviously] lead to higher poisoning rate. No need to google for stats, can apply common sense. Personally we almost never eat anything we didn't cook ourselves. Except Pizza and Whopper.(Mia culpa)
  12. Amazing that they still are doing just fine. Huge and yet very versatile.
  13. Thanks, my bad. That changes everything!
  14. What does make a bomber "nuclear-capable"? Take Enola Gay - was it "capable" or not? And maybe that was a reason why they dropped nuke on civilian city, not a military base? Stratofortress is as an old flying sausage turboprop easy to intercept with almost anything. ... and B-2. What is? Avia-vintage fair?
  15. there are very basic requirements to soil. But you mentioned that your wife already has a farm, so there should be no problems. Also, quality of water and sunlight as well. Yes, you can grow anything from Thailand in Thailand, that's obvious ) We grew mango, Jackfruit even avocado in our garden, Not to mention chili and jalapeno.
  16. They could found bazooka and a torch. So what? There's no proven evidence of robbery took place. mai-mee. what is this question:
  17. Happens very often with P2P exchange: You cash money and after claim that didn't receive it. That's why "KYC" passport scans. Likely smart-a$$ dude took cash from them and went to police to claim robbery Also, there was no proof of robbery per se. Just some "report" about $250.000 transferred from crypto wallet A to wallet B. Thai Royal Police doesn't have [yet] crypto fraud investigation division. It is still in development.
  18. there are so many crypto P2P exchanges in Phuket! So he fell victim of just another bunch of thugs. PS: Dealing with 18-ish boy is indeed dumb as ______.
  19. Back in 80s Korean dude treated us with huge "kazan" of stew made from local mutt. The secret was overnight marinating. Nothing special though, just like a lamb.
  20. Same goes to pigeons. We used to hunt and cook ones fed at the local mill. Tasted like chicken but more tender.
  22. Just another brave defender of the Holy Land [away from home and service]. tens of thousands in TH they are.
  23. I was unlucky few times with them. Nothing beats pissed brit. Even _____________________ (fill your favorite)
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