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Everything posted by macahoom

  1. Are you sure it's the space grey you've seen? It always looks grey to me. The velocity blue subtly changes colour; sometimes looks blue, sometimes grey, sometimes purplish, sometimes violetish.
  2. Love the quadraphonic/surround sound alerts when you’re manoeuvring the car and getting close to an obstacle. The beeps come from the part of the car which is close to the obstacle. Sounds silly, but it's brilliant! Definitely not a gimmick.
  3. Cigarette lighter socket. I don't want there to be the slightest risk, however small, of voiding the warranty by hardwiring.
  4. 70Mai A800S dash cam plus rear camera installed. Pretty neat, easy job although I didn’t do the installation myself. Doing it myself would likely put me in a bad mood! I didn’t bother with the A810 as that has features I don’t need. The sunroof shade has been installed, never to be uninstalled. I was concerned the cable going to the rear camera might hamper the installation, but no, it didn’t cause any problems.
  5. Well done. I am not sure if I would trust someone to do this for me unless he had already successfully installed a few of them before me. I love the neatness of the completed job, the fact that it is integrated into the infotainment screen and the built in micro SD card down below. What I don’t love: The absence of a rear camera. I'd love to know why it isn't already factory fitted. Must be something legal.
  6. Okay, we're not gonna get retrofitted seat memory buttons, but surely BYD will include a voice command in a future software update?
  7. Yes, this is a ridiculous oversight by BYD. What a rigmarole! What were they thinking? One less step for you when using the voice command: If you use the button on the steering wheel, there's no need to say, "Hi BYD." Either say, "Hi BYD" without pressing the button, or simply press the button and she's ready to receive your command.
  8. A few days ago, in Phuket on a sunny day (about 32C), when my Seal was parked in full sun, I could not hold my hand on the inside of the roof glass for more than one second because it was so hot. I mean seriously hot. And I have film installed. As I said in an earlier post, the differing reports about the sunroof are a bit strange.
  9. Thanks! I was just about to go down to the garage to check that out. Saved me the trouble! Interesting: In your video, under Engine Sound Simulator, yours reads "PLAY" - mine, with the older software, reads "STANDARD".
  10. Since I got my car, I have heard two different turn signal sounds: The normal tick-tock sound and one which is two musical notes. They seem to sound randomly. It's certainly not a problem, thankfully. Anyone any idea what's going on?
  11. I don't know the level of battery degradation of my cars. What I do know, based on my own research using one hundredth of my brain, is that TimeMachine's statement is so patently absurd it's not worth debating.
  12. Just realised: Only the Performance has ITAC, so, this may mean the two lesser models may not have an ITAC page. If that is the case, there are other ways to identify your software version but I have no time at the moment to work it out. No doubt, Bandersnatch will provide software IDs to make it easy?
  13. Latest from Facebook, via my girlfriend: The first batch of Seals delivered to Thailand (that includes mine) have old software. All the latest deliveries have an updated version. The new version allows the ice cream van and wind whistling through the haunted house sounds to be turned off. The new version also enables OTA updates while the older doesn’t. You can identify your version by going to the ITAC page in the infotainment screen. If it says TORTURE instead of TORQUE, you have the old version. Don’t shoot the messenger.
  14. Video for installing sunshade. You can have English subtitles if they are not already visible. Sunshade bit begins at 13:12.
  15. Unfortunately, my conscience won't allow me to charge you for that as I have already found a video of some guy doing it. I'll post it here for free. Coming up.
  16. I'm going to fit mine as soon as I have the cameras installed.
  17. We find the exact opposite (with film), certainly a couple of days ago when it was hot and very sunny. It’s the same on the Thai Seal Facebook. Lots of folk report it’s hot, lots report it’s not. Strange!
  18. My girlfriend's favourite is a yellow, cloth handbag with Kelloggs emblazoned on it which she got free with a box of All Bran about two years ago. I kid you not, She's a classy girl!
  19. Thanks, Xylophone me old mate, but I've already got one of those Fords. The wipers are fantastic - the slower you go, the faster the wipers wipe. Amazing, cutting-edge technology.
  20. My girlfriend has just told me that, 2 minutes ago, someone posted on the Thai language Seal Facebook and said that there is new firmware which allows the ice cream van and wind whistling through the haunted house sounds to be turned off. I have no idea what “firmware” means, but bring it on!
  21. I just tried it on the Seal. 15m easily. I guess it will work even further away but the position of my car prevented me from testing.
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