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Everything posted by macahoom

  1. Yes, there is. But it's a very inconvenient option when you need to access it every time you turn the car off - and on again.
  2. Thanks. I'm now understanding this a lot better, sort of. "Be sure to engage the EPB every time before parking and leaving the vehicle." This instruction is redundant as, when you park and leave the car, you simply press P below the gear selector which automatically turns on the EPB. No need to go to the trouble of turning on the EPB option in the infotainment touchscreen, wherever the option is located, and then selecting P. Over complicated for no good reason.
  3. The manual has 214 pages but if I try to bookmark a specific page, it always reverts to page number one.
  4. The idea of this thread is to help Seal owners navigate the onboard tech and share tips and tricks. I’m finding the menus within menus quite frustrating. It all seems unnecessarily complicated. I’ve been reading the online Netherlands manual which is in English. Maybe it’s just me, but there are still some things I cannot find. Or I find them and then forget how I found them and have to search all over again. For example: I managed to set the driver’s seat memories. But I cannot work out how to switch between the two. You would think there’d be a switch on the driver’s door, but no! I can switch, but it involves rummaging about in the centre display to locate the relevant page. This thread might prevent other Seal owners from getting too many headaches trying to work things out. So, does anyone know how to easily switch between the seat memories? I fear there is no simple way. And if anyone can explain page 111 to me (about the Electronic Parking Brake as opposed to “P”) I’d appreciate it. It’s probably very simple but the description in the manual is mumbo-jumbo to me.
  5. I don't think you need to worry about that. There's plenty of discussion on EV forums about long term use of granny chargers and there seems to be no problem doing so. Some people have no choice. For example: if they rent their residence and their landlord won't allow the installation of a 7.4kWh wallbox.
  6. Too early to say. But on my other cars, I have always kept the lane keeping and steering wheel tugging switched to off - except when on a long journey when falling asleep at the wheel is possible. I think it might save my life and, so, is worth having it on.
  7. Had the window tint installed to the Seal yesterday. Happy. Next will be a dash cam, front and back. There's seems to be almost zero talk about dash cams on the Thai Seal Facebook, and the dealership cannot help. If anyone has any information on the installation of a dash cam, please let me know.
  8. Voice commands: There’s about 8(?) pages of various voice commands you can use with the Seal. You’ll find them when you start investigating the centre display. Some of them will be very handy as it seems to me, unless I’m missing something, that a lot of settings annoyingly revert to “off” when the Seal is powered down. One example: the seat ventilation is not remembered from the last setting used; it’s always off when you turn the car on. Thankfully a quick voice command turns it on; no messing about digging into menus within menus, thank gawd. The lady who answers the voice commands is very polite. A much more human-like conversation compared to my other 2 EVs. By the way, I sold my 4 year old MGZS EV incredibly quickly using Facebook. Within one hour, someone had arranged to view. He came to the house three hours later, had a look around it, drove it for no more than 200 metres and said, “I’ll take it.” Paid me cash on the spot and we transferred two days later. Brilliant! The evolution of EVs is advancing at such a breakneck speed. I know it’s a more expensive car, but the Seal makes the MG, a great car, seem like an antique. No doubt, in another four years, the Seal will be old hat too.
  9. Also received a V2L cable and a granny charger. The installation of the 7.4kW wall box "in 2 weeks". With regard to choosing which of 6 insurance companies: We enquired about this and were told we couldn't choose. We got Dhipaya. I think you should go for the AWD. You get more than just blistering acceleration.
  10. Yes, we got the shade for the roof. But... we were told, although all Seal buyers will receive the shade, they may have to wait for it. We got ours today because I am so handsome and charming.
  11. Just drove my Seal Performance AWD the 15 kms home from the dealership. My initial impression: Wow! Better than I could have ever imagined. It feels like a million dollars. I’m going to follow BYD’s recommendation and take it easy for the first 2000 kms, so it’ll be a while before I can run it through its paces. As for the colour: BYD call it Velocity Blue. It’s a bit of a stretch to call it anything blue. I would describe it as a mixture of blue, violet, purple and grey; it changes colour depending on the ambient light. Certainly not flamboyant; quite restrained. The colour is unusual, for sure. Luckily I like it, as it was not at all what I was expecting.
  12. I don't think we're getting it in Thailand. I'm disappointed we're also not getting the two microphone karaoke which is standard in China. Not that I would ever use it, but it's so ridiculous I'd like to have it.
  13. Even though I'm disappointed with the blue, I still prefer it to the black, white and grey.
  14. Was passing the BYD showroom this morning so stopped to have a look at my car. I am a little disappointed with the colour. It's the blue one. It's really quite different compared to the pictures I've seen online. It's sorta 50% grey and 50% blue. Quite dull; not the bright blue I was expecting. Maybe it will grow on me. While in the dealership I counted 6 other Seals, all Performance and all black. Mine, the only "blue". None of the 7 cars have been prepared for handover. I didn't know today is a holiday so there was no one there I could talk to about when my car will be ready.
  15. Here was the instruction that was given to Carl by the Chinese: "You come up with a brilliant design over there in London, we’ll build a fantastic car here in China and, voilà, we will end up with the best car ever to bear the MG name."
  16. Latest news from my dealership. I'm sure you're all waiting with bated breath: My Seal will arrive in Phuket tonight or tomorrow morning. Should have it on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. He sounded quite sure. I'm surprised, but pleased to learn that mine is the only blue Seal ordered in Phuket so far. Have already arranged for window film to be installed. I am going to wait for clarification on installing a dashcam. I want front and rear. The Atto 3 camera, which can be fitted easily (allegedly) to the Seal is front only.
  17. What a load of old ill-informed codswallop, speculation and guesswork. Hilarious!
  18. I just got word from my dealership today that I should have my Seal in "about two weeks". Up until today, I wasn't getting anything other than vagueness from them when I asked when I might be getting the car. Let's see.
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