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Everything posted by macahoom

  1. I just tried it on the Seal. 15m easily. I guess it will work even further away but the position of my car prevented me from testing.
  2. Thank you. I had tried that before but it felt like I was going to break the button and I was scared to press it too hard. I finally got it to work by pressing the button very strongly. Subsequent presses did not require as much force.
  3. I tried it again to be sure. The key was a mile away and the car doors opened, including the boot/trunk, and it started with only the card.
  4. Once again, thanks for the video. In it you say, “You can switch the aircon on from the remote.” Are you sure about this? If yes, how do I do it?
  5. No, I deliberately made sure the key was out of range. I'll try again and report back.
  6. There's a guy on the Thai language Seal Facebook who claims to have discovered how to turn off the pedestrian alert noises. His solution seems to be quite unusual, but if it works, great. He's posted a video showing how to do it. Unfortunately, when I tried to do what he suggests, the wording on the relevant page is different than in his video - because my car appears to have an outdated version of the software. So I can't try it until I get an update. By the way, at first I thought I could live with the noises, but I've already realised they're just too much. I want them gone!
  7. Aha! This is very interesting. As I started watching, I noticed some differences between your car and mine with regard to the text on the screen. Then, when you got to the ITAC page I realised, without doubt, that I have an old version of the software. On my ITAC page, it reads: ITAC (intelligent Torture Adaption Control) - on yours it reads: ITAC (intelligent Torque Adaption Control). Mine is obviously a mistake while yours is the updated version. This explains why I have been having difficulty doing and finding some things. So, thank you for posting this. Let’s see what the dealership have to say when I tell them I need an update.
  8. The car starts without putting the card there! It starts with it in my pocket.
  9. Not sure if I understand what you're getting at. Are you suggesting to buy a second NFC card and then card 1, when swiped on the exterior mirror, will position the driver's seat for driver 1 and card 2 will position it for driver 2? My guess is that that won't work. I hope I'm wrong. I'm not even sure what the purpose of the NFC is. It seems to do everything a key fob does except open and close the doors remotely.
  10. I didn't see such an option, but I'll check tomorrow. Finding stuff is definitely not as simple as I would like it to be. I have just come home after driving in the dark. The display changes automatically to it's nighttime mode and it's very easy to read.
  11. Well done! By the way, the buttons on the door are NOT for the seat memories.
  12. Out shopping today in the Seal. Two observations: 1) Today was quite hot and sunny. There was an unacceptable level of heat radiating from the roof into the car. Not sure if my 80% film was helping at all. I have no idea why cars are sold with glass roofs in Thailand, never mind full size ones as in the Seal. The screen will be installed asap and probably never uninstalled. 2) Bright sunshine today and it was quite difficult to read some of the info on the screens. Turning the brightness level up to 100% (in 2 different fields) helped a bit. I think the problem is more to do with the faintness of some of the text rather than the brightness level.
  13. On the infotainment screen. A bit worrying. "Vee haff vays of making hyu tok."
  14. Are you suggesting that, when the DAW system detects you're tired, all you get is that coffee icon thingy? I was hoping for more than that. I'd also like to know how it monitors and analyses your driving.
  15. Anyone any idea of the workings of the DAW - Driver Attention Warning? I can only find very vague descriptions of exactly what it does. The manual's description is hopeless. Presumably it makes some sort of visual/audible alarm if the car detects that your driving is becoming sloppy or you’re nodding off. I’ve found a detailed description about how a similar feature on a Kia works, but I’d love to know what to expect on the Seal.
  16. Good job! Here's hoping things don't change. Over to you, Andrew Dwyer.
  17. As soon as I told my girlfriend it's me very poor she said, "Oh yeh. Your intonation was crap and I couldn't understand what you were saying."
  18. Sorry don’t know what “Phom jon mak mak” means. My Thai girlfriend can’t figure it out either. Regardless, my comment was directed at @Andrew Dwyer and @Bandersnatch who both have Premiums on order but are both tempted to buy the Performance as it’s available for immediate handover.
  19. Come on you guys. Stop messing' about. Get the Peformance. Life's too short! You're gonna love it.
  20. I will make a video of the guy installing it and charge you only 20,000 baht for a copy. Happy to help!
  21. From what I can gather, the Atto Dashcam can be easily fitted (my dealership doesn't do it) but it is a forward facing camera only. And it has no sound, although I don't know why sound is needed. I'm leaning towards the 70mai A810 combined with a rear camera. I'm a little concerned about the installation. I don't really want to be a first Seal installation guinea pig. I'm about to order it. I will post when I know more.
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