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Everything posted by macahoom

  1. I just got word from my dealership today that I should have my Seal in "about two weeks". Up until today, I wasn't getting anything other than vagueness from them when I asked when I might be getting the car. Let's see.
  2. He may be an EV zealot, but he's prone to hyperbole and speculation. He often reports "news" which turns out to be more guesswork and rumour than substantiated news. The recall he's referring to: Starting from October 16, 2023, Porsche will recall certain Taycan cars produced between September 22, 2022, and August 3, 2023 - totaling either 231 or 2,570 vehicles, depending on which report you read. Reason for Recall: For some vehicles within this period, there's an insufficient amount of sealant between the high-voltage battery frame and the battery cover. This might allow liquid to enter the interior of the high-voltage battery. And if he's such an EV zealot, it's about time he learnt how to pronounce Porsche and Taycan. It's Pore-shuh Tie-kan.
  3. I got the impression, from the Seal forum, that the Performance was not being ordered much. At the close of business on launch day, only 2 Performance models had been ordered in Phuket, both of which had been reserved before launch day.
  4. I can't think why you are saying this. Is there something about the 12V battery that can be problematic? And what's "early doors"?
  5. Did you install it yourself? Could an imbecile like me install one?
  6. I think you'll pay for what you get. It clearly states "By energy usage 9.00 THB/kWh".
  7. You'll probably think I'm making this up; I'm not. 12-13 years ago, my friend bought a new Fortuner in Bangkok. I actually picked it up and drove it down to Phuket for him. He had red plates for more than two years. He kept pushing the dealership to change them but, for some reason, it took them forever. He didn't have any problem from the police.
  8. I hope you don't mind me saying so, but I think you're overthinking this. You'll quickly get the hang of it and wonder what you were concerned about.
  9. Probably only memory settings for seat and exterior mirror positions. Definitely not for regen.
  10. Having different levels of regen is essential. You take your foot off the accelerator which activates the level of regen which suits the level of deceleration you want to achieve. You most certainly do not always want the maximum level. For example, if you were coming down a very steep hill, you’d set the regen to maximum. Whereas, If the hill had only a slight gradient, you’d use the minimum setting.
  11. Do you have an EVSE (charging wall box) at your home? The reason I ask: if you have, you will rarely need to use DC charging, unless you're a travelling salesman galavanting around Thailand every week.
  12. Okay, I've just asked her. Something like this. Hopefully you will understand, 'cause I certainly don't! She can't remember how it's done with MG as it was well over three years ago that we deposited 1000 baht in it and the remaining balance is still about 300 baht. But with PEA you get or scan a QR code from the PEA app and then, using this QR code, you go to your internet banking and perform a transfer. Don't shoot the messenger!
  13. According to my girlfriend, with both MG and PEA your can hold a balance in your account and top up when necessary; no card required. Some people seem to believe that only MG cars are allowed to charge at MG stations, but that has not been my experience the two times I used MG to charge. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if that rule may vary from location to location.
  14. She's 90% sure (it was 18 months ago) that she got an SMS (to her only phone) from the bank. This SMS gave an OTP which she had to enter.
  15. Again, I’m sorry but I’ve got this all wrong. I am not signed up (for payment) to PTT EV Station PluZ. It was about 18 months ago and someone who was charging his car set everything up for my Thai girlfriend. I do remember it was quite a palaver. Anyway, using my phone, I just use her password for the app and the money is taken from her debit card.
  16. Sorry, I have no idea. It was quite a while ago and it was my girlfriend who did it for me. I'll ask her about it in the morning. It certainly wasn't a Thai ID card.
  17. I am pleased for you! I am not pleased for me. The dealership still cannot give me a delivery date. What model did you get? I guess you mentioned it in an earlier post, but I can't find it.
  18. That makes you a very untypical Yorkshireman!
  19. I signed up with the PTT one (EV Station PluZ). No problem.
  20. I don't believe you have one pedal driving. See my edit above. You have 3 levels of regen just like my older ZS.
  21. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but you seem to be saying your ZS EV has one pedal driving? I'm surprised to hear this. Edit: I've just Googled and I'm pretty sure it doesn't. There is some guy in Australia who hacked his ZS and made it one pedal. That's not you, is it?
  22. With regen being switchable on the Seal's centre screen, it will not be easy to toggle between levels, or even turn on and off. I'm sure I'll manage to live with that however.
  23. I'd love to have paddle shifters for the regen on my MG. The only problem is they would probably have to be replaced every 6 months due to overuse! Mine is a rocker switch down below the centre of the dash; muscle memory guides my left hand to it. No problem.
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