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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 4 hours ago, tominbkk said:

    I think most people who complain so bitterly on this forum did their best to try and make it here but couldn't figure out how and failed.  Maybe deported.  Then they get bitter and wail about how sour the grapes are.

    Or maybe some people, such as yourself, find Thailand the perfect place to be given the most heinous of crimes can be perpetrated as long as you have influence/money.

  2. 5 hours ago, Khun Robert said:

    Daily early morning clean up from National Park Rangers, daily afternoon clean up by local Government. Private company collect all the trash bags every evening and put new bags around trees. Big signs in Thai, English and Chinese: Do Not Litter, fine 2.000 Thb everywhere. National Park put many garbage bins in place, 3 at one spot, with pictures and text for recycling.


    But in the weekend, No ranger, no Government or private company. Every Monday it is a mess. Garbage bags still empty, garbage bins partly used and the trash everywhere.


    Time for enforcing the rule of Do not litter. Fine a few days everybody that leave something behind and people will start learning the hard way. Unfortunately it is not only the Thai tourist.

    At Hat Noppharat it's 99% Thai tourists.

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