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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. If it is true about somtam, then it is only going to affect those who eat it, but anyone smoking fags can cause harm and discomfort to people sitting near them if inside anywhere.

    Discomfort maybe but harm no. According to Sir Richard Doll, the man credited with making the link between smoking and cancer, the risk from secondary smoking is so small it's not worth considering.
  2. 1 hour ago, bsdthai said:

    This is fishy. Video doesnt tell the whole story.

    I came across 3guys in kanchanaburi on there baby r15s the other day with passengers also and they all suddenly went from the left lane in front of me to u turn with no signals. Whats wrong with thai boys on pretend big bikes And whats with the girls on the back. How one can decide to turn and then all follow blindly is terrifyingly DUM!. Thais dont trust in themselves do they? But they believe in Thainess. Im so dam confused. Ive been racing cars and bikes since i was 8yrs old and never once folloed anyone blindly. Here its the way it is and if you dont follow you seem somewhat of an idiot that thinks for themselves. Anyone ridden big bikes in a group of thais might know what im talking about. 

    I think there is more here in this story. The video doesnt explain anything.

    ''The video doesnt explain anything''.....you weren't driving that pickup were you? the video is perfectly clear.

  3. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    You say  '... victimless and innocuous 'crimes' 


    Perhaps you should talk to a few folks who have lost parents, husbands, wifes, children etc., to second hand smoke.

    Sir Richard Doll, the man credited with making the connection between tobacco and cancer, when asked in an interview with the BBC how he would feel about being in a room full of smokers replied ''I wouldn't give it another thought, the risk is so minimal''.

  4. On 01/05/2017 at 10:59 AM, jak2002003 said:

    So you carry dog treats in your pockets 24 / 7 do you?  You must smell nice.


    I don't have the time to stop, give a few treats, and have a nice conversation with the 100s of dogs in my area every day.... I am jealous of you if you have nothing else to do apart from having you doggy chats and tea parties every single day you are here.



  5. 12 hours ago, Keesters said:


    You give them titbits! I hope you clean up the poop this causes. If not, and I suspect NOT, then you are as filthy as the dogs. Keep Thailand clean and that includes NO DOG POOP on our public streets and beaches.


    Yeah I have a strict routine, talk to them nicely, feed them titbits then follow them around until they crap. You know, it's mealy mouthed miseries like you that give many of us the opinion, dogs are better than humans!

  6. 5 hours ago, foxboy said:

    I don't know how you've managed that.. I've been coming for 10 years and have had many dog incidents... been chased by packs of soi dogs, been bitten once, had dogs try to bite me whilst jogging and also when riding the moped, had to swerve at speed to avoid dogs trying to attack me, had dogs defend a soi to a point where I've had to turn back..


    I think you should get out more

    Ha Ha, you might be right.

  7. 8 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    You're wrong.







    An unbroken solid line cannot be crossed.


    The Thais were wrong to stop (on a bend) in the center of the road, in order to illegally cross a very easily seen solid yellow dividing line.

    So you can't make a right turn out of your property or a soi? Don't be daft, it means no overtaking, nothing else.

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