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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. You are confusing sophistication with intelligence. Our technology might be sophisticated but it is certainly not intelligently used. Society is not judged by the tools it has but by how it used them,

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    You don't think any intelligence went into building smart phones? Or the networks that run them? Medicines? How about MRI machines and defibrillators? Do we use them unintelligently as well?
    The response to your "noble savage" fantasy is this. If you have no technology, then you cannot use it well or badly. If, for example, you live in a yurt with only a candle for light and heat, then your only "intelligence" involves not burning the place down. If you have advanced technology, atomic power, say, then you have the opportunity to use it well or badly.
    Society is judged both by the tools it has, and by how it uses them.
    That's the trade-off. Development of any kind contains good and bad elements.
    For someone to rail about the stupidity of Homo Sapiens, when he is holding a device whose miraculous capabilities would have astounded Einstein, is absurd.

    And back to the OP. Smart phones ( though used by many stupid people ) do not in themselves contribute to climate change in any way- it's not like a huge factory is burning tons of coal to to produce them, like a steel mill. Please don't mention that the electricity used to make them is made with a pollution byproduct, as modern coal fired plants can now be virtually pollution free.

    I'm still waiting for a suggestion, any suggestion, as to how GW can be reversed. Not just halted ( though there is nothing that would even do that at present ), but reversed.

    "The idea it would be catastrophic if carbon dioxide were to increase and average global temperature were to rise a few degrees is preposterous."


  2. Even if true, carbon credit taxes and globalist government will do nothing to alleviate the "climate change problem".

    Why all the anger at "climate deniers".

    Whether I accept or deny all the real or bogus reports by paid off "scientists" about mankind's contribution to climate change, I can clearly see the offered solutions as a means of further enslavement of humanity's masses under globalist elite rule.

    Agenda 21 comes to mind.

  3. I've bought jeans, t-shirts and shorts as good quality as anywhere, lasted me years, bought a seiko in '95 in Krabi, still going strong, on the other hand I've bought some crap. Bought a holdall once, unpacked it, held the handles and shook it to shape it out and a handle came off, same sort of thing with a couple of rucksacks. That's just how it is, TiT!

    I've just remembered, I've fitted a YSS shock to my vfr and I'm well happy with it.

  4. I've bought jeans, t-shirts and shorts as good quality as anywhere, lasted me years, bought a seiko in '95 in Krabi, still going strong, on the other hand I've bought some crap. Bought a holdall once, unpacked it, held the handles and shook it to shape it out and a handle came off, same sort of thing with a couple of rucksacks. That's just how it is, TiT!

  5. Phew, I had to step back and calm down after that arrogant insolent post.

    I've arthritis in my shoulder, not my brain, what I am telling you is what happened. The first doctor I saw told me shoulder replacements are not available on the NHS, she reiterated the point on my next visit when I told her I had read about the operation on the internet. The second doctor I saw again told me that shoulder replacements are not available on the NHS, and when I again pointed out that I had seen on the internet that the operation was being carried out, she replied "not on the NHS".

    End of conversation!

    p.s. thanks for the link, let's see what they have to say about that.

    Where you perhaps speaking to a GP,s ?

    For sure you were not speaking to NHS orthopaedic surgeons !

    The GPs may have thought your arthritis was not severe enough to warrant referral .........

    But do make contact with the Nuffield NHS Orthopaedic Centre and ask why the NHS does not provide prosthetic shoulder surgery.

    Here are the contact details

    Address: Windmill Rd, Oxford OX3 7LD, United Kingdom
    Phone: +44 1865 741155
    Please let us know about their response.

    Yes, I said doctors not surgeons, and no, that was not the reason, they obviously didn't know and I'm going to want to know why not. On the other hand, the conspiracy theory part of me wonders if this is what they have been instructed to say to pensioners.

  6. Phew, I had to step back and calm down after that arrogant insolent post.

    I've arthritis in my shoulder, not my brain, what I am telling you is what happened. The first doctor I saw told me shoulder replacements are not available on the NHS, she reiterated the point on my next visit when I told her I had read about the operation on the internet. The second doctor I saw again told me that shoulder replacements are not available on the NHS, and when I again pointed out that I had seen on the internet that the operation was being carried out, she replied "not on the NHS".

    End of conversation!

    p.s. thanks for the link, let's see what they have to say about that.

  7. i indirectly killed 2934342343 people and animals with my second-hand smoke!!!!

    plus cost my work 23354554 in productive hours and health care premiums

    i also made over 100 million people mad at me for smoking inside, bathrooms, everywhere!!!!

    Doubt it, the second hand smoke thing is myth as admitted by Sir Richard Doll the man who proved the connection between smoking and cancer, though he did retract it later under pressure from the namby pamby lobby.

  8. LOL:

    no gain without pain,

    hence why i said do it early, we went when my daughter was 6 and she made it up

    Bravo to her, I've been visiting/living in the area since '94 and never done it, a combination of can't get up early, bad knee, old age and general laziness LOL

  9. i find Krabi town just another thai town, Ao Nang, over priced and full on tourists

    two places are must see's; the shell cemetery and Wat Tum Seu, ( just south of town), go early and walk the steps to the top for fantastic views over the plains.


    head 2 hours south and stay on Koh Lanta

    100% agreed. I've read there are some nicer and more remote beaches north of Ao Nang????

    Koh Lanta has some really nice beaches.

    Unfortunately what used to be the most beautiful and deserted beach in the area, Tub Kaek, is now a concrete jungle though just before it is klong muang which is not too bad and just before that is ao siew which is where pine bungalows I mentioned earlier is, still pretty quiet but who knows for how long.

  10. i find Krabi town just another thai town, Ao Nang, over priced and full on tourists

    two places are must see's; the shell cemetery and Wat Tum Seu, ( just south of town), go early and walk the steps to the top for fantastic views over the plains.


    head 2 hours south and stay on Koh Lanta

    Would have been nice to mention there's 1,450 (about) steps up to the Buddha footprint and viewpoint, it's one heck of a slog. There's an alternative climb up and over a ridge and down in to a completely enclosed jungled valley where the monks live in caves, a very serene and spiritual place.

  11. More likely what they meant is that you do not meet the NHS criteria for shoulder replacement.

    No they both definitely said that there are no replacement operations available on the NHS because I challenged them on the subject having seen that the operation was being done in the states so why not here.

  12. Shoulders are infrequently replaced and you may have difficulty finding a surgeon with substantial experience of the procedure. You should also check and ensure that the all important rehabilitative Physiotherapy is available from a qualified Physiotherapist.

    I have arthritis of the right shoulder and have been told by two doctors in the UK there is no physiotherapy which doesn't surprise me as it is very painful, both said rest is all you can do. You ever tried resting your shoulder? it's impossible, I'm right handed and everything you do comes through your shoulder, steroids and zapain have helped, at least I can sleep now. They have also informed me that the NHS don't do shoulder replacement so I need me a lottery win so I can get it done private.

    Sorry but they have not told you that a shoulder prosthesis is not available on the NHS


    Perhaps you should ask againS

    Sorry but two doctors, at the same practice, have told me exactly that.

    Thanks for the link, it will be interesting to see what they say about that.

  13. Shoulders are infrequently replaced and you may have difficulty finding a surgeon with substantial experience of the procedure. You should also check and ensure that the all important rehabilitative Physiotherapy is available from a qualified Physiotherapist.

    I have arthritis of the right shoulder and have been told by two doctors in the UK there is no physiotherapy which doesn't surprise me as it is very painful, both said rest is all you can do. You ever tried resting your shoulder? it's impossible, I'm right handed and everything you do comes through your shoulder, steroids and zapain have helped, at least I can sleep now. They have also informed me that the NHS don't do shoulder replacement so I need me a lottery win so I can get it done private.

  14. May be you are just an unhappy person who don't care where to live and never happy with the place you live. May be Chiang Mai is the best place for those who say so and Philippines for someone else and Toronto for me.

    Maybe, like the dear old late Queen Mother, you soldier on smiling through thick and thin no matter what adversity befalls you.

    Maybe you have potential -you could be the catalyst that sparks a revolution - you could be an inmate in a long-term institution.

    If there's one thing I've learnt from following rugby league, "it's no good speculating".


    "Maybe, like the dear old late Queen Mother, you soldier on smiling through thick and thin"

    You have obviously not seen the quotes from the people who worked close to her, she was a nasty old crone.

  15. This one is a no brainer.

    Pattaya, the City of Love, is the best city in the world by a mile. I have a feeling that when I die and go to heaven, it will be a let down after living here.

    Has EVERYTHING, cheap and cheerful. Warm weather year round, international food, 27 golf courses, three water parks and the best gogos in the world bar none. Nice and compact, easy to get around.

    I don't know what karma I collected in my previous life, but think I must have been Mother Theresa or something.

    I thank the good lord everyday for leading me to this great city. What a place!!

    If there was a better place I would leave tomorrow, but no such place exists.


    Come on now, we're trying to have a (reasonably) serious thread here, no need for such sarcasm LOL, Pattaya??? you crack me up cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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