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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Moved to Cambodia last year, i dont miss Thailand at all its the hub of BS.

    People only move to Cambodia when they can't afford Thailand any more

    People tend to find a way to heap praise on Cambodia when it's the only choice in their price range that still gives them access to attractive women

    Tell us, did you say the same thing when you left whatever country you lived in before you moved to Thailand?

    Rather proves shirtless's point I'd say.

  2. Interesting , at the moment in OZ MS are updating everyone to 10 whether you like it or not, soon as you log on it will start updating 10 , lots still prefer 7, I have a mixture I updated about 18 months back , this is because the uptake on their free offer wasn't as good as expected and will go on till 21 June so the gurus say , then everyone will have to buy windows 10. Another concern is they are also upgrading everyone to outlook from Hotmail ,Mine was changed without any authority over on a Sat night, this has cause undue problems with people's mail , I lost any new names in my address book and got back ( would you believe ) address deleted 10 years ago , some have lost their address all together , the other day I got a historic society ( Which I am a member off ) address mixed in with my address book, I just tell u This in case they come to Thai ( I doubt it )

    "at the moment in OZ MS are updating everyone to 10 whether you like it or not,"

    Wont happen if you switch off automatic updates.

  3. If the little blighter is yapping its bloody head off, I can understand how he feels, we have one next door and its yapping away from 6am till 9pm everyday, what annoys me the most is the owner can not control it, it does not listen to him and does what it wants!! If you can't control the bloody thing you should not have one! some people have no respect for their neighbors, and can not understand why you get mad. It might be your little bundle of joy that you love but to me its annoying little @$%ker that need a kick up its arse! on in his case a can of soda!

    I had the same issue as you have and had come up with a plan so that the neighbors would understand the annoyance.

    After they had come home from work I would turn on my 1000 watt stereo system which I have set up with my TV and notebook. I found a video on YouTube with 12 hours of large dogs barking and would turn the volume up to 100, open up the windows and then go out for dinner with my girlfriend for a few hours.

    One week later their dog was gone.


    My ex-wife(yes, l visit her now and then!)had trouble with a neighbour's 2 barking dogs.

    The neighbours were at work all day & the dogs didn't bark when they were home, so they didn't believe her that their dogs were a nuisance & just laughed off her complaints.

    l heard the mongrel things & they were driving me mad & l only stayed there one day.

    Anyway, my resourceful ex, recorded a tiger's roar from her computer, set up some speakers facing the dog's yard & gave it full bore.

    The effect was startling & instantaneous, the 2 problem dogs shut up immediately, took off & cowered under their owner's house.

    The dogs had a short memory & started barking again, so my ex, upped the volume & gave them another blast.

    That was a year ago & she says that they've never been a problem again although they need weekly tune-ups.

    For anyone who is interested, the site is:- www.wildfilmsindia.com & the title is "The Most Blood-curdling & Frightening ROAR you have ever heard"

    "The Most Blood-curdling & Frightening ROAR you have ever heard"

    You aint heard her indoors!

  4. You don't have to be in much of a hurry. Coral is going to be around for a long.... long.... time...

    Coral first appeared about 550 million years ago or so..... when atmospheric CO2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

    For most of the history of coral.....CO2 levels in the atmosphere were much higher than now... . Coral survived it.. and spread around the world with the higher CO2 levels..

    Coral has survived ice ages, times so cold the continents were almost totally covered in ice. Coral has survived periods when it was so warm there was no ice at all on the planet..

    Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age...

    Coral survived the very fast sea level rise of about 35mm - 60mm per year... beginning about 22,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago following the last Glacial Period. Sea level rise today is nothing like that.... now it's only about 3mm per year.

    But now.. for some reason... some people want to scare us into believing that 400ppm CO2, and 0.85 C increase over a 132 year period (1880 - 2012 I.P.C.C.), as we come out of the Little Ice Age represents some kind of threat to coral.

    If our little 400ppm CO2 level and 0.85 degree increase over 132 years is some kind of threat to coral... then all those previous times would have killed it all off already and there wouldn't be any coral today. The fact is.... it can let a whole lot warmer.. or a whole lot colder.... at fast or slow rates with a lot higher CO2... and coral will still be around....

    Just thirty miles from where I live.. you can break various types of fossil coral out of the quarry rock from when my area was a shallow tropical sea.. 350 million years ago.

    Coral ain't about to go extinct... And Global (Gore Bull) Warming/Climate Change Alarmists are suffering from delusional paranoia...

    The argument against this point is so obvious that I can't believe it needs to be stated. Yes, Coral first evolved in a time when CO2 levels were higher. But now it's adapted to much lover levels. A drastic change in CO2 levels means Corals don't have time to adapt. Oh, maybe a few will. And in 100,000 or a million years coral may make a comeback.But for the present, when it goes it won't go alone but take with it the millions of species that have adapted to life on it.

    Ancient corals and other life forms were able to adapt to high carbon dioxide concentrations because they have had millions of years to react to slower, natural climate change. Monckton ignores the vast difference in the rate of these changes compared to the present rate; he incorrectly argues that the present rapid increase in carbon dioxide is harmless. http://www.skepticalscience.com/Monckton_Press_Release.pdf

    Did you bother reading my whole post? Refresher for you...

    "Coral survived the Permian Mass Extinction, the great Siberian Traps Eruptions....... Coral survived the great Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event.. Coral has survived abrupt climate change of as much as ten degrees C up or down in as little as a decade over the past 550 million years.... It certainly survived the last Glacial Period, it survived the Holocene Climatic Optimum Warming... (much warmer than now)... survived the following cooling,,, survived the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age..."

    How fast of a change do you figure the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Event was? ? Literally over night... "Global firestorms likely resulted from the heat pulse. Recent research indicates that the global debris layer deposited by the impact contained enough soot to suggest that the entire terrestrial biosphere had burned.

    -Robertson, D.S., Lewis, W.M., Sheehan, P.M. & Toon, O.B. (2013). "K/Pg extinction: re-evaluation of the heat/fire hypothesis". Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

    The planet wide fire would have raised atmospheric CO2 levels to a much higher level in just days or weeks...

    The impact would have inhibited photosynthesis by creating a dust cloud that blocked sunlight for up to a year. Further, the asteroid struck a region of sulfur-rich carbonate rock, much of which was vaporized, thereby injecting sulfuric acid aerosols into the stratosphere, which might have reduced sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by more than 50%, and would have caused rain and ocean water to become acidic."

    Pope KO, D'Hondt SL, Marshall CR (1998). "Meteorite impact and the mass extinction of species at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary". PNAS 95 (19): 11028–11029. Bibcode:1998PNAS...9511028P. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.19.11028

    Ohno, S.; et al. (2014). "Production of sulphate-rich vapour during the Chicxulub impact and implications for ocean acidification". Nature Geoscience 7: 279–282. doi:10.1038/ngeo2095

    Coral is able to adapt much faster than you think...... as Japanese and other scientists are now finding out... and as the history of coral on this planet demonstrates...

    This of course is no surprise to those who know something about the history of the Earth... and no surprise to people with common sense..

    If there is a threat to coral.... it is not atmospheric CO2 of 400 - 600ppm ..or a gradual rise in temperature to more comfortable climate. There are many other things that are harmful to coral.

    "and no surprise to people with common sense.

    You'll find none of that on the alarmists side, it's like a religion to them, they're fanatics, and like "god-botherers the world over they're oblivious to the lack of evidence for their argument and the masses of evidence which disproves it.

  5. Mike Adams, self styled 'journalist', should stick to attacking Big Pharma to promote and profit from money wasting, fraudulent supplementary vitamins that no one actually needs.

    He bases his article on misinformation posted on Fossil Fuel funded blogsites.

    If his article was peer reviewed for publication in a scientific journal rather than his own agenda driven blogsite it would be popped into the shredder.


    Next? Certainly.

    Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

    Lianne M Lefsrud

    "First and foremost, our study is not a representative survey. Although our data set is large and diverse enough for our research questions, it cannot be used for generalizations such as “respondents believe …” or “scientists don’t believe …” (emphasis added)"

    Heartland’s James Taylor Falsely Claims New Study Rejects Climate Consensus

    Detailed response to Climate Denier interpretation of study



    IPCC's Gangster Science - Dr Willie Soon 9th ICCC - Duration: 16:21. 1000frolly 2,169 views

  6. Mike Adams, self styled 'journalist', should stick to attacking Big Pharma to promote and profit from money wasting, fraudulent supplementary vitamins that no one actually needs.

    He bases his article on misinformation posted on Fossil Fuel funded blogsites.

    If his article was peer reviewed for publication in a scientific journal rather than his own agenda driven blogsite it would be popped into the shredder.


    Next? Certainly.

    Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

  7. The trick in the video:

    It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW. The Climate Skeptics 'escalator' graphic that you first look at is graphing the GLOBAL surface temperature ANOMALY. Temperature 'anomaly' is the CHANGE in temperature from a given baseline. The 'Escalator' is used to demonstrate how Climate Deniers conveniently select a short period of no temperature increase and say the Earth is not warming. Wrong of course, because when you step back and look at the entire graph it is clear the global surface temperature is taking off like a rocket.

    Here is the trick used to deceive you. The Climate Skeptic's 'Escalator' graph is tacked onto absolute (actual Oc not anomaly) Proxy data from GISP2 / Epica Dome ice core from Greenland.

    It is like putting a Grizzly Bear beside a Duck and saying "look twins!".

    It looks all 'sciency' but it is absolute drivel.

    So go back and watch the video and take particular note of what the x and y axis are measuring.

    "It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW"

    And don't Al Gore and the railway engineer know it.

    Never in recorded history has warming been a consequence of rising Co2, quite the opposite in fact, but a crafty misinterpretation of graphs by big Al convinced the world that it was so. Like lambs to the slaughter, the masses will wander in to agenda21 and will be grateful for it, until its too late.

    Al Gore does advocate the science on GW / CC and has been a target of the Climate Denier echo chamber for many years in an effort to discredit him. Al Gore is pretty spot on with his commentary of GW / CC.

    The effect of Greenhouse gasses, which CO2 is one, on GW / CC has been known for over 157 years (Svante Arrhenius 1859). Very basic science. It is taught in Primary School. It would be impossible to form a view on GW/CC if you do not understand the very basics of Greenhouse gasses and how they effect global temperatures.

    Al Gore is a liar and conman.


  8. The trick in the video:

    It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW. The Climate Skeptics 'escalator' graphic that you first look at is graphing the GLOBAL surface temperature ANOMALY. Temperature 'anomaly' is the CHANGE in temperature from a given baseline. The 'Escalator' is used to demonstrate how Climate Deniers conveniently select a short period of no temperature increase and say the Earth is not warming. Wrong of course, because when you step back and look at the entire graph it is clear the global surface temperature is taking off like a rocket.

    Here is the trick used to deceive you. The Climate Skeptic's 'Escalator' graph is tacked onto absolute (actual Oc not anomaly) Proxy data from GISP2 / Epica Dome ice core from Greenland.

    It is like putting a Grizzly Bear beside a Duck and saying "look twins!".

    It looks all 'sciency' but it is absolute drivel.

    So go back and watch the video and take particular note of what the x and y axis are measuring.

    "It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW"

    And don't Al Gore and the railway engineer know it.

    Never in recorded history has warming been a consequence of rising Co2, quite the opposite in fact, but a crafty misinterpretation of graphs by big Al convinced the world that it was so. Like lambs to the slaughter, the masses will wander in to agenda21 and will be grateful for it, until its too late.

  9. If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

    Because I am not one of those who values my personal wealth over the health of the environment that we must live in.

    I do not doubt that the climate is changing. ( Did you notice the record breaking heat wave we just went through and the drought that is still ongoing?)


    Yes... I noticed the "record" heat wave. And just how far back in time have they been accurately recording temps in Thailand ? Perhaps since 1880? Not a very long data set I'm afraid. And we just came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. Would you expect it to get colder? Or warmer... as we come out of a cold period?

    Not to mention... that temporary local weather is not "Gore Bull Climate" .

    Did you miss the record cold northern Thailand had this past year ? And in January, 2014, Bangkok had its coldest in 30 years... and about 70 people in north Thailand died of the cold.

    Did you miss the record cold last winter that the north east U.S. and eastern Canada had? Or how about the "Record breaking freeze" that China had ? ?

    But then they don't count do they? Because they don't support the leftist Gore Bull Warming socialist agenda.

    Record-breaking cold freezes 90 percent of China

    By Wu Yan (chinadaily.com.cn/Xinhua)Updated: 2016-01-22 16:18

    A record-breaking strong cold wave will sweep 90 percent of China from north to south, as three yellow alerts of cold wave, blizzard and sea gale were issued by National Meteorological Center on Thursday.

    On Friday, many highways were closed and airport traffic disrupted as the worst cold front in years hit several Chinese provinces.

    Municipalities and provinces in eastern, southern and central areas like Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi have elevated the level of emergency response to deal with the cold front.

    Beijing's temperature to reach -17 degree Celsius

    Beijing's temperature is expected to plunge to minus 17 degree Celsius on Saturday morning, close to the lowest recorded for 30 years, according to the municipal meteorological service.

    As strong winds are also expected from Friday to Sunday, temperatures in mountainous areas are forecast to dip to minus 23 degree Celsius.

    Low temperature to break record in Shanghai

    Sleet has been falling since Wednesday evening and the accumulated volume of rainfall and snowfall has reached 3-7 millimeters by Thursday morning in eastern China's Shanghai. The municipal meteorological service forecast the lowest temperature to be close to or break the 1981 record on Sunday and Monday.

    The local public security bureau has taken precaution for potential major traffic accident or pileup in freezing rain and snow weather.


    How is it that you see the warm records..... and totally miss the cold records ? ? ? It seems to me that you notice only what you want to notice... and totally ignore the rest...

    Yes, I notice many weather extremes.

    Hotter, colder, wetter, dryer.....

    Things are not right.

    This is why the correct term is "Climate Change" and not the media's coined term |Global Warming"

    Warming is only one part of the problem.

    If it was only warming it would not be so funny when idiot, corporate owned congressmen hold up a snowball and yell " See? It's not warmer!"

    Taking measures to protect the environment would be costly for corporations, this is why they spend so much buying government officials in an attempt to protect their profits and not the planet.

    "taking measures to protect the environment" is one thing, and totally right and viable. Taking measures to in any way affect the climate is not only ridiculous, it's totally asinine, unless of course you have found a way to control the sun and the earths relation to it in its orbit.

  10. There are more dangerous places to drive than Thailand despite what statistics say

    Yes there is Saudi Arabia but not many more and I have driven in many. This forum is about Thailand. I always wondered who designed the roads here and why? I have been given many answers and none of them are flattering.

    Nothing wrong with the roads, it's the gibbering nutmonkeys driving on them that's the problem.

    absolutely incorrect - the amount of idiots on the world's roads is pretty much a constant..it is how they are managed that differs a constant. Multiple other factors in this case especially the road engineering and design in Thailand is appalling and contributed to these deaths to a great extent.

    Every time there is a discussion on road safety some ill-informed person tries to put the blame on "stupid" drivers which basically shows they have no understanding of the issues involved, but because they drive a car, think they know all about road safety......the shear fact that the majority of those at risk aren't even in cars has never occurred to them. They also have no idea of how much they are managed themselves by road safety systems they are blithely unaware so come to really ill thought out and un analytical conclusions about how they themselves drive.

    May I suggest the before you comment further you get up to speed on the basics of road safety?

    Absolutely incorrect, the amount of idiots on the world's roads are not a constant and anybody who says different obviously hasn't traveled much. There is nothing wrong with the road engineering and design in Thailand, it's pretty much the same as the UK system and the UK have some of the safest roads in the world.

    It's all down to driving skills and the enforcement of traffic laws of which Thailand has neither.

    p.s. I got 100% on the road safety exams at school (a fair while ago I confess).

  11. There are much safer options for u-turns.

    In the diagram below (for USA where they drive on the right) the type B jug-handle adds minimal cost to road construction, filters traffic off from the slow lane instead of the fast lane (so any tailback in excess of the waiting lane capacity is also in the slow lane or in a filter lane or the hard shoulder) allows vehicles waiting to cross to wait in safety off the road, gives good visibility in both directions, and can be coupled with traffic lights with a heavy bias to the main highway to permit safe crossing on very busy roads.

    The central crossing would need to be configured as shown (to make a direct turn from the fast lane impossible to prevent impatient drivers from trying to jump the queue) and could have waiting space for 1 or 2 cars and a filter lane to make joining the fast lane on the far side safer.

    A huge number of road accidents on highways are connected with u-turns as the paint on the road around them indicates.

    Another alternative is to start using what we call in the UK roundabouts. (wong kom in Thai I think) However this would necessitate a huge amount of training as the system is dependent on driver discipline so is bound to fail initially.


    Jughandles? jugheads more like, just make the turn when the road is clear, simple.

    Not simple enough for many drivers here!

    Its not so much you making the turn, its the 18 wheeler that pushes out into fast moving traffic blocking all 3/4 lanes and relying totally on other drivers survival instincts to complete the manouvre. Or groups of tour buses nose to tail doing the same thing as cars screech to a halt and try to avoid hitting the one in front of them.

    If you are always going to be sharing the roads with jugheads then safer to design jughead friendly roads.

    And do you think Thai drivers would understand never mind respect any of those ideas? I don't!

  12. Just another day in THE most dangerous country to drive in in the WORLD,forget the bogus statistics that it is second or third,it is FIRST.

    There are more dangerous places to drive than Thailand despite what statistics say

    Yes there is Saudi Arabia but not many more and I have driven in many. This forum is about Thailand. I always wondered who designed the roads here and why? I have been given many answers and none of them are flattering.

    Nothing wrong with the roads, it's the gibbering nutmonkeys driving on them that's the problem.

  13. There are much safer options for u-turns.

    In the diagram below (for USA where they drive on the right) the type B jug-handle adds minimal cost to road construction, filters traffic off from the slow lane instead of the fast lane (so any tailback in excess of the waiting lane capacity is also in the slow lane or in a filter lane or the hard shoulder) allows vehicles waiting to cross to wait in safety off the road, gives good visibility in both directions, and can be coupled with traffic lights with a heavy bias to the main highway to permit safe crossing on very busy roads.

    The central crossing would need to be configured as shown (to make a direct turn from the fast lane impossible to prevent impatient drivers from trying to jump the queue) and could have waiting space for 1 or 2 cars and a filter lane to make joining the fast lane on the far side safer.

    A huge number of road accidents on highways are connected with u-turns as the paint on the road around them indicates.

    Another alternative is to start using what we call in the UK roundabouts. (wong kom in Thai I think) However this would necessitate a huge amount of training as the system is dependent on driver discipline so is bound to fail initially.


    Jughandles? jugheads more like, just make the turn when the road is clear, simple.

  14. I've bought jeans, t-shirts and shorts as good quality as anywhere, lasted me years, bought a seiko in '95 in Krabi, still going strong, on the other hand I've bought some crap. Bought a holdall once, unpacked it, held the handles and shook it to shape it out and a handle came off, same sort of thing with a couple of rucksacks. That's just how it is, TiT!

    I've just remembered, I've fitted a YSS shock to my vfr and I'm well happy with it.
    YSS DEFINITELY have two quality's. Export and Thai (Asian)

    Could be, bought mine in the UK and it's fine, just no remote adjuster.

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