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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. In my years here I rarely post.

    I'm an American so it can be debated if I have a horse in this race.

    Maybe the Brits have just voted themselves into recession. That's to be seen, but I wonder if anyone here understands the EU concept of Qualified Majority Voting? If so, maybe you can explain it ti the masses.

    For sure the Brits have just shot themselves in the foot in near term economic terms, but maybe that was better than shooting themselves in the head in terms of the long term solution.

    In my mind there is not a simple answer to this complex question. For sure the Brits economically would be better off (now) staying in the union, but at what long term cost? The loss of sovereignty over their own country?

    Again, speaking as an American, I would pay the price to throw off the yoke of debilitating regulation so that my progeny might live free of it.

    My support to David Cameron. He is a leader the west needs more of.

    "My support to David Cameron. He is a leader the west needs more of."

    cheesy.gifclap2.gif Yeah right, that's why the numpty has thankfully resigned.

  2. I thought defender was for later versions and security essentials was for 7, but anyway if you have anti virus with your kaspersky you shouldn't be running defender or mse.

    I have W7 Build Date June 2015, installed on new laptop last year.

    Do you think there are or good be conflict issues ?

    I dont use Essentials.

    i have already been offered updates for W10 but W10 is only downloaded ( forced as you know ) but not installed, therefore I dont download W10 updates.

    I expect to be long gone before Windows stops updates for W7. Also as laptops dont last the 10 years or so like they used too ( physically ), my machine probably wont be here either.

    If you want to get rid of the 10 files on your pc try "never10" and you can block more attempts to download 10.

  3. You spent $60, LOL. I could make one for less than 500 baht, using some water pipe, black paint, and an old 44 gallon drum ( or anything similar size ). Unfortunately, millions of people can't afford 500 baht, and for many, their water has to be carried from miles away on someone's head.

    There are people that have never owned a phone, never mind a 60s touch tone phone.

    Lets stop thinking that everyone lives in western style societies, puleese.

    I'm putting out solutions. What are you and RB doing? Shooting down every suggestion from folks trying to find solutions. So, let's dumb this whole conversation down so you and RB may understand it better. There are rich people, there are well-off people, there are struggling people, and there are very poor people. If I make a suggestion for a $60 passive solar set-up of heating water, it's not for everyone. At best, it may be suitable for 28% of people on the planet. The sort of people who spend about $40/month on average, heating water by electric. There are people, like Trump, who spend thousands of $$'s/month heating water, and there are people like my neighbors who heat water (for cooking) by burning sticks they gather around their bungalo. They never bathe with warm water. So yes, there are all types of people in the world.

    Last year I met a man who captains a small pleasure cruise ship, about as long as a tennis court and with 11 crew. The boat is owned by Abrahamov (sp? a Russian Bazzilionalire). They get very rich clients, usually between 2 and 7 at a time. They cruised around the southernmost Burmese islands, Get this: In 9 days, they spent $34,000 just on diesel fuel. That's the sort of disgusting pollution that the super rich put out.

    Who do you want to address, in order to make the world less polluted, and less prone to greenhouse affect which leads to global warming? We need to deal with people on all social strata, from poorest to richest. ....and on country levels, also, as happened in Paris.

    Defenders of runaway fossil fuel (and nuclear) use often come forth with soggy 3rd grade deflections like; "not everyone is going to do that" or "well what about Obama with Air Force One?" or "do you think that will stop all warming?" . That's childish and deflecting. It reminds me of when I was in 3rd grade and my teacher reprimanded one of the boys for singing during class. She said, "what if everyone sang during class?" I remember thinking, 'what a dumb way to reprimand someone.' Incidentally, that singing boy went on to be Bruce Springstein's guitarist.

    "That's childish and deflecting."

    There is nothing more childish than believing anything but the sun and the earth's relation to it have anything to do with climate change.

  4. UDD up their usual tricks purporting to represent the majority when in fact it is a small violent minority they represent.

    If the charter is voted in the UDD will pout they were unsuccessful in stopping referendum cheating thus disrespecting the majority. If the people vote no then the UDD will pout they were successful and have the majorities best interests at heart.

    The above shown again and again since the UDD came into being is just another smoke screen to purport a respect for a majority that simply don't support them.

    So nice to have you back on TVF. I have missed your voice of reason, your knowledge, in-sight and factual posts. Far better than all the one sided biased post based on pre-conceived opinions.

    Ha Ha, I do love a bit of sarcasm LOL

  5. The only silencing attempts going on are from the "climate change" political movement.

    Suppression of dissenting views is almost the only Green/Left strategy, because they know they would lose bigtime in the marketplace of free ideas. Their little 'safe spaces' need protection from anything that might be 'Right Wing'.

    They can't abide even minor deviation from the True Climate Faith, so forced tattooings, destruction of careers, prosecution, banning from the airwaves, executions of their opponents are things they truly believe in, much like several other unsavory political regimes of the 20th century.

    You have some sort of polling information to cite to back up your statement. As I recall, you seem a little weak on that score. A few pages back you claimed disbelief in human caused climate change was on the decline. I cited a poll that showed actually it was at an 8 year high. You replied...well you didn't say anything, did you?

    This kind of nonsense, citing the extreme views of a few, and tarring 98,4 percent of climate scientists and others with it, is typical of your approach to the question of climate change.

    98.4 percent?

    Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

  6. Screwed up my last reply, I never realised fasteddie mentioned "never10" just before I did, I have been using this programme for a few weeks now and has been running like a charm stops all Windows 10 update prompts and doesn't disrupt the other updates etc, I highly recommend it

    Have you turned auto updates back on?

  7. Despite the fact they were fleeing a fight, they hit the truck. Their fault.

    The truck is not in the wrong lane. They drive on the left in Thailand. Whether he used his indicator when he was making the manouvre is another question but the folks on the bike were overtaking at speed in their effort to escape.

    Jesise Christ man your post is both hilarious and mind boggling at the same time, yes they do drive on the left in Thailand.

    But he was turning right which means he should have been in the right lane.

    If he was turning left than he should have been in the left lane.

    He was obviously in the left lane making a right turn.

    What? are you tripping? if he'd been in the right hand lane he would have been facing the oncoming traffic, have you ever driven?

    You're a bit late. I've already commented on my error. Maybe read the quotes from the full two pages before commenting.

    And you're even later, I've already seen and accepted that.

    So if it was a 15 page thread I have to read them all before commenting? I don't think so.

  8. Despite the fact they were fleeing a fight, they hit the truck. Their fault.

    The truck is not in the wrong lane. They drive on the left in Thailand. Whether he used his indicator when he was making the manouvre is another question but the folks on the bike were overtaking at speed in their effort to escape.

    Jesise Christ man your post is both hilarious and mind boggling at the same time, yes they do drive on the left in Thailand.

    But he was turning right which means he should have been in the right lane.

    If he was turning left than he should have been in the left lane.

    He was obviously in the left lane making a right turn.

    What? are you tripping? if he'd been in the right hand lane he would have been facing the oncoming traffic, have you ever driven?

    Edit: ok I see you've realised your mistake.

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