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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Gosh, if you do image backups I would do an image backup and then attempt the Win 10 upgrade just so your machine gets the" digital entitlement" to Win 10 (i..e, MS fancy name for the Win 10 license saved on their activation servers when you upgrade to Win 10).

    Then, after doing the upgrade if you have major problems you can just roll back to your previous OS with rollback function in Win 10....and if that rollback don't go as planned then just reload the image you made. Image backups can be your savior for so many computer problems.

    Now if you are not comfortable in doing image backups....just don't do backups....don't know how....well, enjoy Win 8.1 and miss out on the free upgrade to Win 10 for your machine. I surely would not want to wait until the last day to do the upgrade since I bet many, many, many will attempt it in the final day....I expect is also occurring right now in the final week...bunch of busy MS servers I bet.

    Win 10 is solid now....I would say it was solid since the major Nov 15 upgrade....and I put it on one of my laptops on 29 Jul 15 with only a few minor issues occuring that were not Win 10 problems but third party software that has since been fixed. I've upgraded both of my Lenovo laptops to Win 10 with little to no issues....just wish I could upgrade my 10 year Toshiba laptop from Win 7 to Win 10, but it's not compatible due to its video circuit. Oh well, I only use that Win 7 computer as a backup to a backup, but since Win 7 is still supported for critical updates till Jan 20 and the fact that 10 year Toshiba has been good to me over the years it will live on until Jan 20 (unless it dies before)....then I'll put it out to pasture.

    I wouldn't want to have W 7 now. It's like having the old XP with all the CD's you need for drivers, etc....it's the 21st century and i believe since the July update things have getting much better.'

    I've done more than 25 updates, in one night on three machines at the same time and all of them are running nice.

    There's no reason to NOT upgrade.

    But for him there's no reason TO upgrade.

  2. Most liberal ideas theses days are the rag tag ideas of trotskyikes and assorted left wing nutcases. I probably know more about Marxism than they or you. The last labour cabinet had ex SWP members who pushed through an extreme left agenda disguised as liberal values and tolerance. The current labour party leader has a Marxist past and quotes Mao in Parliament. This is not conspiracy theory it's because it's not covert - it's in the open just as mass uncontrolled immigration is on view and not secret. Do your research a bit better please. Many current trends destroying the UK have their roots in extreme left wing ideas.

    You are unbelievably pig ignorant, Gordon Brown's cabinet was extreme left was it? just a stupid statement like that shows how ignorant you are. What's destroying the UK and the rest of the world is the biggest ponzi scheme ever, Capitalism.

    What's the alternative, Communism? We've seen how well that works.

    You're right, China is thriving.

  3. Most liberal ideas theses days are the rag tag ideas of trotskyikes and assorted left wing nutcases. I probably know more about Marxism than they or you. The last labour cabinet had ex SWP members who pushed through an extreme left agenda disguised as liberal values and tolerance. The current labour party leader has a Marxist past and quotes Mao in Parliament. This is not conspiracy theory it's because it's not covert - it's in the open just as mass uncontrolled immigration is on view and not secret. Do your research a bit better please. Many current trends destroying the UK have their roots in extreme left wing ideas.

    You are unbelievably pig ignorant, Gordon Brown's cabinet was extreme left was it? just a stupid statement like that shows how ignorant you are. What's destroying the UK and the rest of the world is the biggest ponzi scheme ever, Capitalism.

  4. Try Akhbar Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 3. They hail from Pakistan but finally got their Thai citizenshop.

    Great food by the way

    And they have a poster on the wall featuring a rheumy eyed, ill shaven, mass murderer, judaphobe, thief and arch terrorist. Enjoy your curry!

    They have a poster of Barack Obomber?

  5. It's subjective. It's objective. There are things you can measure but each individual has their own priorities. For example a place with a hot employment market might be a negative to a retired person. Pleasant temperate weather wouldn't work for a skiing nut. Etc.

    On the other hand, a place like Aleppo Syria would probably only be best for a war photographer ...

    Aleppo must be pretty grim right now.


    To answer the OP, most towns and cities in Thailand are dumps.

    Thailand-based expats lie: they lie to each other; they lie to themselves,

    They repeat ad-nauseum how happy they are and how wonderful their lives are. You don't need to be a psychologist to see through the shit.


    People in Monte Carlo live their lives; expats in Thailand talk about their lives.

    NATO and assorted affiliates can be proud of themselves........plenty of construction billions for Halliburton.....and this is just one street,in one town F.........g butchers.
    Another Spartist ignores the role of Arabs and assorted Muslim affiliates in their own self destruction. Yawn.

    Like Afghanistan who promised to hand over Bin Laden as soon as America provided proof he was involved in 9/11, which they didn't do and couldn't do of course so they got invaded.

    Like Iraq which announced it was to trade oil in the euro so they got invaded.

    Like Libya, the country with the highest standard of living in Africa, which announced it was to implement a gold standard African dinar and to trade oil in said dinar, so they got invaded.

    Yep, they certainly did invite their own destruction, fancy wanting to be free and independent, just who do they think they are?

  6. This one is a no brainer.

    Pattaya, the City of Love, is the best city in the world by a mile. I have a feeling that when I die and go to heaven, it will be a let down after living here.

    Has EVERYTHING, cheap and cheerful. Warm weather year round, international food, 27 golf courses, three water parks and the best gogos in the world bar none. Nice and compact, easy to get around.

    I don't know what karma I collected in my previous life, but think I must have been Mother Theresa or something.

    I thank the good lord everyday for leading me to this great city. What a place!!

    If there was a better place I would leave tomorrow, but no such place exists.


    Come on now, we're trying to have a (reasonably) serious thread here, no need for such sarcasm LOL, Pattaya??? you crack me up cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Your limited imagination is demonstratedesigned by your use of emoticons. Pattaya is great fun. Have you ever been there?

    Only in 1966, 1988 and 2008, and yes it is great fun, if you're a drunken whore monger.

  7. OP as i already said mind your own business.

    Seeing your comments it appears that you think you are better than Thais.

    You are not, what the hell has the US embassy got to do with how Thais drive?

    Nothing thats what, absolutely nothing.

    Time to get stronger medication, before you mess up your health.

    Wanting to interfere, butt out.

    Thank you, but we will have to agree to disagree. I certainly do not thing I am better than Thai's, the wife is Thai.

    I am concerned with the dangerous driving in Thailand. Do you know that Thailand has the second highest road toll in the world.

    I will photo document all instances I see and report to the Royal Thai Police.

    Also as an American we should be protected by our Government. I am raising the problems with road violations with the Consulate/embassy currently.

    So are you suggesting that the American government should send police over to ensure the safety of all citizens, are you for real?

    I suggest you keep your eyes open whilst out on the streets and learn that the whole world is not a safe place

    I take it you are not American.

    We have the right to be protected in other countries.

    No you don't! you have the right to take care of yourself.

    Here's a surprise for you, America doesn't own Thailand, surely your wife has told you that. with your attitude your days are numbered in Thailand.

  8. Isn't that a face you'd just love to punch. 555555

    What a piece of excrement, glad it's having another birthday.....one step closer to death.

    He probably has the same views about expats like you who feel the need to meddle in politics of a nation that you are merely a guest in.

    Always engage brain before opening ones mouth.

    I think you should get some advice on my status in Thailand. Then follow your last sentence you wrote.

    They are wise words the last ones. wink.png

    They are indeed wise words, why then are you not following them?

  9. There are certain aspects of Thai culture that I just cannot get my head around sad.png

    Ridiculous! calling this Thai culture, No it isn't!

    This sort of thing has been going on in Thai villages for many years.It's just that now the occasional case makes the headlines.

    "This sort of thing has been going on in Thai villages for many years"

    And villages towns and cities worldwide, in England it's rife right up the establishment all the way to the royals.

  10. Culture in general and this includes arts-crafts-kitsch-literature-music, national characteristic mentality, nationally accepted behaviour, nationally accepted values, traditions, general understanding of the world and geopolitical and geographic views, idea and technology transfer and migration, all are part of any national understanding and standards of average educated individual claiming to be.

    What you hear in all cases of committed crime is that self-interest/benefit is an excuse in their understanding as leniency. Suffering and pity of another person is like an alien concept. Those criminals shows antisocial - psychopathic behaviour, however, they understand that their own gratification/fulfillment of needs are an excuse and an explanation. This type of behaviour is not exactly this same anywhere else, so it must be part of Thai culture. Blaming on victims for whatever the reason might be and explanation with emphasis on themselves as a point of reference. Total lack of sympathy.

    Am I wrong?

    "This type of behaviour is not exactly this same anywhere else"

    Just everywhere else, it's rife throughout the world.

  11. It's quite possibly cultural. You could argue that, it's a better argument than dismissing it out of hand. For example, let's argue it this way....language is definitely part of a society's culture and the written Thai languages are quite unique because they are all but completely a phonetic transcription of the spoken languages (with only a very few exceptions). Chinese, Korean, Japanese languages, and English, have a written language that is geared toward reading and writing, example, using English, we don't write the precise vowel sound... but they do in Thai... and painstakingly so.... we merely give a hint at what it might be and we use the schwa sound in the unstressed syllables to make it easier to recognize the morpheme, even though it serves no purpose for speaking and listening. And if you live in a culture that doesn't enjoy reading books, which is just as strangely unique (ahem) even if you limit your comparision just to East Asia in general, it's not hard to draw connecting dots between all sorts of generalized behavior patterns and a lack of literacy.... which anywhere else is most folks #1 or #2 favorite pastime.... but not in Thailand. No, I think the comment by the earlier gentleman that this could be cultural is supportable. And just what are Thai culture's favorite pastimes? can ya think of any? does it include reading?

    Cultural my eye, it's rife worldwide, if it's Thai culture then it's culture everywhere. Being cultural assumes it's acceptable in society, well it's not.

  12. Well you should know because anybody who wasn't an idiot would know it's primarily a visa thing, it certainly isn't financial because Cambodia is not noticeably cheaper than Thailand.


    Whatever you have to tell yourself, mate

    A favourable visa system doesn't make up for living in a lawless shithole with crap infrastructure

    Cambodia is significantly cheaper than Thailand re living costs

    "A favourable visa system doesn't make up for living in a lawless shithole with crap infrastructure"

    Well actually, for the many farangs who have recently moved from Thailand, yes it does.

    "Cambodia is significantly cheaper than Thailand re living costs"

    No it isn't

    Cost Of Living Comparison Between Thailand And Cambodia

    Fortunately the important things in life, beer, cigarettes and weed are cheaper in Cambodia. Angkhor beer, the best beer in asia by far is a dollar a pint during happy hour, happy hour where I drink is 10am to 10pm LOL.

  13. All this over a dog.

    What about all the humans killed in road traffic accidents by drunk / drugged / sleepy drivers ?

    1 injured dog versus 1000's of killed humans.

    Priorities are not where they should be.

    Couldn`t watch that video, it would ruin my day.

    I actually prefer dogs to most humans. Dogs really are man`s best friend whereas most people are self indulgent and only out for their own self interests. As for priorities, it all depends on people`s values. If I came across you and a dog drowning in a river it would be a difficult decision deciding which one to save first.

    Not for me, like you I prefer dogs to most humans.

  14. UKtvnow or Mobdro, both free Android apps with live premium UK and US channels.

    This include ads, but for some reason I don't see them.

    I've got 5.1 lollipop but can't find either of those in the app store.

    They are not on the Playstore, you need to download them from their own website, Google is your friend.

    Never thought of that, DOH!

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