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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. "when they don't like something"

    like the repeated violent overthrow of democratically elected governments?

    Or judges making judgement in accordance with the law; or the Shins actually being subject to the laws just like anyone else?

    There was a lot of violence prior to the removal of the caretaker PTP regime which had lost any semblance of control. But I don't recall any violence in their removal.

    "But I don't recall any violence in their removal."

    Their removal started with the shooting and bombing of policemen, seizing government buildings and making the business of government impossible, all done with the approval of the traitor Prayut to enable the coup. The reciprocal violence by the reds was in response to the direct threat to democracy, as has since been proven. As a westerner, your continued defence of the destruction of democracy is reprehensible.

  2. Why are you so keen for windows 10? Every new operating system always has flaws, best to give it 6 months or so.

    I got the upgrade the day it was released after reserving it a few weeks before. It installed without any drama's and left everything as it was before and for me is the best Windows yet. I liked 7 but hated 8. 10 is even better than 7 was so well done MS thumbsup.gif

    Up to you, personally I'll wait for sp1, too old and wise to trust Microsoft to have got it right 1st time.

  3. .

    If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it.

    I guess you dont see the irony in that statement?

    Oh and where did the yellows run the airport and sutep lead protests?

    As I've stated NOTHING has been done to solve the underlying discontent, and having suthep and his divisive ways back is only going to make things worse.

    I see it, I just don't think it justifies the red to kill and bomb as they always do when they don't like something. Now if they want to do that let them do that in Chaing Mai or Isarn or something like that. Let them bug their own. At least the protests of the former yellows were on their own home turf and far less violent.

    "when they don't like something"

    like the repeated violent overthrow of democratically elected governments?

  4. Why people dive in head first to upgrade to windows latest operating system beggars belief, they are always flawed. I've 2 laptops running windows 7 and neither will be upgraded till next year sometime, maybe. I do, on the other hand, have a linx tablet running windows 8 which I never use so I might try it out on that, or not, as the case may be.

  5. Many roads in Thailand are in bad shape.They are good now.You should have seen them in 1971.Um if you value your life you

    Should think twice before traveling on 2 wheels in This country.

    '71? luxury, should have seen them is '66.

    You should have seen the roads in England in 1890 terrible.

    Roads? England? Luxury! When I were a lad .............

  6. Many roads in Thailand are in bad shape.They are good now.You should have seen them in 1971.Um if you value your life you

    Should think twice before traveling on 2 wheels in This country.

    '71? luxury, should have seen them is '66.

  7. Who wants to block the frequencies, of what sounds a relatively benign unit, so badly that he forks out B10,000 rent, wages and for expensive radio equipment? Why?

    Do you really think he was paying for this himself ?.

    Red-shirts are a political group who are controlled by Pheu-Thai (which of course means Mr T in reality) - somewhat akin to the Brown shirts in Germany. You should be asking WHO would want to jam these signals. It almost certainly wasn't the guy who did it.

    "somewhat akin to the Brown shirts in Germany"

    Whenever someone blithely makes comparisons to Nazi Germany, you can generally dismiss the rest of what they have to say.

    You can generally ignore everything he has to say, it's always just right wing rhetoric.

  8. Those who need to learn well enough. Those who don't need to don't. The real comparisons should be made to English people who don't or won't speak other languages. Like Thai.

    "The real comparisons should be made to English people who don't or won't speak other languages. Like Thai"

    Those who need to learn well enough. Those who don't need to don't.

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