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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. I have 73gb free. I am not into gaming. Free disk space is constant.

    New HD - B3500? - 120gb.

    Gmail; EXCEL (only a few small worksheets)

    My only whinge - "slow" access to sites eg BKK Bank FE, Gmail. It is good but that is not good enough!

    I am just about sold on more RAM - less than B1k.

    What else can I do to make it quicker? Our PCs are NEVER quick enough?

    How can I assess speed of PC?

    Run "ccleaner".

  2. Another thing I forgot to mention Singapore is in the process of obtaining a helicopter carrier but nobody is going against it? Vietnam is interested in the French Mistral which was not sold to Russia but they have to discuss with Russia first for approval as they don't want to piss Russia off and the west support the purchase??? But when Thailand wants subs everybody is against it?????

    This website is for farangs who live in Thailand, or care about Thais & Thailand, not those other countries, as you will be aware. So I would not expect, as you seem to, much opinion about Singapore or Vietnam, and we could care less about attempts to awe those places !

    Speaking for myself, I'm not at all against Thailand investing in the RTN to meet its tasks in coastal-defence or fisheries-monitoring/protection tasks, but I just don't think a handful of submarines is the most cost-effective way to do it. You do agree, that value-for-money ought to be a consideration, yes ?

    And the article about Sweden's problems with possible Russian intruders, while it was interesting, was mostly just a sales-puff for a product which (you'll agree ?) the RTN weren't asking to buy anyway.

    Many farangs have found 'Made in China' to be a sales-tag worth avoiding, that will hopefully change at some point in-the-future, much as 'Made in Japan' once meant 'cheap crap', but nowadays mostly means a reliable well-designed product.

    I'm sorry that we don't instantly accept whatever this committee of junior-officers, who may well all have a vested interest in the purchase going-ahead, has recommended. But it is an important & valuable part of our culture, to question what those nominally in-charge tell us, history & experience have taught us the importance of doing so.

    The Thai education-system might well benefit, from following this example. wai2.gif

    "Many farangs have found 'Made in China' to be a sales-tag worth avoiding"

    i phone?

  3. If the gulf of Thailand is only 50 m deep, then there is no sub needed. Purchase patrol boats. thumbsup.gif

    The sea around Singapore is average 40 meters deep but they got 6 subs and 2 more on order they will have 8 subs and Indonesia is aiming for 18 subs

    Lets not forget

    Singapore = non 3rd world country

    Indonesia = huge coastal area

    Thailand = 3rd world + small coastal area

    We all know the reasons, skimming and ego

    Singapore country 1/4 size of Bangkok with very small sea to patrol

    Indonesia is emerging market country same as Thailand BTW Indonesia is poorer than Thailand

    Indonesia is the top economy in S.E.Asia.


  4. And as for the comment about not being able to "see" submarines deeper than 20 meters, I can only wonder if the good Admiral has heard of now ancient technology like sonar. Not only would they be easy to find

    Are you aware how difficult it is for even the best sonar to locate a submarine that doesn't want to be found?

    Didn't think so.

    Yes. However, submarines that do not want to be found do not operate in shallow waters. Those submarines do not come from manufacturers who have relied on technology stolen from the USA, UK, Germany and France. More importantly, the submarines won't be filled with hidden Chinese tracking devices.

    I agree mostly but don't you think the US and other countries have hidden stuff in the equipment they sell. I don't think that the US is anymore honest as China about stuff like this. All major powers play dirty US included. I would not be surprised if there are back doors in the stuff they sell too.

    Of course, the USA leads the world in espionage.

  5. Correct ... the army did not intervene at an early stage because they were reluctant as it wasn't their call to influence either party either way. However, when security of the people became a serious concern, that being killings by red shirts then the army had no choice but to restore law & order and everyone was greatful that they did.

    If the cronies on here can't see that logic then they are blind ....

    Thailand is far better off now than before .... Everyone knows the red shirts are just out to make trouble, they do not care about thai people or democracy or anything else ... they are terrorists and thugs as all the previous murders and grenade throwing have shown before.

    You cannot lie about that !! whistling.gif

    I commend General Prayuth for his hard work and dedication to bring Thailand back to some form that of a civil society without the unrest. wai2.gif

    "However, when security of the people became a serious concern"

    Oh! So the shooting and bombing of police and students, seizure of police stations and government buildings and the blockading of the democratic process don't count, just the security of the (yellow) people.

  6. There was certainly violence in the months preceding the coup. In another thread some time ago, I compiled a list of violent acts that were reported in the Thai media at the time and resulted in deaths or injuries. Certainly, that was not a tolerable situation.

    Some have argued that the protests being conducted to oust the government were intended to provoke the violence. I am not sure about intent, but it is clear that the violence escalated along with the protests.

    At the time, it appeared that the police were not containing the violence, and the military was not assisting in any meaningful way.

    Despite all these negative conditions, how does one justify a military coup as the next logical step?

    Would not the next logical step be for the civilian government to mobilize additional resources to address the violence, and to assure that elections could be conducted again without threats of intimidation and the blocking of polls?

    Where was the military in the run-up to the coup? Helping to restore order or standing by?

    In your home country, had there been violence in the streets, and the police were struggling to contain it, would you not expect the military to support the civilian government and help restore peace and order in cooperation?

    Again, how is a coup the next logical step?

    In my home country (UK) the military would NOT step in to support the civilian government unless they were ordered to and there are many legal steps to be taken before it gets to that stage. IF it got to that stage then the military would be under the control of the government and would most probably be exempt from any charges that arose from the situation.

    It is the responsibility of the civilian government to maintain and restore order using the police to do their job properly. In Thailand it did not happen simply because the police did NOT do the job that they were paid to do either selectively or even handedly. There lies the problem.

    "In Thailand it did not happen simply because the police did NOT do the job that they were paid to do"

    Because the army warned them not to!

  7. Let those red cowards bomb and burn their own backyard not mine.

    And you by both sides.. you forget how one side killed children and cheered about it on stage (while representatives of the government were present). Don't forget the trad massacre.. its shows that one side is definitely lower and worse as all others.

    I dare you to find a similar incident where 2 cars drove into a public gathering in Trad (not Bangkok like you imply) and started firing automatic rifles and lobbing grenades and leaving many wounded and among the dead 2 children.

    Now find me something that comes even close to this incident.

    That was a sickening case of violence and the perpetrators should be tried, convicted and shot. That does not, however, mean that all or most of the reds are homicidal maniacs. Like their opposites they are mostly concerned citizens with strong political opinions.

    Que the cheerleaders saying how the reds are just paid off by the bogeyman in Dubai, stupid, uneducated and infuriatingly enough not voting for the "correct" people...coffee1.gif

    Nothing on that scale was ever done by the other side.. the red stand alone with their violence.

    Your right most red shirts would not condone it, but the leadership did nothing to stop it. On stage this attack was cheered about.. only when Tida saw how damaging this was PR wise was the cheering about the attack stopped.

    Shows the red mentality.. so yes I support the coup that stopped all of this. Your side made the coup happen with their bombs and shooting of innocent protesters.

    "Your side made the coup happen with their bombs and shooting of innocent protesters"

    No! your side engineered the coup by destroying democracy, killing policemen and students, illegally occupying police stations and government buildings and bringing the business of government to a halt and then blockading the democratic process. The sometimes over the top response by the supporters of democracy was just that, a response!

  8. Strange how all these action groups had nothing to say when the 'democratically elected government' was using terrorism to murder woman and children who were exercising their right to protest.

    Obviously no money available to support that cause ...

    I have no respect for any of these jokers (or anyone on this forum) who are crying foul now and kept silent during the murders.

    Well first of all, nobody cares about lack of respect from the likes of you.

    Secondly, to say it was the government murdering women and children is just the kind of garbage we expect from the likes of you.

  9. ......................"Her strengths have to do with an image that is close enough to Thaksin to gain respect from those who admire him, but distant enough from him to get acceptance from his arch-enemies."........................

    I doubt if either of those statements hold any truth. rolleyes.gif

    Well as someone who certainly doesn't "hold any truth", you should know.

  10. Iron Lady??

    It was the "sexy" reference that made me spray coffee across the table.


    She is married to a very wealthy Thai Chinese building magnate..... She made a fortune when she was the minister for health in Thaksins government... No way this uni grad can be the face of PTP. She will be cannon fodder... Stay home with your children young lady.... enjoy your life...! wai2.gif

    She didn't accumulate her wealth from her husband. She is worth more than 10 times what her husband is worth, meaning she reaped her riches from the national trough.

    "meaning she reaped her riches from the national trough."

    An unfounded accusation! unless of course, you can prove otherwise?

  11. Thinly veiled threats...designed to instill fear into the citizens...happens in countries run by communist dictators frequently...

    But this is Thailand...run my a loving father who just happens to be a strict disciplinarian....

    "happens in countries run by communist dictators frequently..."

    But much more frequently in "fascist" dictatorships.

  12. Why would you risk running Win 10 now? RTM is in October.

    Here you can read about some problems to consider:


    (don`t forget t read page 2! wink.png )

    Read the links in there too... Many people have ruined their PC.

    Forced nVidia driver being one example that have made PC`s useless.

    Must read:


    Cheers smile.png

    For an article that doesn't mention the shared wi-fi functions as a threat, not sure i would blindly believe it.

    As for many people having ruined their PC's, the only thing the article mentions (although there are more) is faulty graphic drivers, released by the manufacturer.

    While i would agree that it is likely best to wait until the bug nest is sorted, is it really worth scare-mongering?

    "is it really worth scare-mongering?"

    Yes, it worked for me. I was going to upgrade as soon as available until I read some of the "scaremongering", now after seeing all the flaws why risk it?. Fortunately I'm running 7 on both my laptops so there's nothing on 10 I can't do without.

  13. Why would you risk running Win 10 now? RTM is in October.

    Here you can read about some problems to consider:


    (don`t forget t read page 2! wink.png )

    Read the links in there too... Many people have ruined their PC.

    Forced nVidia driver being one example that have made PC`s useless.

    Must read:


    Cheers smile.png

    Agreed, why people rush to upgrade is a mystery to me. Every new operating system comes with many flaws, it's surely best to wait for these to be ironed out. My two laptops running windows 7 will not be upgraded until at least sp1, if ever.

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