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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. if "brown outs" are the problem, and as we have seen that other countries like Germany are converting most of everything to solar,

    why is Thailand not converting every roof into a solar panel? Every store, every parking lot, every government building.

    It would be way cheaper, cleaner and make more sense that going backwards to 150 year old technology.

    All you have to do right now is make up the difference and prevent shortages, no big deal at the moment.

    Come on Thailand, let's move forward!

    Possibly because there's just not enough profit in it.

  2. I think a lot of people here don't quite understand the bigger picture here and why Les Majeste is being enforced so rigidly.

    Is it a coincidence that most of the offenders are red-shirts ?.

    The King is the one person who enjoys the confidence and the support of the majority of Thai people. It's common knowledge amongst Thais that certain people have long seen that as an obstacle to complete power.

    I agree completely that it is a draconian and outdated way of stopping efforts to solve that problem, but Thais are famous for deciding on ways of doing things which are ludicrous to the outside world.

    The communists want rid of the rich 'elite'. They make no secret about that. Someone needs to tell them that communism doesn't work. As Maggie Thatcher said about it : "You soon run out of other peoples money".

    "As Maggie Thatcher said about it : "You soon run out of other peoples money".

    Quoting that vile friend of paedos and murderous dictators, priceless!

  3. Knuckleduster? Who the <deleted> does the proofreading? using drugs. He used a mop head to prize open the barbed wire fence surrounding my garden Mr.Pickering told our reporter. If the reporter would get hit in the eye with a KNUCKLEBUSTER he definitely would know the correct spelling and maybe after that he'd be "ed-u-macated" and spell PRY, as in "He used a mop head to pry open the barbed wire fence surrounding my garden" But please don't fire the reporter because that would take all the fun out of reading the news in Thailand.

    Knuckleduster is correct.

  4. Im pro junta but these subs are a crazy thing to buy. The writer of this story is totally right. Healthcare is far more important then a few subs. Its not like the military has a small budget or something like "I;m pro junta"

    "I'm pro junta.....'

    Too many steroids.

    It's ok R. let Saan go back to total corruption, and in reality eventual anarchy......smile as he is in the minority.

    "smile as he is in the minority."

    The only things in a minority round here are your brain cells.

  5. I use ipvanish and all I can say is, try the free service first, I didn't then found out that the uk national lottery can spot a vpn so I still can't access it whilst abroad.

  6. Walking down the road yesterday, a fortune teller beckoned me into her stall.

    After a few minutes of gazing into her crystal ball, she burst out laughing.

    This went on for a few minutes till I couldn't hold my irritation in.

    'Snap out of it!' I yelled and struck her ( slightly) to get her attention.

    She stopped laughing at once.

    'Why did you do that?' she exclaimed.

    " I've always been told you should try to strike a happy medium in your life'' was my reply.

    If this was "worst told joke ever", we have a winner.

  7. I think a lot of people are unable to grasp that the USA has only one interest : the National interest.

    Sure they would like every country to be democratic and free, but that is not their prime concern. The are happy with a friendly dictator : the only issue there is he might change his mind.

    So when it comes to the Junta/Thaksin/Pheu-Thai or whoever, they don't give a damn about the internal politics. The only concern is that the USA has a friendly place to put some bases and (if they have oil) a nice place of business for American interests.

    The bottom line is that they would be quite happy with Thaksin as PM because they know he and his followers can simply be bribed. They don't give a stuff about the detail. They described Thaksin as telling Thai society "That greed is OK" and they knew full well how corrupt he was. But that means they have easy access to oil and few deals in the right direction give them a political decision they want.

    Don't get me wrong : I'm a big supporter of the USA because they are the only ones who will stand up for what's right in the big picture but they are far from honest bedfellows.

    "I'm a big supporter of the USA because they are the only ones who will stand up for what's right in the big picture"

    "stand up for what's right", don't make me laugh, tell that to the people of Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Bahrain, Venezuela, Chile, Nicaragua, Novorossia, Crimea, Iran etc etc. America's only interest is the power of the dollar.

  8. What have all the Shinawatra bashers who were so stridently critical of his nepotism have to ay about this? They're all as bad as each other.

    in fairness not quite the same is it. These guys have risen through the army ranks and will have an idea what the job requires and presumably have the skill set via training to do the job wheras shins sister and a few others had abso no relevent governmental & or political expirence


    "These guys have risen through the army ranks and will have an idea what the job requires and presumably have the skill set via training to do the job"

    Not exactly hard, just carry out Prem's orders.

    "shins sister and a few others had abso no relevent governmental & or political expirence"

    as opposed to the present government, who every man jack of them have "no relevent governmental & or political expirence".

  9. In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

    Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

    There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

    Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

    This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

    Please don't judge everyone by your own deplorably low standards.

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