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Everything posted by ThaiPauly

  1. How do you know this with absolute certainty? I do not claim to be any kind of expert on Thai Tax but I was under the impression that WHATEVER money was remitted to Thailand was taxable unless it was for the purchase of a condominium. I wouod be grateful if you could enlighten me ? 😊 thanks
  2. I dont know if it's true, but I'm not willing to chance it until all becomes clear. What I have read here is that ALL foreign income will be taxed so if I bring in 1m then 20% or 25% would be taxable whatever you spend it on
  3. No we should not as we already pay. Private Hospitals ( there would be a lot less if we were not here) Car Tax (pays for road construction) Visas Re entry permits Entry to National Parks Schooling ( most foreigners use private schools for their kids) Whoever wants to tax us also has to realize that if we are 10% worse off a year then so will the people that rely on us as customers. I bet they have never given that a thought Or that the Police would have less foreign motorists to fine.
  4. Agreed I want to buy a new car but worry that at the end of the year I will have to pay 25% tax on it!!! So I will hold off until things become clearer
  5. New Prime Minister.....this tax scheme may go down the toilet if the 10,000 baht wallet is scrapped I think that is around 500 billion baht. It's like if Anutin is elected pm the anti canibis act will more than likely be scrapped as it was Anutin who introduced in in the first place We will see
  6. Actually it's about 2% I've been told
  7. Also, be aware that all the realtors I have come across in HH charge 5% commission for selling your property. In Chiang Mai it's just 3% I don't know why there is such an anomoly
  8. Same as the UK then Anyone can become a "real estate agent ," No qualifications required
  9. Ah...so you discovered that all the babbling morons at the bar are not your freinds and never were? Surprise surprise! When I have quit drink in the past NOT ONE of my drinking "feinds" sought to find me, I was a threat to their alcoholism .....they don't feel "safe" around non drinkers, they only feel safe with their own kind. I have known some that got off the plane, poured themselselves into the bar scene and literally came out in a wooden box acfew years later...suppose it was their pension "up to them" but if they had gotten 100 baht even time their ego was ignited by the "hansom man, where you go" squeeze, I would be a millionaire
  10. Are these taxi services available in Trat ? Only I am in hospital here and my car is on Koh Chang so once I'm out we need to get to the ferry to go over to the island. If there are none can anyone suggest another way? Many thanks
  11. I have always found the SCB staff in the basement of Bluport Shopping Mall to be both friendly and efficient
  12. Sorry, my location is Hua Hin
  13. I'm looking for a reasonably priced competent visa agent for my visa renewal this year. Woukd prefer a recommendation from someone who has used one before. I want another Marriage visa which I have had for 5 years in another province. Thanks in advance for your responses
  14. I know this is an old thread but I need advice on obtaining a marriage visa. Not due till end of September, but I have the money seasoning, I understand from my ex visa agent in Chiang Mai that I require 2 months worth of 400k in the bank, three for retirement. I think from what I have been told that it's not that easy to get a marriage visa without an agent in HH but what is the going rate here for their services, can anyone say or make a recommendation ? Many thanks
  15. I would think the number would be much higher than 1% of people being summoned to the tax office bearing in mind there are half a million new taxpayers and no further revenue officers being appointed and trained to my knowledge
  16. So can someone make this clear for me please:? It's personal questions but I'm sure someone can help me as it's all driving me nuts I have around 2,000 GBP in rental income in the UK which I am taxed on there. I have around 2,000 GBP in pensions that I am also taxed on in the UK I pay about 4.5,000 in income tax each year in the UK Will I be liable for tax in Thailand and if so how much? I already have a TIN number but I have moved 3 timrs since I registered it, will I have to update it.? Thank you so much I have worked out that my allowances against tax should be 660,000 and I bring in about 1.2m a year for living expenses.
  17. Jim, are you saying that even if I do not bring any cash into the country in 2024 I will have to pay tax on the money I have here? I can also prove that I have funds at home that my bank statements confirm was in my bank prior to Jan 1st 2024. I wanted to remit these at the start of 2025 so I will not be liable for tax on this income as I have proof of it's seasoning and therefore do not have to file a tax return I was under the impression that you only have to pay tax on funds that are remitted to Thailand that were transferred after 1/1/24 Are all these funds now vulnerable to taxation? Many thanks
  18. It wasn't like it 20 years ago either. It really started to deteriorate from about 2010, before then residents did not give it much thought. It's so bad bow , I left the home that I had intended to stay in forever to move south, and judging by what my friends say about this year's weather in CM I am very glad I did. But I was really driven out by the burning and how it affected my chest
  19. I can't abide this woman......just imagine if she was in government.!! I remember an LBC interview where she made herself look a fool as she got all the facts and figures for recruiting new police officers wrong Retirement beckons Ms Abott, take it before you are humiliated again
  20. I am separating pension from rental income so I will just remit pension payments ,which is approx half of the 40k but I do have the exact figures, so my funds should not be comingled as I have kept very good accounts of my income. Is this acceptable?
  21. Hi Mike, a quick question. If my offshore banking statement shows that there was 40,000 pounds in my account before 1st January this year then that money can be brought to Thailand tax exempt. Is this correct?
  22. Hi Mike Personally I think u are doing a fantastic job ....but some (like me) find it difficult to understand and it wouldn't matter who was in your place, it's still a lot of hard work for you. Can you just clarify 2 things for me please? If I don't bring any capital into LOS in 2024 I will have no need to file? Secondly ,does this still apply to rental income? My rental income is approx the same as my pension income and one of the tax companies said that I would be liable for around 100,000 baht a year in tax. How do I separate this out as it appears that I would have to file a report every 6 months for that money and annually for the remainder.? It's all very confusing for most of us, but I will use my savings I was saving for medical care to last a year and purchase Thai Insurance to cover it, and of course receive an allowance for this when I do file. Thanks for doing a splendid job Mike and I apologize if any of these questions were previously asked
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