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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. You seem to have your finger on the pulse how exactly does it work, I have been wondering.? Wish I could find a corrupt agent to lend me 800,000 baht. So the money is only loaned for a few days. That is interesting as the law says months.
  2. How many is quite a few, are we talking hundreds or thousands?
  3. Or as all RCs like to say "I'll light a candle."
  4. I think the vaccine is (or was) in short supply you almost had to convince "them" that you really needed it. The last time I needed one I went to a place in London, patiently explained why I needed it and was asked the question "So you don't really want the vaccination, just something saying you've had one.?" "Er, pretty much" I replied. "OK that'll be £20". My card was stamped and off I went.
  5. Long time ago I went to the place near the docks in Bangkok (nowhere in Pattaya had it.) I think it was the Port Health Authority. I started early in the morning at Bumrungrad asking them where would do it and got them to write the name and address in Thai. Taxi driver still got lost but eventually it was sorted.
  6. Anyone else being bombarded by advertising. Pity none of it refers to licensed premises selling reasonably priced Bitter or IPA.
  7. I don't remember much offal being eaten in the North in the late sixties. Possibly in smaller rural communities or In certain areas. But if that's what the man said, who am I to argue. Just to add that obviously the condition being treated in the late sixties would be the result of eating habits from several decades.
  8. While on the subject of healthy eating, does anyone know if the Bio Duo Probiotic yoghurt is genuinely probiotic.? Come to that does yoghurt in Thailand have similar ingredients to what farangs are used to. Come even further how close are any.of them to the original yoghurt.
  9. So self-absorbed, fat, idle gits would seem to be the problem. No wonder my mate can't get anyone to fix his leaky roof.
  10. True for many, but I thought traditionally there was not too much fibre in the Thai diet.
  11. I thought rice and veg were part of the Thai ancestral diet.?
  12. A government statement today speaks of an increase in colon Cancer deaths caused by "changes in lifestyle". What are these changes.? I would guess at junk food, burgers etc.
  13. Why do you need a hotline why not just do it.? Are you another who thinks these wicked agents are intimidating the hapless IOs.?
  14. But it is open-ended by not saying exacly how the stricter enforcement is to happen.
  15. The other week there wasn't even a shop open, nothing, everything was empty. Except the toilets. But the stop this time was only 15 minutes, some kind of record.
  16. I was going to say cheese and banana, got into the habit during covid. I'd forgotten about Branston, worth alook for some. Can anyone recommend any toppings that aren't all sugar and additives.?
  17. Agree, early March I waited 2 hours. Then the bus took 2 1/2 hours same as it did in 1997. That was including the stop to fill the tank, I thought they'd stopped that years ago.
  18. It was Samuel Johnson in 1775, as every schoolboy knows.
  19. He wasn't advocating anything at all, it was a throwaway comment not meant to be taken seriously. Or literally as you say about your own stuff. But please report it to the police as you say you are going to do and then show on here the official complaint forms and reports. Will be laugh of the year. Or do nothing and confirm that you are just full of it.
  20. Well I've been with a corgi before. Nothing wrong in what he said, thin skinned individual that you are.
  21. So you've never experienced a "convivial alehouse", neither a meat market or whatever, just a place for a few drinks.
  22. There you go, I also very rarely drink at home only drink when I'm out. And that not as often as previously..
  23. Khun LA thanks for the tip about chit beer bar. I see you've also been to Betong. I read once that this is an interestingly sleazy sort of place, what was your take on it.?
  24. A few years since I was in the Nakhon but Analog used to be decent enough for a meal, a drink and a bit of live music. 3 4 5 best place for a steak.
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