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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. Two totally inaccurate and irrelevant comments from this waste of space, feel free to keep showing everyone exactly what you are.
  2. What's this "we are not a community service".? Are you a director or other paid employee.?
  3. George thank you for a rational response to a reasonable query.
  4. Perhaps wotsisname could do a poll to see how many get this level of attention.
  5. Thank you kwilco, I was wondering if I am being singled out for excessive advertisng. Specifically the ANA and HK ads. I have not seen any response to comments so far, I am hoping there is one to me. Does everyone receive the same level of advertising that I do.?
  6. A bar in Buakhao with at least 400 people in it.? Must be some kind of record.
  7. Yes,the smug, sanctimonious git just loves himself and has to share how wonderful he is. He worries we might forget.
  8. Almost all the ones I know who went early were smokers. The exception was an alcoholic.
  9. The last paragraph (less the smoke) is what the dermatologist said was causing my itchy rash. 7 0r 8 years later an anti-histamine every 3 days keeps it at bay. The radiotherapy after 15 years still keeps my prostate cancer in remission, psa as of yesterday at 0.256. So medical science does it for me, and probably a healthy diet and no smoking help a bit.
  10. Sheryl is colorectal the same as a proctologist.? Good job I always check before I send, the spellchecker changed your name to Sherlock.
  11. The doc on Third Rd in Pattaya has always been well recommended. Near the top of Soi Lengkee, don't know his name
  12. Thursday night I thought the place was heaving. Whether they're spending money or just mooching is a different matter.
  13. How many times a day/week/month do incidents of racism, xenophobia and silly little games occur. Do you feel that you suffer this more than others.? Surely the comforts of your property, business, family etc far outweigh any annoyances and inconvenience that happen to you. Possibly you're just realising that for you, coming here was a mistake. Or possibly the shine has just worn off. Happens to many people.
  14. Well, firstly they will need to develop the infrastructure to cope with the influx of tourists.
  15. I was told it's near the bus station, is that correct.?
  16. For many it's a last desperate throw of the dice to be able to stay here.
  17. Urban myth or reality I don't know, but when I first arrived here in 97 I was told there had been a rash of similar incidents including one resulting in a fatality
  18. Thanks Britman and Lopburi, I used to see a few from Subic but not for a while now.
  19. How about accommodation, are there many Pattaya style rooms for the equivalent of between THB5,000 to 10,000 per month. I am thinking mainly of the Subic area.
  20. He doesn't seem to be saying a lot about it though. If he is as clean as suggested a contrite attitude would help a lot. I think most people know better than to take media reports too literally, as they say on the First 48 there's always two sides to a story.
  21. BTW what's an LOS valve.?
  22. Same as you, I had problems for years but only after a drinking session. Now I take an omeprazole a few hours before having a drink (which is only once or twice a week now) and no problem. I also have one before taking a kamagra or it's the same pain.
  23. Ubonjoe was forever correcting people who spoke of a one-year retirement visa, no such thing from CW. The correct term is an extension of permission to stay based on retirement. A visa is what you apply for outside of Thailand when you wish to travel here.
  24. But it helps if you are in a pharmacy where no English is spoken. Amend that to a pharmacy where they are not 100% fluent.
  25. Nobody is being pedantic, but there is no non-O retirement extension. What you apply for is an extension of permission to stay. This is commonly incorrectly referred to as a retirement visa, both by people who don't know better and by people who should.
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