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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. I was thinking the same. Without the must of bit.
  2. In my experience could of does not contract to anything, it is invariably fully and clearly pronounced. And could of when written is clearly meaningless to anyone with a basic understanding of English. It does not always indicate low literacy as the late ubonjoe, who was a prolific could of etc. man proved.
  3. The full point before the question mark comes from my earlier life as a compositor when we were trained in visual letter spacing. To my pedantic eye the question mark looks too close to the previous character so I insert the full point. Why would you think this is directed solely at English Teachers.?
  4. Just curiosity but if you have taught in an English speaking country are you required to correct people saying "could of, should of, would of" etc. How many have any understanding that this does not make sense.?
  5. My life does not revolve around AN.
  6. Or an attention addiction.
  7. You're quick on it Bob,I corrected it immediately.
  8. He's long since worn it out, he must see that himself. He must think that being an irritant is clever and amusing. I have only just realised he is back and can not be bothered reading the first 5 pages.
  9. Well there you go, could have sworn it was Ekamai. Possibly getting it confused with Bourbon St. Only went there the once, shame they moved it was a nice little bar.
  10. I first arrived in 97 and was in Bobby's a few times, decent enough place and people. Not the same heavy drinkers and everything else lads that were in Jools at that time but alright. Only went in the Barbican once and didn't really take to it. O'Reillys was fine for it's happy hour but not really for the likes of us.
  11. Great little place, easy, relaxed, nice bar atmosphere. Then they went to Ekamai and started a "minimalist" place with the same name and zero else going for it.
  12. The wife's granddaughter was fascinated by it and asked for a roll to take home because "they didn't have one in their house". The wife's daughter is an aspiring social climber.
  13. But they only appear to be strengthened for your group, which has always got the run around. Same treatment as people on multiple short term visas who are trying to stay long term have frequently had the run around. Not necessarily breaking any rules because the rules are vague and subject to interpretation. For once I find a post of yours to be unsatisfactory and insubstantial, could you possibly give an example of that of which you speak.
  14. The people you are objecting to do not do extensions based on marriage. Neither do agents.
  15. Current owner Matt, formerly Big Dave's Best customers.
  16. New Cowboy Bar has changed hands. I have been having the occasional drink there the last few months. Still a lovely bar but still (in my experience) not many customers. Crystal Palace still seems to be going, not sure about the Patpong Cafe. I think the museum has gone.
  17. Behave yourself. Or take it on and re-open it.
  18. The Dogs Bollcxx in Pattaya used to have one.
  19. You'd better tell DavidH51 he tells people it's for a few days. Not my business anyway, thanks for your post.
  20. Seeing as you obviously know things, can you help out and tell me what a woosh guy is.? Could be whoosh. Many thanks.
  21. You're. And you probably bet wrong, I have no idea what it means.
  22. At least he can spell them.
  23. His lifestyle.? I think you mean his imagination.
  24. There is an excellent train service (well everything is relaative) from Chang Mai but you would still need to carry your passport.
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