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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Snipped for brevity. The data I referred is more recent However, with a vastly larger white population the total level will be greater, a matter which is largely ignored by the media, unless the white group offending is extremely egregious. FYI other example HMG reportS There is not enough evidence to say Asian or Black people are over-represented in groups of child sex abusers and the majority of offenders are white, a long-awaited official report says. The Home Office research into grooming gangs, launched amid concerns about gangs of mainly Pakistani-heritage men carrying out child sexual exploitation (CSE), found that abusers actually come from “diverse” backgrounds. The report said most group child sex offenders are men under the age of 30 and the majority are white. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/child-sexual-abuse-gangs-white-men_uk_5fd8fb35c5b6218b42ecd70f https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2020/dec/analysis-new-home-office-report-admits-grooming-gangs-are-not-muslim-problem
  2. There are more ethic whites prosecuted for grooming just doesn't get as much media attention - wonder why... "Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white." https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/944206/Group-based_CSE_Paper.pdf “Yes Pakistani men are disproportionately involved in grooming gangs and this particular model of abuse. And no that is not a racist statement. Neither is it racist to say that when it comes to wider child abuse nearly 90 per cent of those convicted and on the sex offenders register are white men.” https://fullfact.org/crime/what-do-we-know-about-ethnicity-people-involved-sexual-offences-against-children/
  3. Maybe so, but at least she's not a blatant hypocrite like trump dancing to the tune of Christian weirdos influencing his foreign policy e.g. Israel. Why is trump eroding the Constitution by blurring the lines between Government and Religion - purely for self interest, Has anyone ever heard of Trump supporting Christian ethics other than for political purposes; you're being conned.
  4. Comparing him to an animal and able to identify with the lowest common denominator is appropriate.
  5. Addressing the denials so rampant in MAGA world. However, trump is still going on about losing the 2020 election, well overdue for the ex president to grow up as well as his echo chamber supporters.
  6. During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon, noted political scientist Larry Sabato expressed extreme alarm at Donald Trump antics over the past few weeks and said there is a legitimate concern about the former president's sanity. 'How sane is he?' Larry Sabato casts doubt on 'unhinged' Trump's election hopes
  7. I'm not a Social Media analyst, but a quick search picked up the example below. Russia-backed content reached as many as 126 million Americans on Facebook during and after the 2016 presidential election https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/30/facebook-russia-fake-accounts-126-million As I understand US intelligence previously identified a number of Russian sponsored influencing operations regards US elections, no doubt occurring right now. trump emphatically denied, but with zero facts, of course blindly believed by MAGA people. No point in further dialogue regards this issue - waste of time. I've said before & now repeated...Trump is unfit to Represent the Office of the Unites States of America.
  8. A presumptive move to get trump's tariffs on PRC car imports. We know trump demands funds from interested parties to enact legislation in their interest; oil industry is a good example.
  9. Seriously doubt he wrote the speech, no matter what he claims, other than his usual insults and negative commentary
  10. Out of curiosity how do you know the effectiveness or otherwise of Russia State sponsored disinformation / misinformation activities? e.g. Russia is known to support right of centre activities in Europe, same applies in the US. Some background info... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_disinformation#:~:text=The Guardian reported Russia was,well as border security concerns.
  11. OP is from a televised speech by Obama - credible source - unlike so many from MAGA world. From yours and others posts looks as though MAGA will have significant problematic issues if Harris wins. creating yet more negativity in US social fabric.
  12. Great program, excellent research which fed into very knowledgeable questions. But... those in the spotlight never owned up to their transgressions. often left with the thought "what's the point, usual BS politicised responses'.
  13. Conveniently omitting trump stopped supply of weapons to Ukraine in an attempt to blackmail Ukraine government. After Biden came to power he has since authorised billons for weapons shipments as well as authorising other countries with US arms to tranship to Ukraine. In the meantime trump claims he can cease hostilities as soon as coming to power. Under US law is it legally permissible to negotiate with a foreign power to cease hostilities without authorisation from the ruling Administration? I understand not; in fact is it not illegal?
  14. Under Obama, the federal government started the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which sent other kinds of U.S. military equipment to the country. From federal fiscal years 2016 to 2019, which overlap with Obama and Trump, Congress appropriated $850 million.
  15. Definitely not with trump. trump will primarily appoint loyalists regardless of their suitability, as he did from time to time is his last term. As to the rest would obviously depend who controls House / Senate
  16. I note you don't disclaim your support for authoritarianism. Your post is somewhat more nuanced than you suggest: Obama’s White House approved other aid. In total, from 2014 to 2016, the United States committed more than $600 million in security assistance to Ukraine. Under Obama, the federal government started the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which sent other kinds of U.S. military equipment to the country. From federal fiscal years 2016 to 2019, which overlap with Obama and Trump, Congress appropriated $850 million. Fact check: Did Trump send Ukraine weapons that Obama and Biden withheld? (wral.com) Russian mercenaries were killed in a defensive action by US forces. “The Russian high command in Syria assured us it was not their people,” defence secretary Jim Mattis told senators in testimony last month. He said he directed Gen Joseph F Dunford Jr, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, “for the force, then, to be annihilated.” “And it was.” The truth about the brutal four-hour battle between Russian mercenaries and US commandos in Syria | The Independent | The Independent Biden lifted sanctions on the Russian gas pipeline in support of energy for Germany / EU. Aggressive sanctions were later imposed e.g. FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Expands U.S. Sanctions Authorities to Target Financial Facilitators of Russia’s War Machine | The White House
  17. As usual MAGA admires Orban, someone who supresses free speech, trump seems to wish for the same power. You do know the adage authoritarianism eventually cannibalises it's members? Orban is an authoritarian contrary to the accepted democratic structures in EU. Unfortunately I understand EU rules mean an existing member cannot be expelled, which is being exploitered by Orban. Poland is at a very delicate time concerning it's political future. Belarus, on the behalf of Russia, is attempting to destabilise Poland therefore the current push back on asylum seekers from Belarus; refer below. We will have to wait and see how the elections in 2025 point the way forward for Poland. In September, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, warned of “the challenges posed by the instrumentalization of migration and destabilizing actions of the Belarusian authorities on the Polish-Belarusian border.” https://www.politico.eu/article/poland-donald-tusk-asylum-right-border-migration-belarus-russia-hybrid-war-eu/
  18. For a start I am not a socialist, nor would I describe the majority opposing trump Socialist - that's weird American behaviour describing anyone against trump extreme right wing ideology which in effect confirms they are extremist, including the use of the term 'Marxist". Orban is transforming Hungary into an autocratic state. trump has referred to Orban as someone who he admires and vice versa. There is no way Orban should be established as some whom a potential US president supports, including the fact Orban supports Putin. Since 2010, he has transformed Hungary into what the European Parliament has denounced as a "hybrid regime of electoral autocracy" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67832416 Among all of Russia’s useful idiots, few have sought to make themselves more useful than the Hungarian prime minister. https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/07/11/orban-putin-hungary-russia-war-politics-eu/.
  19. No surprise when the majority of trump's claims are false / misleading. US would deeply regret voting in a pathological liar as President. After dispatching with Trump's claims about John Deere, Dale went on to document more than a dozen additional false claims made by Trump this week during his interview at the Economic Club of Chicago that was conducted by John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News. Busted: Iconic American manufacturer debunks Trump's claims of saving U.S. jobs (msn.com)
  20. Thanks, but I'm fully aware polices need to be enacted by legislation. Regards trump's endeavours to further his prior trade polices if he regains power, we already know they were a failure for declared aims, yet he again is pushing the same BS. e.g. Annoyed Trump lashes out at Bloomberg editor when confronted over US economy (msn.com)
  21. The facts are very clear, trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for authoritarians and killers such as Putin and Xi. Recently, unbelievably, trump quoted Orban as an admirer on national TV. Are you claiming his speeches and rants are just for effect and in reality have no relevance whatsoever for a trump administration? if so why do the MAGA people rapturously applaud his every word?
  22. I believe I'm correct the Nazi Party is not banned in the USA - free speech blah blah. Is it illegal to show Nazi symbols in the US?
  23. The inference from the OP is the contact represented a security threat with Harris conversing with a guy with Islamist background ergo. suggesting Harris supports the person's agenda i.e. an attempted slur - common to the MAGA world activities.
  24. As your OP link states..."The chance encounter ". However, one would assume the Secret Service would vet attendees. If not, why not?
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