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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Kindly don't put words in my mouth. I mentioned tariffs as trump has lied so many times about the economic impact.
  2. snipped for brevity. As you know trump clearly called for bribes in return for which he would provide extra support for the mega donors industries e.g. one billion dollars from oil industry execs. Just shows how corrupt politics is in the US and no doubt elsewhere.
  3. Not my economic analysis. Naturally the economy took a while to recover and stabilise after Covid which is now happening. Unsure how much government can actually achieve on controlling consumer costs other than policies lowering inflation, But should trump increase tariffs consumer costs will increase. BTW enough of the personal MAGA insults, it's very childish
  4. Actually I hold three citizenships, born and raised In London, UK. I'm interested in international affairs, but interested in trump's activities as they have a general impact across the Western world. IMO trump is a threat to US democracy / policies which flow through to other nations. Whatever I post makes no difference whatsoever, just posting my thoughts on trump's acts, which IMO, are contrary to common decency at all levels.
  5. Not once did trump prove the election was a fraud. Of course trump won't claim fraud now he has won though he is appointing conspiracy theorists for his upcoming administration, At least one of whom is a white supremist, Stephen Miller.
  6. When during trump's term did the US cease being involved with wars?
  7. Disagree with the content in the link, then provide a credible linked source to refute. For the meantime review the forum rules before posting again.
  8. IMO the Mad Max Cabinet.
  9. trump claims he will make everyone's life better, so how will he do that if not by making changes to economic policy (the markets)
  10. Tough guy - lol Government policies either assist the 'working class" or make life more challenging. Those that denigrate the lower classes, such as trump in his first term, deserve contempt. From cutting children's disability benefits to allowing employers to pocket workers' tips, Trump tried to slash protections for the working poor in ways that have been forgotten by many. https://www.propublica.org/article/donald-trump-agenda-working-class
  11. Not always in time to prevent leaks, but sure for reporting aligned to national security matters
  12. Unfortunate you will not look at factual content. Australia is also more expensive to live after Covid. IMO much to do with price gauging which the government is finally acting upon with the supermarkets. Would MAGA accuse Biden of being a Marxist if he attempted to intervene with the markets, probably Yes. If trump, No.
  13. Yep, due to corruption within Republican party
  14. Don't recall commenting on the debate. I too though it a disaster. There again trump has made absolutely stupid comments which are overlooked or deflected by MAGA world.
  15. Snipped for brevity. Reporters are required to report, not to make their own personal judgement of the news, that's for opinion / editorials.. In addition there are now a number of fact check organisations, including within media companies to also address lies and misinformation; unfortunately they are often ridiculed by MAGA world.
  16. One would think the Oath to support & defend Constitution is far more important than an oath of loyalty, which to be open really does sound pathetic Dear Leader stuff
  17. Never said that. I support Biden concerning unwarranted and unpleasant MAGA attacks
  18. Nope, towards the end Biden was obviously starting to struggle. Should have passed on the role for re-election much earlier.
  19. Following URL talks to his background, including overseas military experience. Reading the entire review sounds like an ideal, for trump , appointee. No experience of the complexities of running a very large organisation, but loves trump. Bet the command structure at DOD will be very unhappy.
  20. Personally I find it extraordinarily weird for people and elements of the media to support trump world and it's constant lies, misinformation and outright disinformation. But you're correct many members on this forum are of the same mould from MAGA world.
  21. Many confuse opinion pieces with news
  22. I'm UK / NZ and Oz citizen. I care as US policy decision (sometimes based on falsehoods) by trump and Co often directly impact other countries economies, including where I now live, as it did last time trump was in power.
  23. Dude - lol What's acceptable credible media for MAGA world? The OP quotes facts as well as opinion related to the facts. If you disagree provide a credible source supporting your argument rather than whining a la trump.
  24. Donald Trump has convinced many Americans that the economy is terrible, but a new analysis shows that's just as false as his election fraud claims that fueled the Jan. 6 insurrection. Trump's 'huge lie' shows 'he’s taking everyone for an idiot': analysis
  25. No. You & others will only defect / flame
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