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Everything posted by simple1

  1. All your posts fit perfectly to the MAGA drum beat. Hopefully one day you and others will transition from Darkness to Light. Until then no point to respond to you further.
  2. Guardian has a leaning to left wing politics with opinions in the context of the UK, but news reporting is factual, for which the Guardian has won a number of awards. Note the Guardian is not funded by some billionaire with an agenda e.g. Fox. https://www.theguardian.com/gnm-press-office/awards
  3. Nonsense There are a number of current day definitions of 'far right' e.g. Far-right politics, or right-wing extremism, is a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative, ultra-nationalist, and authoritarian, often also including nativist tendencies.[1] The name derives from the left–right political spectrum, with the "far right" considered further from center than the standard political right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics
  4. Not based upon the author, but proven over the course of time with his thousands of law suits, e.g. trump university etc etc etc I will not respond further to you and some others in this topic as you're obviously die hard MAGAs who only echo trump's lies and misinformation.
  5. I have a suspicion you didn't read the link as it clarifies he lost revenue due to his own actions. What you failed to mention the millions he has scammed from his base begging for money to cover his legal costs, even though he is a multi billionaire - remember he original claimed he would cover his own costs for presidency which, as usual, was an outright lie, a lie covered in detail by the media.
  6. Mods: Please remind member it is a forum requirement to provide credible linked sources for claims.
  7. Nationalism is a source of evil. Additionally, you do know Le Pen is supported by Putin, also Putin previously funded her party? https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/07/04/french-elections-putin-s-russia-backs-far-right-rassemblement-national_6676681_4.html
  8. You're deflecting, the topic is Trump and the Republicans.
  9. Go ahead, though I am unaware of any proven corruption / criminal acts against Joe Biden, as is the case with trump. Additionally, let's not forget trump has also settled Out Of Court on a number of occasions. Plus numerous trump associates being convicted of various offences, which to my mind questions trump's judgement of ethics and character. I suggest overall Republicans are more corrupt than the Democrats in today's political environment with the continuing BS regards 2020, gerrymandering etc, etc, etc
  10. The author is credible with a distinguished career, including two best selling books. The member I responded too only posted an opinion with zero backup. JOE CONASON is an American journalist and commentator. He is editor-in-chief of The National Memo, a daily political newsletter, and a senior fellow at Type Media Center. His articles have appeared in many publications around the world, including The New Republic, The Nation, The Guardian, Salon, and The American Prospect. He was executive editor of The New York Observer and a staff writer at The Village Voice. Two of his previous books, The Hunting of the President and Big Lies, were New York Times bestsellers.
  11. As I said provide credible links for any claim.
  12. ‘ “Trump is the apotheosis of this moral degeneration of conservatism because he’s out there stealing with both hands and it’s right in your face.” So said Joe Conason, veteran reporter and author of a lacerating new book, The Longest Con: How Grifters, Swindlers, and Frauds Hijacked American Conservatism. ‘Stealing with both hands’: veteran reporter Joe Conason details the right wing’s graft (msn.com) PS: If you wish to respond and try to refute, note forum rules require a credible link to back up your claims.
  13. Highlighted comment in your post is sufficient; atypical MAGA comment.
  14. As I thought, dismissal of reporting, atypical. However, IMO White Supremist and White Nationalist are two birds from the same song book e.g. Charlottesville (unite the right) demonstrations. Stephen Miller's policy is the quintessence of the two parallel ideologies which trump plans to enact within Project 2025. I'm sure you are well aware and support this content. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unite_the_Right_rally https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffraikes/2024/07/01/project-2025-is-a-blueprint-for-business-disaster/
  15. As examples read URLs below, though I'm sure you will deny and rant about left wing this and that... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/24/stephen-miller-white-nationalist-trump-immigration-guru https://www.americanprogress.org/article/white-supremacy-returned-mainstream-politics/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/18/us/politics/stephen-miller-white-nationalism.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/14/stephen-miller-leaked-emails-white-nationalism-trump
  16. Under international law, but some countries e.g. Australia have made it illegal under domestic law. Interestingly they have not made it official by resigning from the UN Convention of Refugees in order they can still claim to be "good guys"
  17. trump's senior adviser on immigration policy, Stephen Miller, is a known White Supremist. Accordingly this underlines trump's true nature. However, it is highly unlikely trump can apply most of the policies in the OP e.g. forced returns as that would require government to government agreement, though it is possible trump could invest billions in bribes to try and get his way. I guess US voters must be comfortable having a White Supremist President, alongside some of his other truly stupid ideas such as 10% tariff on all imports, plus 60% on Chinese imports.
  18. I did not say that. You asked why Hezbollah currently attack Israel, I gave you their publicly stated rational.
  19. Objections to MAGA ideology expressed, not the individual.
  20. Yes, but justification by Hezbollah is support of Hamas in Gaza.
  21. I asked for a summary, rather than spending a great deal of time wading through legislation and other items, no links were provided as per forum rules, request was ignored. As a reminder you are not a moderator, nor are personal attacks permitted.
  22. I recommend you grow up and cease the childish personal commentary - you sound like an echo chamber of trump conspiracy nonsense.
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