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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Not going to spend time reading the Act and all the other tasks. Got a story to tell, just summarise outcome/s with credible links to back up.
  2. A reality check on Biden versus trump border policies. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65574725 trump followers previously blocked Biden's new policy in an endeavour not to give Biden any wins. Current border crossing numbers with Biden's new policy finally enacted: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/26/border-crossings-drop-biden-policy-00165055 CNN is continuously running talking heads critiquing Biden debate. Just my POV, Biden preferable to un uncontrolled trump plans to destroy US government agencies by appointing unqualified lackeys and culling international treaties to achieve isolationism. I firmly believe Supreme Court decision will be deeply regretted if trump gains power. No point is replying to you further - never Trump!
  3. "Open Borders" is just propaganda, not a fact. Let's not forget trump is a well known user of undocumented workers. Open Borders myth.. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/17/us-mexico-border-open-borders-myth
  4. Some examples of MAGA false claims The FBI Says Crime Is Plummeting in the US https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-18/i-didn-t-think-biden-affected-crime-rates-i-was-wrong federal minimum wage has been stagnant now for a decade and a half https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/evidence-behind-president-bidens-state-union-policy-proposals
  5. Link to claimed "illegal" evidence? Actual events began way before he was elected. trump denied the event prior to election. Payment made when he was presidential nominee. Corrupt payment purely made for his benefit, not the Office of the President of the USA or the nation, yet trump is again using other people's money to appeal based on Supreme Court decision. Timeline. below. However, massive error of judgment to enable trump unrestrained power which should trump be elected US will regret. https://apnews.com/article/trump-hush-money-michael-cohen-stormy-mcdougal-6e73d8e03fc749ec123ac833e0e0f6f2
  6. Why should Hush Money conviction be thrown out? The criminal act took place prior to trump being elected for which there is no immunity. Only demonstrates how corrupt the Justice system has become under pressure from trump to avoid any liability for his criminal actions. I do not understand how anyone can have immunity for actions contrary to the Constitution e.g. attempting to over throw an election outcome. Giuliani has just been disbarred - the equivalent should be applied to trump, but we all know Republicans will not comply to their Oath of Office.
  7. trump continuously acts as a child, never stops, calling people names and ad\busing his power as president by insulting his fellow citizens, including Gold Star family members - just incredible US citizens support him. trump is unfit to be President of the USA as he was proven to be when last elected. Only reason trump is running now is Republicans acted corruptly by failing in their Oath of Duty when trump was impeached.
  8. That's a new one; a trump sycophant claiming trump as President was powerless - lol...
  9. Out of ninety minutes of incitement, trump spoke 4/5 word phrase calling for non violence. Once the invasion of Congress was underway, didn't do anything
  10. Trump was yet again a serial liar during the so called 'debate' with 30 plus lies / misinformation and so on. It baffles me how anyone can vote for / align themselves with such a person, including the recent disgraceful ruling my the Supreme Court. The end of a once great country, despite some terrible foreign policy decisions such as the Invasion of Iraq and Vietnam, leading the democratic Western world. Let's not forget trump also tried to stab the Kurds in the back during their outstanding and courageous acts against ISIS. trump will be a disaster of the USA. Trump's debate lies debunked (msn.com)
  11. OK. All the parties have their racists and so on - none are squeaky clean. However in this case over the years right wing parties have an historic trend with these issues. IMO Farage is unworthy to be an sitting MP influencing the future of HMG. No secret Farage and leans towards autocrats e.g. Trump/Putin - vile person...
  12. I find it bizarre all the Biden critique, when during the 'debate' trump continuously misinformed, lied, refused to answer direct questions and so on.. Surely US voters should also be demanding trump stand down - just highlights the absolute hypocrisy of the Republicans and the farce of the US election process.
  13. 'In the context of the OP who are the 'lefty sycophants?
  14. UK has a recognised organisation for "fact checker., I assume you're a UK national so already know who they are. My religion, is none of your business. However, sufficient to say I do not follow any Abrahamic religion.
  15. Hate speech is illegal in UK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_the_United_Kingdom#:~:text=Expressions of hatred toward someone,or sexual orientation is forbidden.
  16. I am not "from a Muslim family"; though my "Christian" mother was anti Sematic and anti coloured as were many from her generation. Your talking points have been fact checked and proven to be full of BS as is Farage.
  17. Quoting people using their own words is not a smear campaign. Farage is well known for his despicable BS as well as attracting low life's No surprise he has failed seven times to become a M.P. Unfortunately some in UK are craping the bottom of the barrel, Farage may win this time round.
  18. Sadly Biden fumbled a few answers, but Trump issued a continuing stream of lies and misinformation and rudeness as well as avoided a number of direct questions by deflection. Refused to confirm he would accept the results of the next election if he lost and so on. trump appears to try and adopt Mussolini's scow - weird. Personally I'll accept some fumbling as opposed to a psychopathic liar and criminal. As usual in this forum trump supporters make false allegations e.g. claiming Biden lied about job creation numbers. The facts... https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/05/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-march-jobs-report/
  19. I concur when national defence / intelligence info is released to the Web, not if the reports relate to alleged War Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity. As I understand none to of reported crimes, released by Wikileaks, by US / Allied forces have been formally investigated.
  20. Reality check to your unsupported claims... https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state
  21. \ Forum rules clearly state you are required to provide credible links to support claims.
  22. Le Pen traditional has been anti Jewish. It's only fairly recently she's turned her venom down to support Israel in order to gain Jewish voters. Usual cynicism by a politician. Don't forget for decades France has had an anti Semitic leaning.
  23. 'yes, but zero recognition of the damage (lack of knowledge) to the US pricing structures e.g. forced to fork our billions to subsidise the agriculture sector.
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