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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Khan claims he doesn't have the authority to ban the parade. IMO it should be as Quds are an enemy organisation. I guess over to the Home Office... https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/sadiq-khan-does-have-the-power-to-ban-al-quds-day-march/
  2. He was talking to a near total lack of representation for minorities, which is an issue he wishes to improve upon as well as his and his families experience with racial abuse which needs to be addressed within society. Having a Thai wife who faces racial abuse, from time to time, in Australia, personally seems reasonable to me.
  3. Great - please don't reply. I too find your POV on many issues extreme.
  4. My comments concerning some members of this forum is factual and are reflected in this OP. My experience of racism / discrimination in London, is articulated today throughout the UK one way or another; one only has to read commentary in the UK media for confirmation. Reporting Yousaf to police, none of which were accepted for follow up by police as his comments were not considered unlawful, is just confirmation of racism in the UK.
  5. Within the URL below a is the text from Humza Yousaf's speech. No racist commentary, just referring to the complete lack of minorities in position of authority and urging change to address the issue. I was born and raised in London. I well remember racist and discriminatory actions. From reading commentary within this app, obviously still alive and well in the UK. https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/politics/full-and-uncut-what-is-the-humza-yousaf-white-people-speech-which-has-sparked-racism-complaints-under-scotlands-new-hate-crime-law-4578704
  6. Why do you think the legislation is solely focussed on "white people"?
  7. The fact of the matter is Congo, Sudan and Burma are all civil wars and do not threaten Western strategic interests. At the same time Congo, Sudan, Myanmar and South Sudan do receive Western aid. e.g. Myanmar... https://www.usaid.gov/burma/press-release/usaid-immediately-redirects-42-million-response-military-coup-burma#:~:text=In FY 2020%2C the United,Bangladesh and throughout the region. Though it will make no difference whatsoever. I reject the evangelical, ultra nationalist driven MAGA policies and the anti government self interested con man, Trump. Also the current Republican stance reminds me when Bush encouraged the Shiites to rebel in Iraq and then failed to support them, resulting in the murder of tens of thousands by Saddam.
  8. From my perspective living under the rule of an oppressor and mass murderer is not for me. I assume some are OK with living under Putin, some not; especially minorities or those seeking freedom of speech and so on.
  9. OK. Glad you recognise the importance of using wording correctly, not for twisting the truth of matters.
  10. No. Israel is not a member of NATO , nor have they been requested by Israel.
  11. As you well know context is highly relevant.
  12. I don't have the facts on Ukraine's current and projected capabilities to resist Russia to answer your question. To claim 'money' doesn't win wars' is true, but financing and associated logistics are a crucial component. Personally it does come across to me Ukraine is willing to keep resisting. It will be a very sad day should Ukraine have to capitulate and a terrible signal to Western societies. The stab in the back by the US Republican Party disgusts me. I truly wish Russian fails in it's evil endeavours.
  13. I assume you're unaware the NGOs route had already been cleared with the IDF.
  14. I had the experience of a job offer with the business owner claiming he had connection and didn’t need a work visa ; declined offer. Likely many fall for BS
  15. It has been reported the vehicle was hit by a drone as the Israelis thought their was an armed terrorist inside. The vehicle was marked both on the roof and sides identifying as belonging to WCK. WCK had notified the IDF of it's passage per usual protocol. Israelis claiming a mistake was made is a laughable understatement. One hopes the person giving the order to fire faces a jail sentence.
  16. Actually Gaza was occupied by Israel after the 1967 war and handed back to the Palestinians to increase Israeli security in 2005. Gazans did not 'take back' land from Israelis, Israel unilaterally withdrew. However, Israeli settlements in Gaza were illegal under international law, as are the settlements in the West Bank.
  17. No point in commenting unless you submit your "facts".
  18. I'm 74 with chronic illness. I'd be a hinderance as opposed to useful in a combat situation. I do admire the Ukrainians and others who have taken on Russia in an extremely challenging situation. If my country was being invaded by a cruel and criminal foreign force I would not want my government to surrender if their were a chance matters can improve.
  19. You stated UN Watch's brief which was not 100% accurate, which I pointed out. It's become boring constantly replying to, in effect, baised misinformation, so won't respond to you and others of the right of centre in this topic.
  20. Interesting what NGO monitor posted and Albanese's admission of bias against Israel based upon certain factors. I concur she has made errors of judgement regards persons committing acts of terror. There again I Israel has carried our actions contrary to Human Rights; including non compliance to UN policy, e.g. Settler land grab, over many years - it's not a one way street.
  21. Incorrect. Website specifically refers to monitoring antisemitism and anti Israeli activities by non UN persons. https://unwatch.org/?s=israel
  22. I've looked at their website, not one article concerning Israel's human right abuses in West Bank, Gaza etc. i.e. totally biased. All the commentary regards Israel is woven around those who critic Israel.
  23. It becomes offensive when one is accused of supporting antisemitic/s in an attempt to crush debate. The appointee has an outstanding professional record and is within her rights to critique certain Israeli policies and actions. Below is a speech she gave at the National Press Club of Australia which will give further insight into her POV. Of course I expect you and others with the same worldview not to bother to educate yourselves.
  24. Many critics of Israeli policy are often critiqued, no surprise Sky News joined in. Her qualifications are outstanding, profile below: There has been international attention and controversy surrounding Albanese's appointment and tenure as Special Rapporteur. Critics of Albanese have accused her of antisemitism and anti-Israel bias. Human rights groups have said the accusations are illegitimate attempts to discredit her criticism of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesca_Albanese
  25. I did not misinterpret "Get a grip simple1". Again stop your deliberate misinformation.
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