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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. On 8/9/2022 at 1:43 PM, billd766 said:

    Is there an election coming soon?

    Yup. General Generous has also pledged to raise the Thai minimum wage also.


    First it giveth..



    The Labour Minister, Suchart Chomklin, insists the government’s promise to increase the minimum wage in Thailand by 5-8% this year is not electioneering.

    With an election due in March next year cynics could be forgiven in thinking it is a government ploy to buy or win votes. Suchart denies this is the case.


  2. 46 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes, or owners that have given up on the responsibility. 

    Yep, mostly. I used to live near the beach in Rayong, near to a cluster of seafood restaurants. Cars would draw up to the beach and throw out dogs that had been family pets, and just abandon them, thinking that people on the beach would feed them from their tables.  (Same at Buddhist temples).

    Obviously puppies  / gifts that had grown past their 'cute' stage, and required food and exercise. Pretty heartbreaking to see the dogs try to run back to the cars as they drive off, tbh.

    Anyway, well done to Soi Dog for making a difference.

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  3. On 8/7/2022 at 11:25 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Don't you think its dumfounding that a person may choose to wear a mask for health benefits to avoid sucking in fumes yet complete ignore the far greater safety risk and not wear a helmet ?...  the logic seems quite upside down to most people commenting.

    My own personal fave is observing people alone in cars, wearing masks but not seat belts. ????

  4. After suffering gout attacks during my mid 30's to 40's, I changed my diet to a less acidic version of what i was eating and drinking before. In my mid 50's now, and the fittest I've been since I was a kid.

    A lot of processed meats, (especially organ meat) is very acidic / high in Uric acid. Ditto soda drinks (especially cola-based).

    A chart here, for anyone with gout or high uric acid in their blood:



  5. 1 hour ago, redwood1 said:

    Can anyone explain why these drug lords don't branch out into more interesting drugs like Quaaludes, LSD ect.......... They do have ecstasy sometimes but not much....


    Its just Meth and Heroin and use to include weed about 98% of the time.....

    It's all about dependence. The more addictive, the better the repeat business.


    A bit like Big Pharma and fentanyl, Oxycontin, etc. ????

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  6. Saw the news and video on the Thai FB this morning. Utterly horrendous scenes.

    Some of those people that managed to escape the explosions inside the club may later succumb to the burns they suffered on the way out..

    Maybe, it might have been fortunate (if there is any positives here) that this fire didn't happen on a Friday or Saturday night, when it would have been a lot busier.

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  7. 26 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Unless you missed out on your smallpox vaccination many years ago, you might need one.....he said in jest.  You sure dislike vaccinations it seems.  People get vaccinated for many virus's and illnesses, amongst them are annual flu , and pneumococcal vaccinations plus a few others that are needed every 5 or 10 years.  Children get vaccinated for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, Hepatitis, chicken pox etc.....unless there families are antivaxxers.

    Thanks for the simplistic explanation. You missed "tetanus" which is probably the most important vaccine that you or your children should get. You're welcome.

  8. 4 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Doctors can be considered a menace to society with their widespread doling out of antibiotics and anti depressants. The fact that they carry out blood  tests for the police leading to people being imprisoned is a disgrace.

    The whole industry is dedicated to dependence over cure. Yet we take whatever these people say about natural immunity and cures, and obviously viruses and vaccines at face value.?

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The link I posted says why

    From your link:


    For most children COVID-19 is a mild illness that may require a few days off school but rarely leads to complications. For a very few children, the symptoms may be more serious or last longer.

    The current Omicron variant appears to be particularly mild in children.

    No thanks, Pfizer.

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