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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. No good deed goes unpunished. What an utter nightmare for the toddler's parents.
  2. Well spotted. I didn't bother with much of the OP at all. Every time there is a smidge of "extreme" heat, rain, drought, or cold snap; it's "breaking all previous records", blah blah. You still taking these headlines at face value?
  3. Probably a relative or friend of a real (alleged) cop working there. Some companies working in this area (ours included) have been targeted by fake cops soliciting for 'protection' money, or 'donations' for PPE / bulletproof vests, etc. All scams when reported to the local officialdoms.
  4. Gosh! Another year, another "hot season" marked by temperatures in the 40's, the hottest areas in the North (Tak and Lampang). The only difference (in the 30 years I've been living here) is the reporting and the "fiery" graphics used.. 🤪
  5. My BIL works for them on a port project in Rayong. He has not been paid for over two months now. Rumours are that SCB bank is buying them out.
  6. Yep, just another globalist acronym, seeking to centralize power into fewer (unelected) hands.
  7. My lawn has been rejuvenated by the (so far) very light rain here in Rayong. Bring it on!
  8. Yep. Only they didn't just wrongfully charge the husband, they actually tortured a BS 'confession' out of him. Utter and complete scum.
  9. I watched a documentary recently that stated a lot of those conscripts are drafted into military and secret police duties. Basically spying on their neighbors.
  10. Exactly. Manchester airport particularly, imo. The only airport in the world (as far as I know) that charges for baggage trolleys.. <deleted>hole.
  11. Seasonal hot weather returns, as it does every year upon year. Hey, but let's use a bit of fear-mongering to steer the chickenheads a bit..
  12. Focusing on the thriving tourism sector helps avoid the criticism of the exports (80% of GDP) industries which are really in the doldrums right now.
  13. I might require to visit France next month, mid April. Is the ETIAS visa now required for UK citizens, or yet to be implemented? The info online seems a bit confused and contradictory.
  14. Yep, another "grey area" where cops can make money on selective enforcement. Basically a 'gimme' to the BIB. Ho hum.
  15. Gosh, Barry. I didn't mean to upset you so much.. Or indeed Taylor and her "Swifties". 😆 Good job she has such a sanctimonious soul like you to defend her, eh?
  16. Get over yourself. It's just an opinion. The quote was from PT Barnum who was the godfather of promotion. Like you say, she is a multi-million dollar industry, has a big team behind her, managing her image, writing her songs, making sure she says the right things, etc. Tomorrow there will be another pretty face, when her 15 minutes are done. Big deal.
  17. Big deal. Anyone would think that Taylor Swift is some sort of musical / cultural messiah, instead of being just another vapid auto-tuned pop-star. Just shows that like PT Barnum once said, never underestimate the stupidity and bad taste of the general public. 🤣
  18. The patronage angle is probably the only thing this airhead does understand.
  19. Erm, it's just the same slash 'n burn farming practices annually in the North of this country.. No one except the farm owners or landowners enjoy it very much, but. Looks like the AI bot that writes this crap is set to #Disaster Movie mode.
  20. Um, yes they do. That's why they set off in little boats to get there. 🤪
  21. This. It's not "racism", it's a real problem. Silly headline based on the experience of one Thai "netizen". If he wants to see what "dehumanizing" looks like, he might want to take a peek at his own immigration's treatment of Burmese, Cambodian, Loatian (legal) workers right here in his own backyard.
  22. Coincidence theory BS. Anyone with a functioning brain knows what the WEF and it's unelected billionaire membership is up to. Hint: nothing benefiting Thai or any other society.
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